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Analyzing Om Technique


Submitted By jacquara
Words 755
Pages 4
Exercise 1

Exercise 1

What is a Decision Support System?

A decision support system is a processor information technique that assists with the company’s managerial endeavors. Decision support systems operate administration, business procedures, and product development of a company and assist to formulate conclusions, within a changing environment. Some of the responsibilities of a decision support system include the following: planning and organizing organization activities, provide data, conduct training programs, evaluate computer products, and provide support. Organizations depend on decision support systems to assist them with answering all business related questions and concerns. Decision support systems rely heavily on information, as the operations management technique uses the information to evaluate and examine.

The Problem According to Watson and Carr (1987), “There are a number of organization structure alternatives for supporting decision support systems, and each alternative has its advantages and disadvantages” (p.84). Each organization has to be able to support the efforts of the decision support system, which consist of assisting clients to assess the computer products, supply access to information, and partake in product development. The issue of the “Organizing for Decision Support System Support: The End-User Services Alternative” article argues which division within a company is responsible for the decision support system. This determination has a considerable influence on the achievement and course of the decision support system in a business. Unfortunately, the decision is not easy because there are numerous options and substitutes as “….organization structure decisions are frequently difficult to make” (p.84). Many

Exercise 1

advantages and disadvantages are discussed to assess where the system will be placed within an

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