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Leadership Servant Analysis

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What is a leadership servant one may ask themselves, well let’s take a look in to what it is, “Leadership servant is where one wants to server others” (Greenleaf, K.R., (2002)). When one looks at what a leadership servant role is they will see how it enriches other’s lives, it also helps organization skills, as well as wanting to make the world a better place for others. There are many characteristics that comes with being a great leadership servant when one thinks about what those characteristics are they will find: Empathy, awareness, conceptualization, listening, building communities, stewardship, healing, persuasion, commitment to growth of others, foresight (Northouse, G.P., (2016)). Here are some good explanations of why this makes sense to one’s self, …show more content…
One also need to know how to build a community; an example of this would be; I am the lead usher at my church and I need to know how to build my groups of getting people to server and get involved in the church community, when doing this I am building the community of getting others to join my team in helping new and older comers of the church.
It seems to be a difference between old and young people in today’s society of wanting to take on a leadership servant role. There are three major differences between these two group 1) listening 2) awareness, and 3) commitment to the growth of others. It seems that the older generation is stuck in their ways and that it is hard for them to make changes, to where the new generation wants to change everything to fit their lifestyle. Most know that it is not how that works, their need to be a median for both generations so that we can build the communities and awareness of God’s word and what he wants from his people, “Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you.

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