Although Oxymetholone, also known as Anadrol, an anabolic steroid, can be obtained through physicians and taken in doses to help with various diseases and illnesses such as HIV wasting and Anemia with long term effects being minimal, Oxymetholone is also obtained illegally and taken by bodybuilders for gaining muscle with severe long term effects. Knowing what too much this drug can do to our bodies over time could make you think twice. General Information A. When and Why Oxymetholone or Anadrol was created. 1. Oxymetholone also known as Anadrol was created by a company called Zoltan back in the early 1960’s and was originally created for the purpose of treating illness’s such as anemia, osteoporosis and…show more content… The good effects of Oxymetholone for these diseases is the beneficial weight gain with for patients with HIV while also adding in the benefits of building red blood cells lost by anemia patients.
2. Severe Side Effects in Women A. Oxymetholone when taken over long periods of time has many severe side effects that will alter many different body functions and internal organs. 1. A woman’s body is not build or equipped to handle male testosterone so when the steroids are taken by a woman it reeks havoc on the her delicate system. 2. Taking this steroid over long periods of time can also include the physicals aspects such as, deepening of the voice, enlarged clitoris, balding, and hair growth on the chin and chest.
3. Severe Side Effects in Men A. Oxymetholone when taken over long periods of time has many severe side effects that will have a long term sever effect on male parts and organs. 1. Though men who take Oxymetholone don’t suffer the same effects as women, they encounter other outer physical effects such as swelling of the breasts, problems with sleeping, continuous erection of the penis, yellowing of the skin and quick weight