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Analyzing Asimov's Essay 'Thinking About Thinking'

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Pages 3
In Asimov’s essay, “Thinking About Thinking” he talks about how IQ testing doesn't really measure your intelligence level. There are all different types of smart, not just one. First Asimov starts talking about his own past experience with taking the IQ test. He goes on by saying, “I worked on each one as honestly as I could, answering some questions instantly, some after a bit of thought, some by guesswork, and some not at all.” He added up his score which came out to 135 but then doubled it 270. Although it is unjustified, he decided since he took half the time for each section he could double the score. The score he received marks him as “intelligent” but to him, it means nothing. Asimov says the test measures the size of your vocabulary.

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