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Personal Narrative: American Girl Dolls

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Here is something many people do not know about me, I have an expensive doll collection. The world I grew up in was filled with numerous trips to the American Girl Doll store and days of combing through auction sites for the best deals on various dolls that I longed for. I currently own 22 American Girl dolls that are each ethnically and historically diverse. My obsession started when I was 8 years old, just a little spec in a crowed of holiday window shoppers, when I came across the towering American Girl Doll Place. Imagine the awe that came across my little face when I gazed upon the 3 foot building covered in pink and filled to the brim with nothing but 18 inch dolls and accessories. It was any little girl’s dream. I received my first doll that day, a brown girl with bangs that was a spitting image of me. From that day forward I completely immersed myself in the world of “American Girl Dolls”. …show more content…
People commonly picture a crazy woman rocking back and forth in a room with every inch of wall space plastered with antique porcelain dolls, with frilly dresses and big round eyes that stare into your sole. That exact imagery is why I kept my doll collection a secret from most of my friends and acquaintances after owning dolls was labeled unpopular by the pre-teen masses. For my doll encompassed world was not defined by that description. It was not just the dolls I had a preoccupation with, it is also their backgrounds. Each doll was sold with an expansive story centered in either contemporary life or in various periods of American history. Whether it was escaping slavery in the pre-civil war south or fighting the effects of the Great Depression, each narrative included a young female underdog who would successfully triumph over adversity showcasing her independence, free spirit, and willingness to help others. Not a bad a lesson to give to little girls, is

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