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Homeless Veterans Case Study

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Homeless veterans are people (men and women) served their tenure in armed forces of the country with no homes or proper accommodations in the country with different issues and psychological problems. It is observed that many of the people live with severe psychological disorders that affect the lives in regards to their living pattern including life and death. As observed in 2012, about sixty-five thousands of homeless veterans in the United States of America are living without the basic necessities of life and among them about eight percent include female population. Furthermore, there is an increasing trend of suicide cases among these homeless veterans because of severe PTSD, Aids, and other serious diseases.
Casualties of Self- Sacrifices …show more content…
(Dinnen, et al., 2014).
Associations that serve destitute populaces change in their connection and instruction, preparing and permitting their staff. As a method for rearrangements, all people giving case administration in social, human services, or psychological health care settings to destitute veterans allude to all through by one term, suppliers (Dinnen, et al., 2014). The term "caseworker" includes an expansive range of experts, with shifting levels of experience, preparing, and expert obligation. Caseworkers might incorporate partner or individual level experts giving administration coordination yet not particular treatment or medication conveyance: people with innovative degrees giving fundamental mental intercession (e.g., ability building, psych instruction) benefit coordination and authorized suppliers conveying specific psychological health consideration (Dinnen, et al.,

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