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Fear Of Communism

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Fears of Communism

Tensions were high and tolerance was low, it was the Cold War, creating the space race and the arms race between America and Soviet Russia. In its midst the Cold War changed the United States dramatically, ranging from political to social problems all around the country.
During the Cold War period there were many positive and negative effects on U.S. politics. One political effect on politics in the U.S. was Executive Order 9835 or Loyalty Order. This order requires all federal employees to be analyzed on whether they are loyal to the government or not. This order was directly associated with the Red Scare happening in the U.S. because the Americans were afraid that communists would eventually take over the American …show more content…
One person who obviously used the Red Scare for their own gain was former U.S. Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy. He used the fear of communism to promote his own political campaign always claiming that people who disagreed with his political values a communist and even had the audacity to call the U.S. Army communists which eventually led to him being in court and losing. John Edgar Hoover and the FBI also used the Red Scare to do some unprovoked things such as bursting into people’s homes without search warrants to find out if they were communists or not and held 5000 people in prison at one point. Another person who used the Red Scare was Alexander Mitchell Palmer. He used the foundation of the FBI to imprison and deport many people. One person was even arrested just for looking like a radical communist. He held many raids and arrested many people. It seemed that the Red Scare put the U.S. into a state of madness with so many people spreading propaganda for their own …show more content…
The Red Scare caused many people to become patriotic and fearful of communists. In 1919 the Seattle shipyard strike was one of the first major strike after the end of World War 1. They struck on January 21st with 35,000 shipyard workers. Later, on February 6, there were 60,000 strikers which were all labeled as communists simply because of a strike. Over the following months all strikes that happened in the country were labeled as communist rebellions. In general, America had become fearful. People were arrested for communism for the most ridiculous things. One man was arrested for saying “Lenin was a smart man.” and in Chicago a man was shot by a sailor because he didn’t stand for the national anthem. Communists it seemed, were being blamed for everything. When Mitchell Palmer’s home was partially destroyed by a bomb he immediately blamed the American communists and supported by congress, he took part in many raids on leftists and radicals. People who were captured were sent on a ship headed towards the Soviet Union. With the Red Scare, America changed. So many people became too patriotic, they were blinded by fear and caused the whole country to change its

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