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Analysis: Why D1 Athletes Should Be Paid

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Would you want to be paid for a full-time job? These athletes put in the time without getting rewarded. These athletes are proven to put in as much time into the sport as people with a normal full-time job. Another thing that these athletes do is make money for the universities, and the NCAA without seeing a dime of it. Finally you can imagine that some of these players get scholarships to cover some costs but these do not even cover close to what they need. D1 athletes need to get compensated for the time they put in and the money that they make. My first argument is based on the fact that D1 athletes work a full-time job with the sport they play and additionally have school to deal with. Marc Edelman reports that “The typical Division I college football player devotes 43.3 hours per week to his sport -- 3.3 more hours than the …show more content…
Jared Welch insists that “looking past that, they are also paid in experience. It is the education they get that matters.” This writer wants to show the point that these kids are getting a once in a lifetime education because they are playing the sport they love. Likewise Horace Mitchell asserts “Collegiate sports is not a career or profession. It is the students' vehicle to a higher education degree.” College sports is not considered a career like this quote says, it is only a gateway to a higher and better profession with the education and experiences that they gain through their college experiences. Finally Jared Welch suggests that “They live for their sport and do so because it is their passion, not because they make money from it.” This is a strong statement and opinion because it is suggesting that these students will not play as hard if they get paid and college sports will not be even close to as much excitement as it is now. That is both sides of the argument with many different reasons for you to think

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