...Should College Athletes be Paid? Imagine being a college student athlete. In high school you were a straight A student, played sports, and you would always get assignments completed in a timely manner. But things have changed. Now you have to practice every day, go to all the games, then work a late shift at McDonalds, go to your dorm, and get your homework done, just to get about 2 hours of sleep. This is the daily life of a college athlete. Even on the weekend: they have to go to all games. They spend more time dedicated to their college team than they do in any other area of their life. College athletes are very dedicated. They work more for their team than for any other area of their life. In fact, college athletes practice an average...
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...A serious commitment and complete devotion is needed from college athletes in order for them to be successful. This immense amount of sacrifice often goes unnoticed, and college athletes are placed under a heavy amount of stress for the work that they put in; injury, student debt, and achieving a higher education. As explained by, The Journal of Sport Behavior, “Athletes invest a great deal of time towards achieving optimal performance. Because their self-worth is often tied to these performances, they often perceive a long-term injury as a traumatic event.” Khan argues that because of the stress and problems college athletes face, they should be paid; however, his argument is weak. Khan does not include a relative and effective rebuttal and...
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...job. Now imagine not getting paid enough to feed your family. Many college athletes today face a severe lack in economic benefits due to the restrictions to uphold the amateur status enforced by the NCAA. The removing of the restrictions, improving of the educational experience, and the sufficient funding would constitute the paying of college athletes. The restrictions to uphold the amateur status regarding the economic benefits of college athletes set by the NCAA are considered unjust by many. The database article “College Athletes Should Be Paid” by Eitzen contends that athletes make money for their universities, but they do not receive any compensation for their thirty-to-forty hours a week that they spend with their sport on top of attending classes. Many college athletes’ image is also being used as a way to make money for the universities for which they play. For example, selling the athlete’s jersey number...
Words: 905 - Pages: 4
...world right now is whether or not college athletes should be paid or not. While ¨Despite court ruling, college athletes deserve a richer slice of the pie¨ and ¨College Athletes Should Not Be Paid due to Post-Eligibility School Benefits” remain biased on the issue of whether or not college athletes should be paid by using fallacies and one sided opinions, ¨Should college athletes be paid?¨ remains neutral because it limits the amount of bias being presented while addressing...
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...The NCAA makes 800 million dollars on their basketball program every year. But the athletes that work hard not only to become the best they can be, but they are also representing the colleges that they play at do not get any portion of the money. NCAA president Mark Emmert says, “They are not professionals so they should not be getting millions of dollars at all” (Romans). Colleges rake in about 800 million dollars a year in just the sport of basketball so why are not the college athletes that play at a very high elite level not getting paid. CNN reporter say that the colleges make 800 million but they bring in 500 million in endowment (Romans).Endowment is just an income or form of property that has been given. The college players are elite players if they play for Division I are elite players but they not there is elite players in every college including small colleges. Division II and Division III colleges get Division I athletes as well so they should be getting an income as well....
Words: 690 - Pages: 3
...College sports generate billions of dollars a year in revenue why is that not enough to pay those that create that revenue; moreover, why have those that help create a billion dollar revenue is also mandated to pay fees toward the athletic department. Many athletes is able to attend college by receiving a full or partial athletic scholarship. This athletic scholarship allows students to pursue careers that would be otherwise far fetch due to that many come from low income families that cannot afford to go to college. Due to this terrible fact does that mean that providing an athletic scholarship is all that a college athlete receive as reward for their hard work and determination to become successful? College athletes should be able...
Words: 1992 - Pages: 8
...You’re sitting on the couch watching your favorite college sport , enjoying your weekend, however the players don't get time off do they. There are thousands of college athletes and they spend al their time with school and training to be the best in their sport. i think that college athletes should be [aid because they struggle to make ends meat, being paid would teach them to manage their money, and the NCAA is an 11 billion dollar industry When players are out training or at practice they will need time to study so they can maintain their grades. As Listland says, “there are crucial expenses that are not covered by scholarships, for example athletes who spend 90 hours a week training and studying will often find themselves starving well after the...
Words: 519 - Pages: 3
...College athletes are discriminated against. The top athletes in popular sports are not fairly compensated for the fame and revenue that they bring their respective college. Athletes deserve to share in the wealth created due to their efforts on the courts and fields of their universities. Athletes should benefit from their fame and likeness just as everyone else at their colleges and universities. They should be able to take endorsements like their coaches and students in other aspects of college besides athletics. If a local clothing store wants an athlete to come in and sign autographs for a few hours during a store sale, why shouldn’t they be allowed to take that opportunity? Music students are allowed to accept money for going and playing a gig at a local bar. What makes athletes different? Nobody in America has to deal with the restrictions on income that the NCAA imposes. Actors and musicians can go off to college, while they are on a scholarship, and still make money off their talent. It is morally wrong to prevent student athletes from doing the same thing. (Patrick Hurby qtd. in Reed np)...
Words: 1309 - Pages: 6
...Why is it that people who have a job get paid, but determined college athletes don't? College athletes wake up every single day and work day and night to practice the sport they specialize in. These athletes dedicate most of their work for their sport, however don't get rewarded for it. Similar to when you work for your ignorant manager, yet he/she keeps the money for themselves and don't pay you. This exemplifies how college athletes must feel when they lay foot on to the court, the field, and the ice. This isn't fair and college athletes must be paid because they work with determination just like professional athletes, maybe even to a greater extent, since they also have to balance their school schedule. Knowing all this, college athletes deserve to be paid for all the effort and hard work they put into their sport....
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...they realize just how much they can charge CBS for the rights to stream next year's saturday night college football games. Needless to say, profit will be a plenty for both parties once this game is over. Tragically, though, the players will earn nothing. This is wrong. College athletes should be paid as if they were working a full-time job, because they do work full time, there are a...
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...Should College Athletes Get Paid? The Georgia Bulldogs are losing by three. Marshall Morgan, the field goal kicker, is on the field, sets up, kicks it. It’s good! The Georgia Bulldogs win! The final score was LSU- 41 UGA - 44. The debate of should college athletes get paid to play has been going on for years. Even under heavy pressure from players and sports anchors, the NCAA, the National College Athletes Association, has kept the policy of athletes not getting paid, and this is the correct response by the NCAA. College athletes, who are offered and accept sport scholarships, understand that the job of an athlete is to win the championship and bring in money for the school; therefore, they should not get paid. College scouts often offer star...
Words: 1890 - Pages: 8
...Don’t you hate it when you work so hard your whole life for something and get no help at all? That’s how college athletes feel. They work every day to achieve their dream, while participating in classes, and having a job to pay off college fees. As many of you may be wondering, why should we just pay for college athletes if they are already half way to achieving their dream? College students go to school to achieve their dream and they are not going to reach it by having such a large payment. A report from Top college athletes worth 6 figures stated “The average fair market value of top-tier college football and men's basketball players is over $100,000 each, and the athletes are entitled to at least a portion of that, a new report from an advocacy group argues....
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...getting paid. This is the life of a college athlete. If going to school isn't already stressful enough, imagine adding practice multiple times a day, working a job (if possible), doing homework, and finding time to relax all into that one 24-hour period. College athletes should get paid because their restricting schedules denies them the opportunity to work. The National Collegiate Athletic Association(NCAA) is a multi-million dollar non-profit association in charge of thousands of athletes. The 460,000 plus athletes compete in 24 sports year-round which are divided into divisions appropriate for the school of their attendance. Of those 460,000 plus athletes, none of them receive any type of payment for their services legally. They can receive things of monetary value illegally, but this would unnecessarily if they got paid for their services. People or even you may wonder why this topic is important. The importance of this topic is that it's been a rising issue for years but there has never been an answer to this issue. Hopefully, I can help with the issue but for now let's discuss why they should get paid. The famous Ball brothers Lonzo (19) and LaMelo (15) were both scouted and drafted from early on in their basketball careers. They...
Words: 1291 - Pages: 6
...Pay to Play: Economic Impact of Paying College Athletes 1. Purpose of Research & Analysis On April 25, 2014, the National Labor Relations Board in Washington, D.C., granted Northwestern University's request to review the decision made by the regional office recognizing the school's football players as employees. In mid-April, Northwestern football players voted as a team on whether or not to unionize, but the votes will only be opened if the board ends up siding with the players, which may take at least a couple of months. Ultimately, the Northwestern football players are determining their fate through this secret ballot and their decision to form the first union amongst college athletes—a decision that has the ability to change the landscape of American college sports. If granted the right to unionize, the Northwestern football team will actually have the ability to bargain over their conditions and it is expected that this could ultimately lead to requesting salary compensation for their efforts. In light of these recent historic discussions, it is critical to analyze not only the ethical, but also the economic impact of such potential situations. My research paper has been structured to shed some light into the challenging and complicated discussions that continue to occur around this topic. Specifically, I have broken my research and analysis into three key topics. First, I explore whether or not there is an underlying issue with the current state, from an economic perspective...
Words: 5163 - Pages: 21
...players filed a petition fighting for their right to be paid as “employees” of their university. They filed this petition because they believed that due to the amount of time and work that they put in towards their football program they should be compensated for it. However, getting the opportunity to play a sport in college should be a privilege rather than a job, seeing as the sport is almost always one which you love to compete in and enjoy. After all, the only reason that these people are on a team is because their school and coaches offered them the chance to play, so why should they have the opportunity to get paid for it? Because of this, I believe that college athletes should...
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