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Analyzing The Stroop Effect

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When humans perform actions that do not require conscious thought it obviously related to a behavior we perform automatically. The Stroop Effect is one of those phenomenons that challenge our automatic ability. Previous research indicates that objects and colors took longer to name aloud than reading aloud corresponding words (MacLeod, 1935). The stroop effect was tested in college students, in an Experimental Psychology class. Eighteen participants were asked to take a brief test on the stroop effect, presenting the participants with a congruent and incongruent word, followed by requesting them to type the color of the word or the actual word.
In this research, two important conditions have been identified: first, participants had faster reaction times for congruent items and participants made more errors for incongruent items. Second participant had slower reaction time when requested to type the color, but faster reaction times when requested to type the word.

Analyzing the Stroop Effect on College Student …show more content…
Consciously or unconsciously we perform different automatized behavior and most of the time it’s effortless. Skills like reading, playing an instrument, typing, and so forth, are easily performed with less attention once it’s mastered. Allowing our brain to become habituated to the stimuli. (Francis, Neath, & VanHorn, 2008). The stroop effect is related to humankind’s ability to read words faster than they can name the color. If a word is in color unlike the color it actually names, then we have more difficulty noticing the real color. For instance, it takes longer to differentiate “green” written blue, as supposed to its actual

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