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Osteoporosis Research Paper

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An Overview of Osteoporosis Approximately 54 million Americans have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, a disease that is caused from low bone mass and is associated with serious complications. It is characterized as a disease in which the rate of bone density decay occurs more rapidly than the occurrence of new bone growth. The first suspicious indicator of one developing osteoporosis is the initial fracture. It is difficult to know if osteoporosis is present otherwise because there is no other physiological way to feel bones losing their strength. Low bone mass is the result of ongoing bone calcium loss which can be caused by a primary, or secondary illness. This disease is more prevalent in Caucasians and Asian as compared to other races …show more content…
In the event of a fracture, an individual may experience permanent or chronic pain which can then result limited or complete loss of mobility. An individual with a complication due to osteoporosis may even die. Spongy bone which is located inside the hard outer cortex can become damaged and no longer able to function properly. This complication mainly occurs in the compact bones and vertebrae. Among the elderly, 22% will die within one year of developing an osteoporosis-related fracture due to a combination of lowered immune system function and high rate of associated complications (National Osteoporosis Foundation, 2018.). In addition, many elderly patients experiencing an osteoporosis-related fracture will require rehabilitation in a nursing home. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation (2018), patients being treated in nursing homes have an estimated 2 million fractures, accounting for $19 billion annually to treat. By the year 2025, the estimated number of fractures associated with osteoporosis and the elderly rises to 3 million with a cost of $25.3 to treat …show more content…
Common factors include changes in sex hormone levels, thyroid hormone levels, having diabetes mellitus, low activity, abnormal vitamin D receptors, smoking, and consuming alcohol. The sex hormone that contributes to the onset of osteoporosis in both male and females is androgens which help maintain healthy bone density of the entire skeleton and suppress the activity of osteoclasts. As age increases, sex hormone production declines which increases the chance of developing osteoporosis. Autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and ankylosing spondylitis are considered risk factors for osteoporosis as they attack internal defense systems and increase the chance of bone mass loss. Mental illnesses such as eating disorders and depression can cause an individual to become malnourished, forcing the bones’ osteoclasts to release calcium to maintain the calcium level in the blood necessary for survival and causing weak and brittle bones. Females who over exercise or develop anorexia can also trigger the same bone degeneration due to calcium loss when their actions result in amenorrhea due to low body weight. Some medications can stimulate bone loss and increase the risks of developing osteoporosis. These medications include but are not limited to: chemotherapy drugs, anti-seizure drugs, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs),

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