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An Analysis Of Vengeance In Shakespeare's Hamlet

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In William Shakespeare's play Hamlet , Hamlet vows to seek revenge for his fathers death however, he procrastinates throughout the play and doesn't seek revenge until the end. Hamlet is stopped in seeking revenge by a number of factors throughout the play. Through the attitudes of the characters, Hamlets high education and Analysis paralysis When his father's ghost came to him and told him to avenge his murder, Hamlet was eager to take immediate action. However before seeking revenge he needs to know if the ghost is telling the truth about his murder. Hamlet feels that if the ghost isn't telling the truth and he acts, he too will become a murderer. In order to determine if Claudius is truly guilty, Hamlet produces a play in which the plot …show more content…
So the ghost is controlling how Hamlet thinks and how he acts. By Hamlet finding this out most would think he would now come to immediate action and avenge his fathers death but this was not the case. Hamlet had to overcome other factors stopping him from seeking revenge. Hamlet heard the horrors of purgatory from his father s ghost and he is worried that if he commits Claudius murder, he will have to go through the terrors of purgatory himself. Hamlet wants Claudius to have to go through purgatory, so when he gets the perfect opportunity to kill Claudius, he could not. Hamlet assumes when Claudius is kneeling in prayer, that he is repenting his sins. Hamlet stops himself from approaching Claudius when he remembers that Claudius killed old hamlet without giving the king an opportunity to confess his sins. “ and now ill do’t and so go to heaven and i am revenged… he took my father grossly full of bread… to take him purging his soul. NO ! “ (3.3 75-87) Again Hamlet is listening to other characters like the Ghost again and hearing about the bad things about purgatory it makes him second guess killing Claudius when he had his first opportunity …show more content…
He thinks about seeking revenge but takes a long time in seeking it. He analyses and examines every part of his situation until he has exhausted every angle and causes him to be indecisive. In this way, he procrastinates through words to realize that revenge is easier said than done.“ I am pigeon-livered and lack gail” Hamlet is reflecting on what a big coward he is. He says he would take abuse because he is too scared to do anything about it. Hamlet says that if he had courage he would have fed the vultures with the King's intestines. He is realizing that taking revenge is a lot harder than it seems and going through will the action of killing is a huge mental setback. He also procrastinates in other ways by using his mother who he did not like an was fighting with as an excuse to not seek

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