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Analysis Of Rebecca Strauss's 'Schooling In Unequal America'

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Is it up to us or..?

“Schooling in an unequal America” by Rebecca Strauss argues the disadvantage many American students have regarding their economic status. Stratuss demonstrates statistics about America’s education going “down the drain” due to money being insignificantly used.” She explains “country’s deep and widening achievement gap between socioeconomic groups” are reasons low-income students don’t have the same privilege as wealthy. Stratus believes there is two types of education in America, the wealthy and the poor. She mentions that children of the wealthiest ten percent receive the best education; Whereas for the low-income they are receiving an education but seem to having a hard time finishing college. Therefore, education success is being skewed to wealthier people since they pile on cognitive enrichment activities outside of school from an early age leaving everyone behind.

Overall I think that Strauss is right to complain about a systematic inequity because …show more content…
Wealthy people have the advantage to attend the most prestigious universities and are able to find networks and connections. Most wealthy students seem to attend college because of their parents who had the privilege to pursue an education. College gives the wealthy a better opportunity to succeed and receive their “dream job.” For instance, my doctor son Joshua is now attending USC because, of his father and mother who are now alumnus. Joshua was able to shadow his father at a young age and allowed him to get the experience on the medical field. Shadowing his parents made Josh think about his future before even attending college. Now as a freshman at USC, he knows his dedication and goal he wants to pursue without doubt. Since both of his parents are in the medical field he has connections instantly possibly attaining a part-time job or internships. Having both parents as doctors he is instantly given the advantage and a job guarantee after

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