...2 -Structure of the report……………………………………………………….3 2.0 -Summary of purpose, rationale, and related literature……………………..3 2.1 -The purpose/rationale of the study………………………………………..3 2.2- Clarity of research question…………………………………………………4 2.3- Conceptual foundations……………………………………………………..4 3. 0- Research methodology and design……………………………………………6 3.1- Describe and evaluate the methodology adopted………………………6 3.1a. Research site/context…………………………………………………..6 3.1b. Methods of data collection……………………………………………..6 3.1c. Method of data analysis…………………………………………………6 3.1d. Sampling…………………………………………………………………..7 3.1e. Ethical issues…………………………………………………………….7 3.2 – Suitability of the Research Paper Methodology for Adaptation…….8 4.0 – Main Findings and Implications………………………………………………..8 4.1 – Outline the Main Findings of the Research……………………………...8 4.2 – Comments on Implications Presented……………………………………9 4.3 – Comments on Limitations Identified……………………………………..9 5.0 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………….10 5.1 – Highlights of Key Points…………………………………………………...10 5.2 – Suitability of Design for Reviewer’sResearch………………………….10 1.0- Introduction 1.1-Selected Research Paper The reviewer would select the research paper named the symptoms of and consequences to selection errors in recruitment decisions. Few organizations officially evaluate their recruitment and selection effort. This article is benefiting the reviewer as it shows how to reduce selection errors and its costs of...
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...CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction "... Every single one of you has something that you're good at. Every single one of you has something to offer. And you have a responsibility to yourself to discover what that is. That's the opportunity an education can provide."- US President Barack Obama Education is a fundamental need of an individual to cope with life. And it is a basic but a very important matter that each and everyone should have. Education makes a man complete. In addition, the education is the principle means by which society carries out its national objective. And its purpose is to foster the development of each individual so that he may achieve the most satisfying life of which he is capable (Mcneil 1998). Education changes an individual. Having knowledge, an individual will have the courage to do anything. Education is the main factor to mold individuals to become what they want. It is true that schools are the primary source in having a formal education. But, not everyone can attend school due to different reasons. There are unfortunate children that could not afford to go to school not only because they are poor, but there are also other reasons that they consider in going to school. In 2009, Sallie Mae discovered that 84% of college students indicated they need a big amount of money for their education. In addition to that, Noel Levitz (2009) reported and concluded that only 46.4% of...
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...Running head: GENETIC DISEASE DIAGNOSIS, SCREENING, TREATMENT Genetic Disease Diagnosis, Screening, Treatment, Advocacy and Decision Making Linda Jefferson Western Governors University Contemporary Nursing Issues GNT1 December 16, 2012 Genetic Disease Diagnosis, Screening, Treatment, Advocacy and Decision Making Generally speaking, a pregnancy in today’s society is met with varying emotions ranging from devastation and fear to joy and excitement. Some expectant parents have conceived on accident, some carefully planned. Some expectant parents have conceived with no problems; while others have had difficulty. These parents often find themselves trying different methods and spending a great deal of their finances to increase their chances of conceiving. With that being the case, it is often devastating to finally conceive and find out that your child has a birth defect or a disease such as Tay Sachs. Tay Sachs is a genetic condition, usually found in Caucasians, and primarily those of Jewish descent, and develops in 25% of cases when both parents carry the recessive gene (National Tay-Sachs and Allied Diseases [NTSAD], n.d.). It’s a neurological disorder that effects brain development. Development of infants afflicted with this disease appears normal at first but soon deterioration of the child’s mental and physical abilities becomes apparent. This deterioration continues until most children afflicted with Tay-Sachs lose their battle for life...
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...foundations and acquiring psychological skills through classroom teaching/learning consisting of reflective as well as creative engagement in exercises, projects and hands on experiences. The teaching-learning of the programme would be organized through lectures, group discussions, experiential exercises, group projects, presentations, workshops and seminars. Students would be encouraged to connect to real life issues and participate in the programs and practices in the different social context. To this end practicum is incorporated as an important component in most of the papers with hands on training in the use of various research methods such as: laboratory experiments, field experiments, observation, testing, survey, interview, case study. The programme has three components i.e. Discipline 1(DC1), Discipline 2 (DC2) and Application courses (AC). While in DC 1 practicum is a key component, AC follows a modular pattern where hands on training will be provided for developing psychological skills and their applications. Every semester, teaching will be spread over 16 weeks, including 2 weeks for review. Teaching of DC 1 and...
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...UNIVERSITY COUNSELING & CAREER OFFICE Research Digest Volume 1 │ Issue 1 │ April 2011 An Annual Publication of UCCO THE IMPACT OF THE ACADEMIC COMPETENCE EMPOWERMENT (ACE) PROGRAM ON THE ACADEMIC ADJUSTMENT OF FRESHMEN STUDENTS MERRIE CAROLYNE M. MATIAS, M.A., RGC ADARNA M. CIPRIANO, M.A., RGC, CCOP Guidance Counselor Institute of Arts and Sciences Guidance Counselor Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Management Freshmen year in college is a period of adjustment. While it offers opportunities that go well beyond the acquisition of an academic degree, it also brings pitfalls. A student’s first year of college, for instance, is critical not only for how much students learn but also for laying the foundation on which their subsequent academic success and persistence rest. Being cognizant to the complexities that a college life may bring, the University Counseling and Career Office of the Far Eastern University, in coordination with the various departments of the institutes, facilitates the implementation of the Academic Competence and Empowerment Program (ACE) to address the needs of its growing number of student-clients. It is composed of six (6) modules designed to assist freshman students in their adjustment to college life. The program aims to help the students acquire the necessary skills and competence that would enable freshmen to meet the demands of student life at the University. The Academic Competence and Empowerment...
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...The state of chronic absence from work. Absenteeism is usually addressed through progressively stricter disciplinary measures that can result in the termination of the individual's employment. This is generally governed by the organization's attendance policy. The employee handbook frequently documents expected attendance and consequences for absenteeism. The role of the supervisor in managing absenteeism According to the most recent CCH Unscheduled Absence Survey, employers are losing ground when it comes to keeping workers on the job. Unscheduled absenteeism rates have risen to their highest level since 1999. What continues to be of most concern is that almost two out of three employees who don’t show up for work aren’t physically ill. For most companies, the responsibility for managing absenteeism has fallen primarily on immediate supervisors. These supervisors are often the only people who are aware that a certain employee is absent. They are in the best position to understand the circumstances surrounding an individual’s absence and to notice a problem at an early stage. Therefore, their active involvement in the company’s absence procedures is pivotal to the overall effectiveness and future success of an absence policy or program. Sadly, however, most supervisors have not received any guidance or training in managing absenteeism. They have been left on their own to carry out the often unpopular task of identifying, confronting and resolving absence abuse. To ensure...
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...Findings from the U.S. Department of Education shows that there was no positive benefit with the comparison of single-sex and coeducational classrooms. For some schools like the Eagle Academy in the South Bronx, high graduation rates have always been the norm for several years. Research on these schools showed us that success stemmed from the strong, positive relationships students and teachers had with one another. In addition, schools should provide a personalized learning environment so students can reach out to trusted individuals by coming to counseling or visiting a mentor when they need help or advice. Instead of school officials being authoritarian by enforcing rigid discipline policies and rules, they should act as close father and mother figures, so students can feel comfortable, safe, and openly be able to express themselves. This research is important to developing a more in-depth understanding of the factors that cause African-American and Latino males to face challenges in life, more so than their...
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...Outsourcing Outsourcing is a strategy that concentrates an organization’s resources on its core competencies allowing the organization to achieve a definable preeminence and provide a unique value for customers (Behara, Gundersen, & Capozzoli, 1995, p. 45). The goals of outsourcing are strategic: improved efficiencies, lower costs, improved flexibility, higher quality, and a greater ability to achieve a competitive advantage. The ultimate strategic goal is to develop core competencies that develop into barriers of entry that make it difficult for competition to copy. By focusing on core competencies, and utilizing qualified vendors to provide process that are not one of the organization’s core competencies, the organization’s risk can be shared with its suppliers, and minimized. Core competencies are the collective institutional learning and capabilities of the company that allow it to supply products and services that uniquely add absolute preeminence in those competencies (Hilmer & Quinn, 1994, p. 47). “Core competencies are the innovative combinations of knowledge, special skills, proprietary technologies, information, and unique operating methods that provide the product or the service that the customer value and want to buy” (Greaver, 1999, p. 87). Activities that the organization must be proficient in are called its core activities. Core activities are those activities that are: 1. Traditionally performed internally with long standing precedence. 2. Critical...
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...Final Project GMT - 506 Management Theories & Practices Organizational Culture of National University of Science and Technology (NUST) Submitted to Dr. Faisal Asghar Imam Submitted by Anum Malik Ayoosha Saleem Haseeb Ahmad Muhammad Iqrash Awan Zammad Ahmad NUST Business School Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Organization’s Background .................................................................................................................. 3 Research Methodology ......................................................................................................................... 3 Literature Review.................................................................................................................................. 4 Findings................................................................................................................................................. 5 5.1 Artifacts......................................................................................................................................... 5 Physical artifacts ................................................................................................................... 5 Information artifacts.............................................................................................................. 6 5.1.1...
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...of Ethics As approved by the ACA Governing Council AMERICAN COUNSELING ASSOCIATION counseling.org Mission The mission of the American Counseling Association is to enhance the quality of life in society by promoting the development of professional counselors, advancing the counseling profession, and using the profession and practice of counseling to promote respect for human dignity and diversity. © 2014 by the American Counseling Association. All rights reserved. Note: This document may be reproduced in its entirety without permission for non-commercial purposes only. Contents ACA Code of Ethics Preamble • 3 ACA Code of Ethics Purpose • 3 Section A The Counseling Relationship • 4 Section B Section Confidentiality and Privacy • 6 C Professional Responsibility • 8 Section D Relationships With Other Professionals • 10 Section E Evaluation, Assessment, and Interpretation • 11 Section F Supervision, Training, and Teaching • 12 Section G Research and Publication • 15 Section H Distance Counseling, Technology, and Social Media • 17 Section I Resolving Ethical Issues • 18 Glossary of Terms • 20 Index • 21 • 2 • ACA Code of Ethics Preamble The American Counseling Association (ACA) is an educational, scientific, and professional organization whose members work in a variety of settings and serve in multiple capacities. Counseling is a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals...
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...MATHIRA EAST CONSTITUENCY: A CASE STUDY OF RAGATI, KARURA, KIRIGU AND D.E.B PRIMARY SCHOOL PUPILS PRESENTED BY: GRACE MUNGA EDU/DECD/5018/09 A RESEARCH PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO KARATINA UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF A DIPLOMA IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (ECDE) May-August 2011 Supervisor: SW Macharia DECLARATION I, Grace Munga, ADM NO. EDU/DECD/5018/09 declare that this proposal is my own original work and has not been presented for a degree in any college or university. ______________________________ Date_____________________ GRACE MUNGA ADM NO. EDU/DECD/5018/09 This research proposal has been submitted for the examination with my approval as the supervisor. ___________________________ Date ______________________ Sw Macharia Dedication I dedicate this research project to my family, especially my mom and dad who offered me great emotional and financial support while I was carrying out the study. Acknowledgement I would like to acknowledge the standard eight pupils who took part in this research study and willingly answered the research questions that I asked them. Also the school heads for allowing their students to be part of this research. Without their participation, this study would not have been successful. I also acknowledge my lecturer Mr. Macharia for offering academic guidance and corrections when I was carrying out the study. Abstract This study will assess the knowledge/awareness...
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...Rajiv Gandhi made a move to change the policies regarding business, licenses, and permits, as also its attitude towards multinational companies (MNCs) operating in India. However, it was only during the succeeding government of Narasimha Rao government that a strategy was actually formulated in this direction and marketed both in India and abroad. The strategy aimed to bring the Indian economy into the mainstream of the global economy, and at the same time allow a whiff of competition and growth to Indian business. This it was hoped would bring a new dimension to the concepts of quality, productivity, and growth. In evitably, the winds of liberalization that swept through the nation opened a variable Pandora box, with far-reaching implications for hu7man resources management. It bought in a new era of technology, quality consciousness and competition which compelled Indian business to wake up from its somnambulism and reassess its assumptions for dealing with the complete-or-perish’ situation. India has proven world that despite its chaotic political scenario, imbalance wealth distribution, redundant bureaucracy, past baggage of Nehruvian socialism, and its sundry other problem, it can implement sustainable economic restructuring in the world’s most populous democracy. India has the potential, but the strong economic performance of recent years requires continuing efforts to deepen it and make it work. Since foreign entrants in India have distinct advantage in terms of...
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...Not Everything is Within our Control The afternoon knows what the morning never expected. – Swedish (Swedish, "Nature Sayings and Nature Quotes | Wise Old Sayings") It is an irrevocable fact that we are not in control of everything that happens. We would like to believe that we are and we do everything in our power to get as close to full control as possible, but the truth of the matter is that as the starting quote say’s “ The afternoon always knows what the morning never expected”. There are many things in our lives that are out of our control, like other people’s feelings and unforeseen unmanageable circumstance, for me this inability to always be in control is a difficult concept. You see, I am an ex-professional athlete in a high-risk sport, motocross. In motocross we like to believe that as we train and prepare we gain control of all situations and when things go north this preparation will allow us to control the uncontrollable. The difficult truth to accept is that although preparation diminished unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances, it doesn’t eliminate them and when something goes wrong. It goes really wrong. I, like many people will never come to accept that we can’t control certain circumstances and will continue to prepare ourselves and to train ourselves in hopes of controlling the uncontrolled. As crazy as this may seem however, it is people like us that develop equipment, strategies, movements and technology to get us closer to control. It is...
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...entrepreneurial capabilities of young generation to make them effective change agents. 4. To meet the demand for trained and professional people in the country at the top level management of business and industrial organizations in the light of the new economic and industrial policy of the country. 2. COURSE DURATION The MBA (Full Time) programme of Mahatma Gandhi University shall be spread in two years duration with 4 Semesters. Each semester shall comprise of a minimum of 16 instructional weeks of 5 days each of 5 hours a day (total contact hours 400). Continuous Internal Evaluation during the course period and University examination at the end of each semester shall be conducted. There shall be a semester break of 15 days each in addition to the usual Onam, Christmas and summer holidays. 3. ELIGIBILTY FOR ADMISSION 1. A pass in any Bachelor’s Degree Examination of Mahatma Gandhi University or an equivalent degree of any other universities duly recognized by M.G.University with not less than 50% marks in the aggregate for all parts of examination or a Master’s Degree examination with 50% marks in aggregate. 2. SC/ST students A pass in any Bachelor’s Degree examination is needed for SC/ST candidates 4. ADMISSION PROCEDURE Admission to MBA Degree programme of the study shall be on the basis of merit as determined by MAT/CAT/XAT /MGU-MAT and Group discussion & interview conducted by Mahatma Gandhi University. A five member...
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...Development (HRD) as a function has not received much attention in most of the organization in Nepal. However, because of the intense competition in different sectors of business such as finance, aviation, manufacturing, the organizations in these sectors have come to realize that one of the way to have competitive advantage is to have a pool of dynamic employees. The growing demand for HR professionals in the country can serve as evidence to it. In such situation it is necessary for the students of MBA to acquire knowledge regarding existing HRD practices prevalent in the country. This would help the students, or the future manager, to identify where the weakness lies within the organization and how these weaknesses can be turned into strength. By assessing the status of HRD in any given organization the students also have an opportunity to implement the theoretical principles of HRD acquired in the class into real life situation. This report is an outcome of endeavor carried out by the students of HRD to understand the status HRD at Buddha Air Pvt. Ltd. Objective of the study The major objective of carrying out this study is to get an opportunity to test our knowledge regarding various HRD issues at Buddha Air Pvt. Ltd. The study also served the purpose of putting the theoretical knowledge gained through lectures and seminars into real-life situation. Since the study is designed as a case analysis, the study aimed at providing us an opportunity to reflect on positive as well as...
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