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Chia-Wei Hsu Essay

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Chia-Wei Hsu is an artist, filmmaker, and curator based in Taiwan, he travels to many locations in Asia foraging for stories in the aftermath of war. In addition Hsu continues to investigate colonial histories of Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore as part of a larger project dedicated to backtracking early globalization. Hsu is interested in forgotten histories of the cold war in Asia, he weaves together complex narratives of geography, history, and myth through storytelling in his films and installations, he constructs a mythical narrative lingers between fiction and reality where stories, spirits and machineries meet. He is concerned with how to step into reality through filmmaking but also bridges illusion and reality. He strives to bring …show more content…
Following the Chinese Civil War in 1950 a troop from the Nationalist army retreated to the border between Thialand and Myanmar. After the war and a change in the state of affairs, it was impossible for the troop to follow General Chiang Kai-Shek to Taiwan or to return to China. This lone troop remained in Thailand, neither here nor there, with no national identity. The pastor expands on his story in Ruins of the Intelligence Bureau, juxtaposing his narrative against a puppet performance and the legend of the monkey god General Hanuman. Ruins of the Intelligence Bureau opens with a shot of the sky and the sounds of insects and birds, while a voice-over discusses the importance of telling stories of the past that have yet to be told. The film then shifts to the legend of Hanuman and him moving mountains to save his troops from their enemies, while a puppet of the monkey god appears against the sky. The camera slowly zooms out to reveal three masked puppeteers dancing in unison. The sounds of drums

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