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Gender Specific Violence In America

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Gender specific violence impacts women in the United States and around the globe. Gender specific violence is a term used to capture violence that occurs as a result of the traditional role beliefs related to each gender, along with the imbalanced power relationships between the two genders, within the circumstance of a particular society. In America, there are certain crimes that are gender specific. For example, rape is a gender specific crime that is targeted primarily on women. Women are defined based on their relationship to men and their space in male hegemonic structures (Guy-Sheftall). Hegemonic masculinity is the perfectly created male and is class and race bound. Hegemonic masculinity is against femininity. Characteristic of hegemonic masculine …show more content…
Our notions of sexuality are based on domination. In our society boys are taught to be sexual conquerors of women bodies. Women bodies are diminished and acknowledged to be the property of men to do as he pleases with. We reject relationships based on domination and the violence against women and prostitution, they create. (mc pg1)However two people must be held in in equal standing in order to be complementary. It is also to be critical of sexism in hip hop music and popular culture and how the misogyny images affects women. In studies it was revealed that black teenage girls who are exposed to rap music videos were more likely to accept teen dating violence than those who were not exposed to such videos (Henry, Jackson, West pg.243). Males are constantly trying to prove themselves and that they are superior to women. Violence towards women in the black communities may have started from slavery days when the male would direct the anger and hatred he had for the white slave master towards his women. In a white supremacist sexist society all women’s bodies’ are devalued, but white women’s bodies are more valued than those of women of color. (9pg56 bh). Rape of the white male

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