...economics works with cloud computing. Is economics the way to go with cloud computing? What is the general understanding of economics when it comes to cloud computing? How will businesses benefit from cloud computing? Will cloud computing work within a budget of an organization? Businesses will economically grow and benefit with cloud computing. Cloud computing has significant implications for the way companies, businesses, and governments access and use information technology. It enables users to remotely access scalable, high-powered computing services via broadband networks from a range of devices, all on-demand. Cloud computing has the potential to provide users with increased computing capability, greater efficiency, and lower energy and infrastructure costs. According to Kevin Jackson of Forbes.com he describes cloud computing as a metrics. According to Kevin Jackson the four sets of cloud computing economics are the number of unique customer sets, customer set duty cycles, relative duty cycle displacement and customer set load. These metrics reduce resources and creates more resource demand. According to Mr. Jackson of Forbes.com this “properly balancing these factors across a well characterized user group can lead to approximately 30-percent savings in IT resources, and enables the near real-time modification of the underlying physical infrastructure required for the delivery of the desired “illusion of infinite resources” synonymous with a cloud computing user’s experience...
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...GREEN CLOUD COMPUTING ABSTRACT: Cloud computing is a highly scalable and cost-effective infrastructure for running HPC, enterprise and Web applications. However, the growing demand of Cloud infrastructure has drastically increased the energy consumption of data centers, which has become a critical issue. High energy consumption not only translates to high operational cost, which reduces the profit margin of Cloud providers, but also leads to high carbon emissions which is not environmentally friendly. Hence, energy-efficient solutions are required to minimize the impact of Cloud computing on the environment. In order to design such solutions, deep analysis of Cloud is required with respect to their power efficiency. Thus, in this chapter, I discuss various elements of Clouds which contribute to the total energy consumption and how it is addressed in the literature. I also discuss the implication of these solutions for future research directions to enable green Cloud computing. The paper also explains the role of Cloud users in achieving this goal. Table of Contents ABSTRACT: 2 1. Introduction 3 2. What is Cloud computing? 6 2.1 Cloud Computing Characteristics 7 2.2 Components of Cloud Computing 8 2.3 Cloud Computing Deployment Models 10 3. Cloud Computing and Energy Usage Model: A Typical Example 12 4. Features of Clouds enabling Green computing 13 5. Towards Energy Efficiency of Cloud computing: State-of-the-Art 15 5.1 Applications 15 5.2...
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...WHITE PAPER Cloud Computing from the Ground Up Cloud Basics and Pragmatic Best Practices for Getting Started July 2010 John Bair, Chief Technology Officer, Ajilitee John Rhoton, Author, Cloud Computing Explained: Implementation Handbook for Enterprises ©Ajilitee and John Rhoton 2010 Tomorrow’s forecast: cloudy with a high chance of value What is cloud computing? The experts disagree on its exact definition, but most concur that it includes the notion of web-based services that are available on demand from an optimized, and highly scalable, service provider. Despite the technical sound of its characterization, it not only has garnered excitement from technologists but also has captured the attention of business leaders around the world. If you read the press, cloud computing has the potential for significant impact on technology, business and may even carry far-reaching economic and political implications. Research from industry analyst firms affirms that corporate investments are increasing in cloud infrastructure, applications and services, keeping IT spending steady despite a less-than-ideal business climate. And a recent Gartner report forecasts the global cloud services market to reach $68.3 billion in 2010, and jumping to $149 billion by 2014, as a testament to the acceleration of cloud adoption by enterprises. But all this doesn’t necessarily mean that it is relevant to you and your company. Unless it solves a problem or unleashes a new opportunity that is specific...
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...Use of Storage as Service for Online Operating System in Cloud Computing Piyush Saxena M.Tech (CS&E) Amity University, Noida, India piyushisgenius@gmail.com Satyajit Padhy M.Tech (CS&E) Amity University, Noida, India satayjitpadhyewit@gmail.com Praveen Kumar Assistant Professor, Amity University, Noida, India pkumar3@amity.edu Abstract— Cloud computing has made it possible to make system boot using online operating system thus saving both primary and secondary memory because the data is on centralized data centre located outside the organization which is highly secure. It is not in computer memory so that it can be accessed anywhere. It also saves money as one doesn’t need to buy any expensive hardware to access the particular software in your computer. Cloud computing is a highly scalable pay-per-use IT capabilities. Now a days, software is very much expensive which even MNC’s don’t want to purchase it due to various factors which is:-Not reliable, Highly expensive which is very costly to install it on 1000’s of computers, If any error occurrence it takes 1-2 days to solve which is a big loss for organization. So, here is the simple solution i.e. cloud computing which makes organization more productive due to low cost of software with high-end features, highly reliable, low maintenance cost, problems solving immediately and Highly secure. Cloud computing allows consumers and businesses to use application without installation and access their...
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...Carbon Disclosure Project Study 2011 Cloud Computing – The IT Solution for the 21st Century Study produced for Carbon Disclosure Project by: Carbon Disclosure Project www.cdproject.net +1 212 378 2086 info@cdproject.net Cloud Computing – The IT Solution for the 21st Century Foreword Cloud Computing – The IT Solution for the 21st Century It is with great pleasure that I introduce this significant and timely study on the nascent technology of cloud computing and the important role it can play in both increasing business efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. If the 19th century was the agricultural century, and the 20th century was the century of manufacturing, then the 21st century is surely the communications century. Hundreds of millions of people are being pulled from poverty around the world – in particular in China and India. As we pass this milestone of fundamental human development we can turn to higher aspirations and goals beyond basic human needs and enrich our society through development of Information Technology. This will deliver increasing luxury in entertainment, education, information and communications. The physical goods industries lay the foundations of our modern economy; now Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and cloud computing can help enable the full flowering of human potential. A large percentage of global GDP is reliant on ICT – this is a critical issue as we strive to decouple economic growth from emissions growth...
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...- 2011 Cloud Hooks: Security and Privacy Issues in Cloud Computing Wayne A. Jansen, NIST Abstract In meteorology, the most destructive extratropical cyclones evolve with the formation of a bent-back front and cloud head separated from the main polar-front, creating a hook that completely encircles a pocket of warm air with colder air. The most damaging winds occur near the tip of the hook. The cloud hook formation provides a useful analogy for cloud computing, in which the most acute obstacles with outsourced services (i.e., the cloud hook) are security and privacy issues. This paper identifies key issues, which are believed to have long-term significance in cloud computing security and privacy, based on documented problems and exhibited weaknesses. • applications can be developed upon and deployed. It can reduce the cost and complexity of buying, housing, and managing hardware and software components of the platform. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) enables a software deployment model in which the basic computing infrastructure of servers, software, and network equipment is provided as an on-demand service upon which a platform to develop and execute applications can be founded. It can be used to avoid buying, housing, and managing the basic hardware and software infrastructure components. 1. Introduction Cloud computing has been defined by NIST as a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources...
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...Employee Access 4 Data center description (servers, OS) 4 Client machines 4 Company Communication 5 Problems with the Current Information Systems 5 Proposed System 6 OS Processor and Core 8 Hardware 8 Benefits from Upgrading to Operating System Utilizing a Multi-Processor 9 Steps to Upgrade the Processor and Core 9 Requirements Supporting the Upgrade 10 Conclusion 10 Scheduling Algorithm 11 In First-Come First-Served Scheduling 11 Benefits and Challenges Presented by FCFS 12 Round robin scheduling 12 Benefits and Challenges Presented by Round Robin Scheduling 13 Conclusion 14 Distributed Computing Environment 15 Operating System Concurrency Mechanism 15 Grid Computing 16 Concurrency control mechanisms in handling communications and synchronization 17 OS Security Risks and Mitigation Strategy 18 The main areas of the operating system that are evaluated for performing the risk assessment are: 20 Prioritization risks in the operating system: 21 Risk mitigations for the risks in the operating systems: 24 Emerging Technologies and Architecture 26 Cloud Computing 26 Remote Procedure Call (RPC) 27 Object Request Broker (ORB) 28 Advantages of Cloud Computing to Jinx 29 Advantages of RPCs 29 Advantages of using ORB 30 How Jinx Will Benefit from these Technologies 30 References 32 Appendix A 34 Company Background Jinx Transport & Logistics Company (JT &LC) was established in the 90s by two brothers commonly...
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...net/publication/259072387 Cloud Computing Security Issues and Challenges ARTICLE · JANUARY 2011 CITATIONS READS 13 20,419 1 AUTHOR: Ibikunle Ayoleke Botswana International University of Science… 29 PUBLICATIONS 30 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. Available from: Ibikunle Ayoleke Retrieved on: 13 February 2016 Kuyoro S. O., Ibikunle F. & Awodele O. Cloud Computing Security Issues and Challenges Kuyoro S. O. afolashadeng@gmail.com Department of Computer Science Babcock University Ilishan-Remo, 240001, Nigeria Ibikunle F. faibikunle2@yahoo.co.uk Department of Computer Science Covenant University Otta, 240001, Nigeria Awodele O. delealways@yahoo.com Department of Computer Science Babcock University Ilishan-Remo, 240001, Nigeria Abstract Cloud computing is a set of IT services that are provided to a customer over a network on a leased basis and with the ability to scale up or down their service requirements. Usually cloud computing services are delivered by a third party provider who owns the infrastructure. It advantages to mention but a few include scalability, resilience, flexibility, efficiency and outsourcing non-core activities. Cloud computing offers an innovative business model for organizations to adopt IT services without upfront investment. Despite the potential gains achieved from the cloud computing...
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... Cloud computing is the latest evolution of Internet-Based Computing. Public internet spawned private corporate intranets, cloud computing is now spawning private cloud platforms. The database is the critical part of that platform. Therefore it is imperative that our cloud database be compatible with cloud computing. Key Design principles of the cloud model: The core design principle is dynamic scalability, or the ability to provision and decommission servers on demand. The shared-disk database architecture is ideally suited to cloud computing. It requires fewer and lower cost servers, it provides high availability, reduces maintenance costs by eliminating partitioning and it delivers dynamic scalability. Benefits of Cloud Computing: a. Lower Costs: All resources are shared resulting in reduced costs. b. Shifting CapEx to OpEx: This enables customer to focus on adding value in their areas of competence. It allows customer to focus their money and resources on innovating. c. Agility d. Dynamic Scalability: It can smoothly and efficiently scale to the spikes with a more cost-effective pay-as-you-go model. e. Simplified maintenance: All Patches and upgrades are deployed across the shared infrastructure. f. Large scale prototyping/load testing g. Diverse platform support h. Faster Management approval i. Faster development With corporate adoption of cloud computing there are explosion of cloud options....
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...A Survey on Applications of Cloud Computing in Healthcare |Ayesha Asif |………. |Noorulain Ashraf | |Department of Software Engineering |Department of Software Engineering |Department of Software Engineering | |Fatima Jinnah Women University |Fatima Jinnah Women University |Fatima Jinnah Women University | |Rawalpindi, Pakistan |Rawalpindi, Pakistan |Rawalpindi, Pakistan | |Ayesh_15_94@yahoo.com |abc@xyz.com |noorulainkhaan@gmail.com | Abstract – Healthcare Delivery Organizations (HDOs) are facing a number of problems due to their mode of operations. Amongst the problems are improper modes of data storage, insecurity of medical records, difficulty in accessing healthcare services, high cost, and inaccurate diagnosis. Recently research has identified Cloud Computing (CC) as a new and substantial business model capable of providing efficient services that can benefit the healthcare industry. The aim of this paper is to study the existing cloud computing applications in healthcare industry and propose optimal techniques and solution on the basis of analysis. Keywords – Cloud Computing (CC); Healthcare Information Technology (HIT);...
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...Cloud computing is a service delivery model via internet which provides online computing and storage power to users. Being an internet based remote service; users can access the cloud services anytime, anywhere. Cloud computing allows and makes it easier to access technology-enabled services to the users who don’t have adequate technological know-how. These literatures are more focused on core cloud computing service model being deployed and deployment model followed by the cloud service providers. Additionally anticipated and achieved benefits, challenges and growing deployment trend are also analyzed. Methodology This literature review surveyed existing literature available on the database using systematic approach. Each literature is taken from the CEO magazine, Australian computer society and UWS library catalogue and few literatures from Google scholar. For the timely updated information we limited our literature and taken only published journal article after 2005, because cloud computing is come into mainstream practice from that year. Briefly abstract and title of the papers was studied peer-reviewed journal articles are chosen. Cloud computing model All these literature categorize entire cloud computing in three major service models. * Software as a service, SaaS model In this model, application and functional services are designed to be hosted online and delivered via typical web browser. Users don’t have to have a physical copy of the software installed on...
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...Security Issues in Cloud Computing”. As of today, cloud computing is a flexible, cost-efficient, and established transfer platform for giving business or user IT services on the internet. Yet, cloud computing presents an additional level of risk because crucial services are time and again outsourced to a moderator. This makes it more difficult to uphold data security, privacy, support data, service availability, and validate compliance. It is my goal to discuss some of the current issues involved with the cloud and how important that they are to everyone. What is Cloud? Cloud computing is a capable computing regular where computing resources in big data points are made accessible as services over the internet. It has become a renowned IT by presenting a professional atmosphere for data storage capability. It is a standard for computing and is provides a striking, enormous, significant asset that contains any subscription-based or pay-per-use service over the web. Cloud is on-demand admission to virtualized IT services and products. Places like Amazon and Google are presently giving such services, by charging customers by means of an on-demand strategy. Being that consumers put their sensitive information on the clouds public domains, huge problems for cloud implementation are lack of security and access control. The key obstacle is that the doubtful info drifts as service providers can access numerous computer-generated mechanisms in clouds. The cloud takes virtual infrastructure...
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...Introduction Cloud computing has the potential to change the face of the Information Technology (IT) industry. Industry experts maintain that the cloud will eventually become a primary component of computing activities conducted over the Internet. Presently, major corporations like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM have embraced this trend and are using the technology to enhance IT supported services. As the number of benefits and potential uses of the technology grows, the funding earmarked for assessments and implementation of cloud services will likely multiply. Cloud computing consists of immense benefits that allows end users to utilize services that include infrastructure, applications, data storage capacity. Last year, the Brookings Institution released a study that endorses the benefits of cloud computing to the government. The writer of the study, Darrell West, who is the vice president and director of government studies at Brookings, stated in the paper, “that agencies that have moved to the cloud generally enjoyed 25percent to 50 percent savings on their IT cost. For the federal government as a whole, this translates into billions in cost savings, depending on the scope of the transition” (West, 2011). Cloud computing consist of a network of servers that run services that are operated as shared platforms. The characteristics of cloud computing include on-demand services, pay-per-use services, broadband network access, multi-tenancy, rapid elasticity and scalability...
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...Cloud Computing Cloud computing is the delivery of computing as a service rather than a product. Resources like software and information are provided to computers and communication devices as a utility like electricity or water. This cloud computing service is done through a computer network, which is the internet typically. Cloud computing is known as encapsulation by some users since the physical location and configuration of how the resources are shared to the devices is often not revealed to the end user. It is like using the electricity. The end user doesn’t have to know the whereabouts of the physical location where the electricity is produced nor how the components are configured from there to their home. They just use the feature or resource instead. Similar to this cloud computing describes the consumption of IT services through the common most computer network available in the world, the internet. Virtualized resources can be shared remotely with ease-of-access exploiting the facilities provided by the internet. The end user must have a tool or an application (Web Browser) installed on their local computers which provides the platform for the sharing of resources. Providers of cloud computing deliver applications or tools via the internet, which are accessed using web browsers and desktop mobile apps, while the main resources (business software and data) are stored in a server located in a remote location. Screen-sharing technology is used sometimes to provide...
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...Cloud Business Intelligence 1 Cloud Business Intelligence A Research Project Submitted as part of Final exam for BMGT531 By Praneeth Pabbaraju (ID # 111-00-3655) Naveen Veeramachaneni (ID # 111-00-2643) Narasimha Naidu Madireddy( ID # 110-00-4194) BMGT 531, Business Intelligence Spring 2012, Section 1260 Professor Paul Jaikaran University of Northern Virginia Cloud Business Intelligence 2 Business Intelligence: The term Business Intelligence was coined by Hans Peter Luhn of IBM wherein he describes the Business Intelligences as ability to find the interrelationships among the available data and guide the set of actions to reach the desired goal. What all an organization needs to be a leader in the market is information. Information can be available in large forms like web resources, text data, graphs and statistics. The more information a firm has the more powerful it is getting on. Firms need to assess the future market condition with the available previous and present data so as to be a leader. The major goal of Business Intelligence is to dwell in all the available information, refine it and organize it in such a way that right information is passed to right people through the right way. Now, data can be in vast amounts, of which some might be useful and some might not be useful. Business intelligence tools like reporting, online analytical processing, analytics, data mining, process mining, complex event processing, business performance management...
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