Analyzing Financial Indicators Financial indicators for health care organizations completely assess the strengths of some of the most significant parts of the organization. Establishing dimensions of financial performance provides a primary structure for recognition of important financial indicators. Diverse financial indicators assess different factors of financial performance, for example cost-effectiveness and liquid assets, and all of this figures is necessary to make a knowledgeable conclusion about the financial condition of any health care organization. One indicator alone cannot identify the financial condition, and so multiple financial indicators are necessary to analyze and modify the necessary adjustments to improve solvency, profit, and services for the organization and patient(s). The objective of this essay is to discuss the decisions attained in the simulation of Elijah Heart Center, which is a specialty hospital with expertise in cardiac catherization, pulmonology, and nephrology and a host of other specialties. The three major decision made for the Elijah Heart Center was through bridging a working capital shortage, evaluation of funding options for obtaining medical equipment and funding options for capital expansion. The decisions made through various choices to improve the outcome of each financial situation; the choices could have either improved or worsened the unhealthy trend of loss profitability for the health care organization. Capital Shortage Capital shortage a major financial issue at Elijah Heart Center was the first issue that required improvement. The simulation put forward two financing options and five appropriate economizing methods to improve the capital shortage within Elijah Heart Center. The two appropriate economizing methods choose to improve the capital shortage were reducing benefits and