...Dualisms: A Response to Henry Sullivan* HOWARD MANCING n a recent essay entitled “Don Quixote de la Mancha: Analyzable or Unanalyzable?” published in this journal, Henry W. Sullivan makes the case for the psychoanalysis of literary characters. While there is much to ponder in Sullivan's essay, there are two points, both involving dualisms, that I would like to discuss. In the first case, Sullivan argues insightfully and convincingly against an absolute distinction between how we know and think about fictional characters and how we know and think about real people. In the second case, however, Sullivan insists on an absolute (Cartesian) mind-body dualism as a cornerstone of psychoanalytic theory. I would like to repeat and extend Sullivan's argument in the first case, but refute it and deny its validity in the second. First dualism: Fact/Fiction Sullivan cites as representative of a certain widely-shared approach Maud Ellmann's insistence that there is an important distinction between a “human being made of flesh and character made of words” (5), a distinction that allows us to make one kind statement about the former but not the latter. Ellmann is not alone in making the real-life/fictional distinction a fundamental matter of ontology. We are all familiar with arguments like hers, having heard * For a response to this response, see “Don Quixote & the ‘Third Term’ as Solvent of Binary Dualisms: A Response to Howard Mancing”, by Henry W. Sullivan, Cervantes 19.1 (1999):...
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...The question to which extend other categories should be considered for display promotion needs careful evaluation. With product categories bought routinely, other than display-based forms of promotion seem to be more promising strategies with regard to promotional efficiency. Introduction Sales promotions cover a wide spectrum of activities to influence consumers to make a purchase. Especially monetary promotions like price-offs, rebates or coupons, are heavily used in this context, and their effects have received considerable attention in research (Darke 2001; Tellis 1998, p. 218). Among non-monetary approaches to influencing purchase behavior at the POP, displays are frequently used (Rossiter & Percy 1997, p. 391; Tellis 1998, p. 235; Sullivan & Adcock 2002, p. 148). For instance, Gibson (1992) reports that up to 62 percent of total sales of popular brands are attributable to displays. The impact of...
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...J. 1224 6093 Botha, Desere 2250 2556 Buys, Johan 2049 8705 Kleynhans, Wessel 1251 7755 Schoeman, Willie 1032 6065 Van Wieringen, Anton 1231 8388 Wohlfahrt, Andre 2255 3533 Module: Entrepreneurship Module Code: PBSB 821 Group: Chicken Run Assignment due date: 30 July 2011 Module: Entrepreneurship Module Code: PBSB 821 Group: Chicken Run Assignment due date: 30 July 2011 Element: | Mark: | Question 1 | | Question 2 | | Question 3 | | Question 4 | | Question 5 | | | | | | | | TOTAL | | Contents Question 1 ~ Who can be an entrepreneur? 3 Question 2 ~ Risks, rewards and trade-offs of a lifestyle business vs. a high-potential business that will exceed $5 million dollars in sales and substantial growth. 3 Question 3 ~ The difference between an idea and an opportunity, for whom, and lessons learned from exhibits C and D. 4 Question 4 ~ Reasons why the company has succeeded so far. 5 Question 5 ~ What should Roxanne & Burt do, and why? 5 List of sources 7 PHOTOS Front...
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...l University of Phoenix Material Personality Theories Matrix THEORY | Psychoanalytic | Neo-Freudian | Trait | Biological | Humanistic |Behavioral/ Social | Cognitive | |School of Thought (List the factors that each school believes influence personality development) |Psychosexual stages: 1.Oral-Focus on mouth and a satisfaction of sucking and biting. 2. Anal-Pleasure of anus and a concern with feces. 3.Phallic-Fear and anxiety of castration from his father because of sexual desires for one’s mother. 4. Latency-Repression of infantile sexuality. 5.Gential-Maturity of sexuality, capable of genuine love. Concepts of Mental structure: 1. Id-Basic impulses, sexual and aggressive. Impulsive and irrational. This is also known as the pleasure principle when one seeks immediate satisfaction regardless of the consciences. 2. Ego-Test reality, seeks safety and survival, rational, and logic. 3. Super-Ego-Ideal and moral, strives for perfection, dictates, incorporative, imposes limitations on satisfactions. Unconscious Conflict: This is when a person may have a fear of certain things and may use other things to describe the fear. Example: If someone was afraid of an animal that they have never been in contact with. This may be a sign of a fear that is revealed as an unconscious conflict with something they know nothing about. |Alfred Adler: Strive for superiority: Born with a sense of inferiority. Striving to overcome these deficiencies of weakness and helplessness...
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...Kuo, Sullivan / AGGRESSION AND / July 2001 ENVIRONMENT AND BEHAVIOR VIOLENCE AGGRESSION AND VIOLENCE IN THE INNER CITY Effects of Environment via Mental Fatigue FRANCES E. KUO is an assistant professor at the University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign. Her research examines effects of the environment on healthy human functioning in individuals, families, and communities. WILLIAM C. SULLIVAN is an associate professor at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. His research focuses on the psychological and social benefits of urban nature and citizen participation in environmental decision making. ABSTRACT: S. Kaplan suggested that one outcome of mental fatigue may be an increased propensity for outbursts of anger and even violence. If so, contact with nature, which appears to mitigate mental fatigue, may reduce aggression and violence. This study investigated that possibility in a setting and population with relatively high rates of aggression: inner-city urban public housing residents. Levels of aggression were compared for 145 urban public housing residents randomly assigned to buildings with varying levels of nearby nature (trees and grass). Attentional functioning was assessed as an index of mental fatigue. Residents living in relatively barren buildings reported more aggression and violence than did their counterparts in greener buildings. Moreover, levels of mental fatigue were higher in barren buildings, and aggression accompanied mental fatigue. Tests for the...
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...Apple Corporation: Strategy Analysis Executive summary Apple Corporation continues to be the worlds most admired company because of its huge financial base, ability to attract and retain customers, ability to innovate and to produce technologically superior products. The company’s strategy as found in this report is built around creativity and innovation. Its capabilities in terms of resources and technology have made the company to produce technologically advanced products. Despite the huge influence of the external factors such as regulations, the economy and changes in technology, Apple is still strong and able to leverage its capabilities to achieve success. Apple is thus strategically positioned to achieve its objectives despite a few challenges that were identified that pose a threat to the company. Overall, its future direction should be guided by innovation and its ability to diversify its activities and products in order to extend its product line in order to survive. Introduction The 21st century has witnessed a rapid change in the way companies do business and the rationale for this is the cut throat competition among firms. The need to make profits and to gain market share has driven these companies to enact strategies that have led them to perform better (Vernon, 2001). This is not always the same with all companies as performance varies across these companies and this could be explained by the different strategies that they have adopted (Francis, 2010)...
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...awareness of a) one’s thinking and learning and b) oneself as a thinker and learner. Initially studied for its development in young children (Baker & Brown, 1984; Flavell, 1985), researchers soon began to look at how experts display metacognitive thinking and how, then, these thought processes can be taught to novices to improve their learning (Hatano & Inagaki, 1986). In How People Learn, the National Academy of Sciences’ synthesis of decades of research on the science of learning, one of the three key findings of this work is the effectiveness of a “‘metacognitive’ approach to instruction” (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 2000, p. 18). Metacognitive practices increase students’ abilities to transfer or adapt their learning to new contexts and tasks (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, p. 12; Palincsar & Brown, 1984; Scardamalia et al., 1984; Schoenfeld, 1983, 1985, 1991). They do this by gaining a level of awareness above the subject matter: they also think about the tasks and contexts of different learning situations and themselves as learners in these different contexts. When Pintrich (2002) asserts that “Students who know about the different kinds of strategies for learning, thinking, and problem solving will be more likely to use them” (p. 222), notice the students must “know about” these strategies, not just practice them. As Zohar and David (2009) explain, there must be a “conscious meta-strategic level of H[igher] O[rder] T[hinking]” (p. 179)....
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...The changing composition of immigrant populations in the U.S. has become a flashpoint in debates over national identity, with Trump framing these new immigrants as a threat to American values and culture. Conclusion Donald Trump?s rhetoric on immigration has been a defining feature of his political career, marked by racialized, nationalist, and exclusionary discourses that have shaped public attitudes toward immigrants and immigration policy. The role of the media in amplifying these messages cannot be overstated, as selective exposure and partisan media outlets have reinforced polarized views on immigration. As Trump?s rhetoric and policies continue to shape political discourse, the intersection of nationalism, racism, and immigration remains a central issue in American politics. This literature review has highlighted key studies that explore the dynamics of Trump?s immigration rhetoric, the racialized framing of immigrants, the role of the media, and the increasing political polarization surrounding the issue. The findings underscore the need for further research into how these discourses affect public perceptions of immigrants, the media?s role in shaping these perceptions, and the long-term consequences of such divisive rhetoric on social and political cohesion in the United States. Methods This study will utilize rhetorical analysis as the primary method to examine Donald Trump?s anti-immigrant rhetoric, focusing on...
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...GOODIN, JAMES MAHMUD RICE, MICHAEL BITTMAN and PETER SAUNDERS1 THE TIME-PRESSURE ILLUSION: DISCRETIONARY TIME VS. FREE TIME (Accepted 6 October 2004) ABSTRACT. People’s welfare is a function of both time and money. People can – and, it is said, increasingly do – suffer time-poverty as well as money-poverty. It is undeniably true that people feel increasingly time pressured, particularly in dualearner households. But much of the time devoted to paid and unpaid tasks is over and above that which is strictly necessary. In that sense, much of the time pressure that people feel is discretionary and of their own making. Using data from the 1992 Australian Time Use Survey, this paper demonstrates that the magnitude of this ‘time-pressure illusion’ varies across population groups, being least among lone parents and greatest among the childless and two-earner couples. KEY WORDS: discretionary time, free time, leisure, time pressure, time use INTRODUCTION Being ‘money poor’ is a familiar phenomenon, a simple matter of not having enough money to meet one’s needs in any of the many ways those might be specified. Being ‘time poor’, by analogy, is a matter of not having enough time to do all the things one has to do (Vickery, 1977). It is said to be an increasingly common phenomenon in modern societies. There is some controversy over whether time in paid labour is actually increasing or not.2 But there is little doubt that total time spent in paid and unpaid household labour is increasing overall...
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...Land Use Control in Hydraulic Fracturing Prepared for Katherine Wears, Phd. Professor and Assistant Dean at Clarkson University Prepared by Martin Sable Student, Masters in Engineering Management at Clarkson University August 10, 2014 Executive Summary This paper will review the process of hydraulic fracturing, its effects on the environment, and the opposition against the practice. A chronological discussion of lobbying activities and regulatory actions will be discussed, with a particular focus on land use control. A discussion of some of the past and potential future litigation on land rights related to the subject will be covered. The paper will end with the author’s opinion on the subject and of the potential future of the industry. Background Hydraulic Fracturing is a method of simulating well production in both natural gas and oil wells. It was first introduced in 1947, and was adopted for commercial applications as early as 1949.15 The process involves drilling wells deep into ground rock formations, then injecting fluids at high pressure into the ground. The high pressure causes fracturing of the rocks that release gas or oil into the wells that may then be extracted. In 1968 high-volume hydraulic fracturing (HVHF) was introduced, in an effort to tap into the large shale basins containing deposits of natural gas. The main difference between this and conventional hydraulic fracturing is tremendous volume of fracturing fluids that are pumped...
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...different approach to endowment management, including substantial investments in less efficient equity markets such as private equity (venture capital and buyouts), real assets (real estate, timber, oil and gas), and “absolute-return” investing. This approach had generated successful, indeed enviable, returns. Swensen and his staff were proud of the record that they had compiled and believed that Yale should probably focus even more of its efforts and assets in these less efficient markets. But his thoughts turned to the larger challenges associated with the management of the university’s endowment. The very success of their strategy had generated new questions. How far did they think Yale should or could go in this direction? How should they respond to the growing popularity of the approach they had chosen? Given the turbulent times that private equity funds were facing, should this asset class continue to play an integral role in Yale’s portfolio? Background1 Ten Connecticut clergymen established Yale in 1701. Over its first century, the college relied on the generosity of...
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...February 2006 Race and gender as moderators Thomas Li-Ping Tang Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA Theresa Li-Na Tang Affinion Group, Brentwood, Tennessee, USA, and Beeta Yazmeen Homaifar Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center, Denver, Colorado, USA Abstract Purpose – This study aims to test a model of pay satisfaction and argue that the income-pay satisfaction relationship depends on one’s love of money and how one compares. Design/methodology/approach – The paper investigates: a direct path (income ! total pay satisfaction); an indirect path (income ! the love of money ! pay equity comparison ! total pay satisfaction) using a structural equation model (SEM) based on 210 full-time employees; and the model across race and gender in multi-group analyses. Findings – The paper finds that for the whole sample, there was one significant path (pay equity comparison ! total pay satisfaction). Since African-Americans ($32,073.15) and women ($32,400.58) tended to have lower income than Caucasians ($37,180.73) and men ($38,287.97), respectively, income significantly increased the importance of the love of money for African-Americans and females, but not for Caucasians and males. The love of money to pay equity comparison path was not significant. Income was not related to pay satisfaction. Results of the direct path alone showed that income contributes to pay satisfaction for the whole sample, male and female employees, and...
Words: 7687 - Pages: 31
...Issues of Concern in the Study of Children’s Literature Translation Elena Xeni Teaching Staff – Language Pedagogy Department of Education, University of Cyprus Summary The present paper focuses on issues of concern in the study of Children‟s Literature Translation (ChLT). Attempting an overview from the years when ChLT was much ignored in the academic and non-academic world to the years that attention is paid to ChLT as a scientific field in its own right, the present paper illustrates issues that have generated intense and ongoing discussions. Issues such as the missionary role of ChLT, the theoretical framework of ChLT, the translator‟s invisibility, low status, profile and royalties, translatability vs. untranslatability, ideology, censorship, manipulation, and ambivalence are visited in this paper. These issues have had a deep impact on key ChLT actors, processes, and products: the child-reader, the translator, the translated text, the translation process, the author, the publisher, etc. The present text is a modest attempt to join efforts with the international community of scholars, translators, authors, children readers, publishers and other parties with an interest in ChLT, so as for the field to be given its merit in Translation, Comparative, Literary and Interdisciplinary Studies and for the translator –who had for long been much invisible and undervalued –to gain the place s/he deserves in history and society. 1. Introductory note It is widely accepted that Children‟s...
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...REPORT OF INVESTIGATION BY THE SPECIAL INVESTIGATIVE COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF WORLDCOM, INC. Dennis R. Beresford Nicholas deB. Katzenbach C.B. Rogers, Jr. Counsel Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering Accounting Advisors PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP March 31, 2003 I. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................. 1 A. The Nature of the Accounting Fraud....................................................................... 9 1. 2. B. C. D. E. Reduction of Reported Line Costs .............................................................. 9 Exaggeration of Reported Revenues ......................................................... 13 WorldCom’s Culture ............................................................................................. 18 Compromising Financial Arrangements ............................................................... 24 Why WorldCom’s Auditors Did Not Discover the Fraud..................................... 25 WorldCom’s Governance...................................................................................... 29 1. 2. 3. 4. Board’s Lack of Awareness of Accounting Fraud .................................... 29 Adequacy of Board’s Oversight of Company ........................................... 30 Stock Sales ................................................................................................ 33 Lease of Airplane to Chairman of Compensation Committee ......
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...MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS Christoph Dorrenbacher* Measuring Corporate Internationalisation A Review of Measurement Concepts and their Use Measures of corporate internationalisation have gained crucial importance in the recent debate on globalisation, since many scholars link globalisation to a quantitative increase in the international activities of firms. Opinions on the extent of this increase differ widely, however, depending on what measurement concept is used. As there is no universally applicable measurement concept, researchers face the difficult task of bringing research questions, measurement concepts and data availability into line. T he recent debate on globalisation has generated a wider interest in the transborder activities of corporations. While some authors are convinced that multinational corporations (MNCs) are best symbolised by an octopus whose tentacles try to grasp the whole world, 1 other authors paint a completely different picture. Here the MNC is seen more or less as a lethargic animal, whose presence abroad is rather limited.2 Both metaphors can be justified when considering individual companies, at least if one takes the following definition as a basis: according to Dunning "A multinational or transnational enterprise is an enterprise that engages in foreign direct investment and owns and controls value adding activities in more than one country".3 It is probably not wrong to state that today most large corporations...
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