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College Students Consent In Rape Culture

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Up until today, when it comes to rape, most people still lack knowledge of the subject and tend to assume they know plenty about it. They believe it is only about the victim not giving consent, and for the defendant to act still act upon their desires even though the victim did not agree to it. While that is relevant to the subject, there is still much to know about it especially when it comes to consent. Based on the scholarly articles that I have found so far, it has been revealed the true meaning of consent, and under what circumstances is it still considered as a sexual assault and when it is not.

When a person is sexually assaulted, everything plays a very important role and it will overall come together to decide if it will be considered …show more content…
College students especially women are vulnerable to rape, as stated in the article, “one in five women who attend college will be the victim of a completed or attempted sexual assault compared to one in six women in the general population.” (Wade 18). My research questions help advance the discourse by informing and putting students aware of what consent actually means, and how being victims of rape doesn’t automatically make them responsible for what happened. I personally feel that this topic is important to my community because people, including myself, aren’t properly informed about what consent actually is when is comes to rape and how to act upon it. We tend to briefly know about the subject instead of making our research about …show more content…
I hope with this analysis I will be able to properly inform about what the reality of consent as well as how victims aren’t the person to blame. My tentative thesis is mainly about the real definition behind what consent truly is as well as how the victim in not in fact the person to blame when things like these occur to them. Consent can take various and numerous amounts of forms, and can depend on whether the victim and the rapist had a relation. In some cases if both, the victim and the rapist, had a relation whether it was as friends or colleagues, it plays an important role! For example, if the rapist had

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