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Easter Island Moai Statues

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There is an island in the midst of the Pacific Island called the Easter Islands. This mysterious island is filled with statues of heads called moai states. Who created them? How were they made and how did they get there? Many archeologists have come up with different theories of what could have happened.They ran trials and experiments with the evidence given. Although there are many theories about the Moai Statues on Easter Island, the creation and transport of these statues can be proven through DNA evidence, track evidence, and historical evidence. The creators of the moai statues are believed to be a group of Polynesians. Scientists have tested the DNA of some of the survivors on the island and the DNA was a match with skeletons on the island. This proves that the Polynesians did come to the island at some point and had made the island their home. Since it was their home, they must have built the …show more content…
Based off Leisel Clarke, “DNA from 12 Easter Island skeletons was found to be Polynesian.” (Clarke, Leisel. Pioneers of the Easter Island). An observation that was not clearly stated by scientists or archaeologists were the islands near the Easter Island. Many of the islands, no matter how small, have similar cultures to the Polynesians. Many countries have a specific culture and the cultures come as influences. Usually, countries that are near each other have very similar cultures and this is because they have influenced each other. Since these islands have a similar culture to Polynesians, it suggests that the Polynesians have influenced the tiny islands through being on the Easter Island first. “When Europeans first explored the Pacific and sailed from island to island, they noticed that the people of various islands, no matter how distant, had similar customs.” (Clarke, Leisel. Pioneers of the Easter

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