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Case Study: West Marine

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West marines “blue future” initiative was created to help provide customers with environmentally friendly products. They have been successful with this project by monitoring the carbon that is being pumped into the air throughout the years to keep them at the lowest levels possible. West marine focuses on charitable efforts and preserving the marine environment while also maintaining healthy fish stocks. West marine encourages participation in boating while also promoting environmental responsibility.

6. Legal – “Our business and financial results may be adversely affected by global climate change or by legal, regulatory or market responses to such change.” (Page 11)

Changes in how the government regulates the market and their response to greenhouse laws creates worry for west marine due to the fact that it is beyond their control. Concern over global warming has led to legislative and regulatory propositions to impose mandatory requirements on all greenhouse gas emissions which could affect the boating industry as a whole. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are cause for much concern in the United States so it is probable that some laws are going to be formed to protect against those harmful gases. Written in the 10-K west marine states “Laws enacted may increase production costs for many of our retail …show more content…
West marine competes with a variety of different companies both locally and regional, ranging from specialty boating stores and sporting goods stores, to mass merchants of boating supplies. West marine has differentiated themselves by having a wide selection of boating parts, availability of those parts, improving quality, pricing, customer service and convenience. Although competition is fierce west marine believes they offer a value proposition that can’t be matched by other competitors such as their ecommerce websites, the distribution patterns and their knowledgeable staff members at their 279

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