An Investment Proposal for InterClean’s Future
HRM 531
April 4, 2011
Professor Walfredo Leiva
New Training and Mentoring Needs
InterClean and EnviroTech are now one. This merger has brought about the necessity for training for all employees regarding new vision of InterClean: no one will be left out. This training program will help us understand what the new organization's expectations are and how to go about successfully meeting those expectations. On average, company annually spends approximately $ 1,241.00 on employee development (Bersin & Associates, (2011). Our goal is to make sure that each one of these precious investment dollars are spent on ensuring your success. Every dollar spent wisely is a “buy-in” for your future success and commitment to the future of InterClean: we are striving to develop our future company leaders today.
The company’s new vision is more industry focused. Because of this, more knowledge is needed for us all in the areas of environmental regulations, OSHA standards, and sanitation standards as it pertains to this specific industry. Customers, regardless of the division, are not interested in or do not need to see or hear catch phrases such as, “At EnviroTech we used to….” Or “ Here at InterClean, that is not how we do things.”; therefore, it is essential for all personnel to go through an training program in communication as well as customer satisfaction. The information in this report specifies how the training and mentoring program, the objectives of training and mentoring program, performance standards, contents for training and mentoring, delivery methods for training and mentoring, time-frame to incorporate and complete the training program, evaluation methods used to evaluate the training, feedback and alternative avenues for further development will be disseminated to the company.