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Describe How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster Research

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However, there are certain methods and things that you can do to help prevent hair breakage and grow your hair faster.
Knowing how to make your hair grow faster, men, is a rather cool trick to have. After all, men with long hairs are becoming a trending fad nowadays. From Brad Pitt to Jake Gyllenhaal, even Hollywood is starting to get crazy over longer locks in men. So why don’t we try and put on these tricks to achieve those perfect longer hair that will make you cooler than you ever was?
How to make your hair grow faster: Patience
So okay, before we proceed with the different tips that we have, we need to focus on one thing before we totally get the entire concept of how to make your hair grow.
PATIENCE. We need to focus on that particular attribute considering that we are dealing …show more content…
Onions, no matter how they may smell, adds more nutrients to your hair which helps it grow better and shinier. All you have to do is to cut an onion and boil it for 10 to 15 minutes to form onion broth. Let the broth cool down and apply it on your head and scalp. Rinse thoroughly with cold water and air dry. The smell of the onion will not stay on your hair as long as you properly wash it off.
• Drink lots of water. Water is definitely the healthiest drink ever made. It is important that you keep yourself well-hydrated if you want to grow your hair faster. Why? Water is known to provide moisture that your scalp and hair follicles need to increase hair growth. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water daily should be a part of your routine now to ensure that your body has an adequate supply of moisture.
• Eat healthy. One of the most important ways in every health plan is to get a proper and balanced diet. When it comes to growing your hair, you need to eat healthy too and focus more on foods rich in protein, vitamins E, C and other supplemental nutrition. Nutrients and minerals also help in hair growth as they condition the cells on your scalp and hair follicles to function

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