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Ana Maria


Submitted By sarboayk
Words 672
Pages 3
Politica de pret Conceptul de pret Categorii de pret. Politici de pret Strategii ale politicii de pret Conceptul de pret. Pretul reprezinta unul dintre cele 4 componente ale mixului de marketing in stransa legatura cu produsul, pretul este un element acorporal al acestuia. Pretul in viziunea de marketing reprezinta: Mijloc de masura a gradului de valorificare a resurselor intreprinderii. Este un barometru al capacitatii intreprinderii de adaptare la cerintele mediului si de influentare a acestuia. Este un instrument de recuperare a cheltuielilor efectuate si de apropiere a beneficiilor incorporate in produse. Pretul joaca un rol in actul de vanzare cumparare, este un element de contact si de armonizare intre produs si mediul caruia i se adreseaza intre oferta si cererea de marfuri. Din punct de vedere al cererii, nivelul si evolutia pretului sunt influentate de: Utilitatea bunurilor. Din punct de vedere a ofertei, nivelului si evolutia pretului sunt influentate de: Costurile de productie, respectiv consumul de factorii necesari producerii bunului oferit. Preturile bunului respectiv practicate pe alte piete. Cresterea cererii conduce la cresterea pretului si invers, cererea scade, se reduce pretul. Cresterea ofertei la o cerere data, are drept efect reducerea pretului, iar scaderea ofertei conduce la majorarea pretului. Categorii de preturi Teoria si practica economica grupeaza categoriile de preturi dupa mai multe criterii si anume: Din punct de vedere al modului de formare. Din punct de vedere al naturii si obiectului pietei. Dupa natura obiectului schimbului Dupa stadiul dupa care se realizeaza schimbul. Dupa sfera de aplicabilitate in cadrul pietei mondiale. Din punct de vedere al modului de formare Preturi administrate – sunt stabilite de producatori pe baza unor reglementari generale sau proprii. La baza estimarii preturilor stau costurile medii, cota cheltuielilor generale si rata profitului. In aceasta categorie se intalnesc preturi unice al caror niveluri este fix. Preturi cu limite de variatie stabilite. Preturi libere – sunt preturile libere ce se formeaza pe piata prin mecanismul cererii si ofertei, nesupuse nici unui fel de reglementari. Din punct de vedere al naturii si obiectului pietei Preturi ale bunurilor materiale si ale serviciilor Preturi ale factorilor din productie Preturi sau cursuri ale hartiilor de valoare Preturi ale banilor corespunzatori pietei Titlurilor financiare si monetare. Preturi dupa natura obiectului schimbului Preturi industriale Preturi agricole Tarife pentru servicii Dupa stadiul in care se realizeaza schimbul Preturi cu ridicata Preturi cu amanuntul Dupa sfera de aplicabilitate in cadrul pietei mondiale Pretul bursa sau cotatia de bursa. Pret de licitatie Pretul de lista sau catalogul Preturi de tranzactie Pretul indexat – este cel practicat de OPEC, care inafara unor cheltuieli Pretul ajustat – cel prevazut in contract, care poate fi colectat in momentul vanzarii produsului. Pretul director, cel ce se formeaza pe piata principala a unui produs. Preturi de piata, cel care se modifica in general in raport de cerere si oferta. Preturi convenite prin reglementari internationale de catre unele grupe de state. Functiile pretului Functia de calcul si masurare a cheltuielilor si rezultatelor prin intermediul careia capata expresie baneasca indicatorii ce caracterizeaza activitatea economico-sociala. Pretul ca si costul, pe baza caruia se formeaza are o puternica incarcatura informationala. Mesajele sale putand fi rapid transmise agentilor economici. Functia de stimulare a producatorilor – prin influenta lor asupra veniturilor preturile reprezinta componenta motivationala principala a actiunilor producatorilor si consumurilor. Prin aceste conditii ele devin elementul central al strategiilor agentilor economici stimulandu`i in: {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} Functia de recuperare a costurilor si de distributie a veniturilor – aceasta functie face ca prin nivelul lor, preturile sa asigure agentilor economici recuperarea sau compensarea cheltuielilor si obtinerea unor profituri. *3. Politci de pret vezi sus prima pagina Prin functiile lui economice, pretul este nu numai o categorie valorica, dar si o importanta parghie prin intermediul careia se realizeaza anumite obiective economice si sociale ale unei tari. Pretul este un fenomen prezent prin politicile pretului, statul are in vedere: Atenuarea unor dificultati economice Asigurarea stabilitatii economice. Sporirea eficientei economice Asigurarea unor preturi avantajoase la materii prime Mentinerea unor tarife reduse la transport Protejarea produselor interne fata de import.

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African American Women

...Lauren Bridgewaters HIST 310-01 March 25, 2015 Maria Montessori “It is the child who makes the man, and no man exists who was not made by the child he once was.” –Maria Montessori Maria Montessori was born on August 31, 1870 in Chiaravalle, Italy. She was well schooled and an avid reader since her mother came from a family who valued education and her father financial manager for a state-run industry. Education for Italian women was not very common at this time, so it was definitely seen as a gift. Maria was not only an Italian physician but also an educator and innovator. Maria opened the first Montessori school which was called the Casa dei Bambini or Children’s House. The school was built in Rome in 1907. Her educational methods were built on the way children naturally learned. Montessori learning differed from regular learning in the sense that Montessori learning used all five senses. In the beginning of her life, Maria grew up in Rome, which opened the doors to many libraries and museums. Rome also had many fine schools. Maria was a great, ambitious student and she refused, even at an early age, to let the expectations for women stop her. One example of this was Maria attending an all-boys school at age thirteen to become an engineer. After some time, she decided that engineering was not for her and she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. Maria applied at the University of Rome’s medical program only to find out that later, she would be rejected. Being...

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Sensitive Periods and Child's Development

...A child’s ultimate goal in life is to create the person s/he is to become (Montessori, 2012). There are intrinsic and universal powers within a child that are rudimentary in his/her arduous task of self-construction. Montessori identified these elements as: the human tendencies (1966, 2007a, 2007b), the planes of development (2007a), the absorbent mind (2007a), and the sensitive periods (1966). This paper will give an account on how these elements come together in a child’s life, and how, with the understanding of this concepts, the adults – parents, carers and educators alike – can prepare a favourable environment most suitable for the optimal formation of man. It will also provide examples of the unfolding of this process of growth and development. Montessori (2012) identified three planes of development which are grouped into six-year cycles: birth to age six, age six to 12, and age 12 to 18 (Montessori, 2012). The second plane, childhood, is peaceful and stable, while the first and third planes, the absorbent mind and adolescence, respectively, are periods of dramatic changes and creative transformations. Montessori believed that the first stage of growth is the most important one because “(a)t no other age has the child greater need of an intelligent help, and any obstacles that impedes his creative work will lessen the chance he has of achieving perfection” (2007a, p26). According to Montessori (2012), a child’s mind possesses unique powers, present only in...

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