...Servant Leadership Stone et al. (2003) state that “a cursory glimpse of transformational leadership and Servant leadership leaves the perception that the concepts are rather similar. In fact, some individuals question whether there is any real difference between the concepts” (p. 349). They examine the differences and similarities between these two leadership concepts and discover that while they are similar, they do have distinct differences - the primary difference centring around the focus of the leader. A Transformational leader will focus on organisational objectives and will act in such a way that follower commitment is built towards these objectives. On the other hand, the servant-leader focuses on the followers and their values and the organisational objectives are of less importance....
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...Chapter 9 Charismatic and Transformational Leadership Chapter 9 Learning Outcomes • • • • • • • • • • • • • Describe personal meaning and how it influences attributions of charismatic qualities. Briefly explain Max Weber’s conceptualization of charisma. Describe the behavioral qualities that differentiate charismatic from noncharismatic leaders. Explain the locus of charismatic leadership. Discuss the effects of charismatic leadership on followers. Describe the characteristics that distinguish charismatic from noncharismatic leaders. Discuss how one can acquire charismatic qualities. Explain the difference between socialized and personalized charismatic leaders. Distinguish between charismatic and transformational leadership. Explain the difference between transformational and transactional leadership. Explain the four phases of the transformation process. Explain the basis of stewardship and servant leadership. Define the key terms listed at the end of the chapter. 2 Charismatic and Transformational Leaders • Often have a more heightened sense of who they are • Seem to have a clearer picture of their personal meaning or purpose in life sooner • Seek to actualize their personal meaning through leadership 3 Personal Meaning • Is the degree to which people’s lives make emotional sense and to which the demands confronted by them are perceived as being worthy of energy and commitment • Is the “work–life balance” ...
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...Positive Leadership Theories LDR/300 Positive Leadership Theories Intro For years studies have been conducted, great minds have met, and countless other activities have been held, all in hopes of finding a viable and reliable positive leadership theory. There are numerous theories and strategies documented. Some of these are very similar to the others, some take a different approach entirely, some can be looked at as being negative at their core, and the ones we will focus on are tend to have a positive structure. Authentic leadership and its application to modern leadership Authentic leadership is an approach to leadership that emphasizes building the leader’s legitimacy through honest relationships with followers which values their input and are built through honest relationships with followers which value their input and are built on an ethical foundation. Generally, authentic leaders are positive people with truthful self-concepts who promote openness. Building trust and generating enthusiastic support from their subordinates, authentic leaders are able to improve individual and team performance. The concept of “authenticity” can trace its history back to ancient Greece, philosophers stressed authenticity as an important state through an emphasis on being in control of one’s own life. They are also self-actualized individuals who are aware of their strengths, their limitations, and their emotions; they also show their real selves to their followers and do not...
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...Norwegian School of Leadership and Theology Life Essay Course Name: VEL1010E Value-based Leadership in Organizations Name of Student: Prakash Lamichhane Title of Essay: Leadership Theory and Practice Number of Words: 1728 Date:26/09/14 Leadership is seen in every organizational structure. There is no universal definition of leadership. Many have defined the term in various ways. Leadership in simple terms means leading people towards goal but it is a understanding in a nutshell. What is leadership? Leadership is not merely having a vision (Maxwell,2001), also is a process and having influences in a group towards common goals (Northhouse,2013). Leadership is a influence upon relation within followers and leaders to seek changes which takes to common goal (Rost 1993). Weathersby (1999, p.5) suggests: “Leadership focuses on the creation of a common vision. It means motivating people to contribute to the vision and encouraging them to align their self-interest with that of the organization. It means persuading, not commanding”. Hence leadership can be a process, an influence which works in a group with vision to achieve relevant goals. Purpose of the essay: This paper is written to compare and contrast situational, transformational and servant leadership theory and practices and the area of their strength and weakness. There are several leadership models or approaches that have emerged with the passage of time. Transactional, situational, transformational and servant among many....
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...Contents Acknowledgment 2 Abstract 3 Scope and Purpose 4 Leadership in Organizations 5 Transformational Leadership 6 Servant Leadership 9 Organizational Learning 10 Organizational Performance 13 Analysis 14 Theoretical Framework 16 Hypothesis 16 Methodology 17 Data Analysis and research findings 19 Conclusion and Discussion 28 Bibliography 29 Bibliography 29 Acknowledgment The process of research is a complex one and requires immense guidance at all stages. We are thankful to our respected advisor Mr. Muhammad Ali who guided us on every stage despite our shortcomings. We are also thankful to our respected advisory committee for their valuable feedback and suggestions. We would be thankful for further feedback from our Evaluation Committee. Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of two comparative leadership styles on organizational learning and performance of non-profit organizations. The leadership style undertaken is transformational leadership and servant leadership. A sample of 100 participants is taken from non-profit organizations based in Pakistan. Data was gathered through quantitative surveys on a five point likert scale. SPSS was used for analysis purpose. The results showed that the level of organization learning doesn’t affect organization performance. These results mean that organizations should focus on other factors rather than the type of leadership they are following if they want to improve their learning or performance ...
Words: 5744 - Pages: 23
...Introduction My definition of leadership is having a lasting impression on others, and not only inspiring them, but making a physical difference in their lives (hopefully in a good way). To have this ability to make impressions and differences, you need communication skills. One who cannot communicate well will never be a leader. A leader must know how to speak so his ideas are understood in the correct way. The next aspect of effective leadership is the ability to make decisions to change, and not always stick to the status quo. What good are leaders who are afraid of change? Another aspect of leadership is the ability to handle failure, because this is an aspect of leadership whether we want to believe it or not. My experiences in life have greatly influenced my definition of leadership. Throughout my career and life I have had a chance to experience different leadership styles and theories exhibited by different people. I have learned to use the good and not use the bad when dealing with followers. Different people and different situations require different approaches, as well as different styles and theories. The theories I will explore in my research that has also influenced my thinking on leadership and leaders are Transformational Leadership, Leader-Member Exchange Theory, and Servant Leadership. Philosophy Transformational leadership is a leadership style that I admire and hope to use effectively when I return to work. “Transformational leaders integrate creative...
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...Brief Background of the Movie Twelve O’ Clock High is an American movie film released in December 21, 1949 based on the novel of Sy Bartlett and Beirne Lay Jr. about the 918th Heavy Bombardment Group of the U.S Army Air Forces (USAAF) during World War II. The movie transitions from present to past as Harvey Stovall recalls his days with the Bomb group at a (fictional) USAAF airbase in Archbury. From there on a series of main plot characters are introduced by the movie, Major Harvey Stovall (later on as Lieutenant Colonel) as the Group Adjutant, Colonel Keith Davenport as Bomb Group Commander who is later relieved of his command by Major General Patrick Pritchard (Millard Mitchell), Commanding General of VIII Bomber Command, Eight Air Force. Pritchard places Brigadier General Frank Savage in command of the Bomb group composed of men such as Lieutenant Colonel Ben Gately who is replaced by Major Cobb as Group Air Executive, Major “Doc” Kaiser (Flight Surgeon), Lieutenant Bishop (Medal of Honor Nominee) and Sergeant McIllhenny. The 918th Heavy Bombardment Group is composed of B-17 planes that conduct day precision bombings near Germany. Heavy losses and the inability of the Group Air Commander, Colonel Davenport, to inspire his men due to the “over-identification with his men” as deduced by General Savage, led to the group's loss of morale, discipline, courage and purpose. The movie progresses as the “Hard Luck” group performs various bombing missions under General Savage...
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...can be increased through using women as an under-utilised resource. Removing glass ceiling barriers for women is important for their status and recognition. Deloitte (2013a) is following this initiative, being a market leader in empowering women. This report will explain that leadership, motivation and human resource strategies have been used by Deloitte to effectively manage its employee’s behaviours through their vision of empowering women. This report will explain that culture in the Asian and Middle Eastern countries play a role in determining the strategies that a company can use. There will be an analysis critiquing the strategies that Deloitte have used, whether they have adopted the correct strategies and what strategies they should implement in the future. “Leadership is the process by which a person exerts influence over other people and inspires, motivates and directs their activities to help achieve group or organisational goals” (Waddell, Jones & George, 2011, p. 172). Deloitte motivates and manages its employees through using the leadership theories of: House’s path goal theory; Vroom’s expectancy theory and transformational leaders. House’s path goal theory supports servant leadership. This means that the leader is not looked at from a position of power but rather as a life coach providing information and support to employees (House, 1996). House’s Path goal theory entails: offering rewards for the achievement of performance...
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...Wladislaw Rivkin, Stefan Diestel, Klaus-Helmut Schmidt* The positive relationship between servant leadership and employees’ psychological health: A multi-method approach** Servant leadership is thought to encourage socially responsible and moral behaviors. In the present article, we test the positive relationship between servant leadership and employees’ psychological health. We argue that servant leadership is positively related to employees’ health because servant leaders shape employees’ needs and create work environments that fulfill these needs. We examine the proposed relationship of servant leadership (a) competing for variance with different well-known stressors, (b) in multiple samples, (c) at the within- and between-person level, and (d) in relation to long- and short-term indicators of strain. On the basis of this multi-method approach we seek to demonstrate that our results are invariant across different methodological conditions. In Study 1 (N=443), we simultaneously tested the between-person level relationships of servant leadership and job ambiguity to emotional exhaustion and depersonalization as the core symptoms of burnout. In Study 2 (N=75), we simultaneously tested the relationships of person-level servant leadership and day-level emotional dissonance to day-level ego depletion and need for recovery as outcomes. The results of both studies demonstrate that servant leadership is negatively related to strain and accounts for unique variance in short- and long-term...
Words: 10028 - Pages: 41
...ethical leadership? Michel Dion ´ Universite de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada Abstract Purpose – The aim of this study is to know if ethical theories could be connected to some leadership approaches. Design/methodology/approach – In the paper eight leadership approaches are selected: directive leadership, self-leadership, authentic leadership, transactional leadership, shared leadership, charismatic leadership, servant leadership, transformational leadership. Five western ethical theories (philosophical egoism, utilitarianism, Kantianism, ethics of virtue, ethics of responsibility) are analyzed to see to what extent their basic concepts could be connected to one or the other leadership approach. Findings – A given ethical theory (such as philosophical egoism) could be suitable to the components of various leadership approaches. Ethical leadership does not imply that a given leadership approach is reflecting only one ethical theory. Rather, ethical leadership implies that for different reasons, various leadership approaches could agree with the same ethical theory. This is what we could call the “moral flexibility of leadership approaches”. Research limitations/implications – This study focuses on western ethical theories. A similar study should be undertaken for Eastern ethical theories coming from Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, or Daoism. Practical implications – Some dualisms (such as Kantianism-transformational leadership, philosophical egoism-transactional leadership) do...
Words: 11184 - Pages: 45
...The Transformational Leadership Report "The goal of transformational leadership is to “transform” people and organizations in a literal sense – to change them in mind and heart; enlarge vision, insight, and understanding; clarify purposes; make behavior congruent with beliefs, principles, or values; and bring about changes that are permanent, self-perpetuating, and momentum building." - Steven Covey, Author of 7 Habits of Highly Successful People - www.transformationalleadership.net Developing Tomorrow’s Transformational Leaders Today The Transformational Leadership Report INDEX What is Transformational Leadership? 3 Components of Transformational Leadership 5 Transformational Leadership vs. Transactional Leadership 6 A Brief History of Leadership 8 How does a Transformational Leader work? 10 What are the characteristics of a leader of change? 10 Where Transformational Leadership and Authenticity meet 11 Transformational Leadership Behaviors 13 Recommended Reading 17 TL Publications list 19 © 2007 www.transformationalleadership.net 2 of 19 The Transformational Leadership Report What is Transformational Leadership? Leadership has been around for thousands of years, and yet we still are unable to contain it in a single definition we all agree on. Perhaps this is because leadership is continuously evolving, and more than what it seems to be, depending on how you look at it. It is a...
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...The Transformational Leadership Report "The goal of transformational leadership is to “transform” people and organizations in a literal sense – to change them in mind and heart; enlarge vision, insight, and understanding; clarify purposes; make behavior congruent with beliefs, principles, or values; and bring about changes that are permanent, self-perpetuating, and momentum building." - Steven Covey, Author of 7 Habits of Highly Successful People - www.transformationalleadership.net Developing Tomorrow’s Transformational Leaders Today The Transformational Leadership Report INDEX What is Transformational Leadership? 3 Components of Transformational Leadership 5 Transformational Leadership vs. Transactional Leadership 6 A Brief History of Leadership 8 How does a Transformational Leader work? 10 What are the characteristics of a leader of change? 10 Where Transformational Leadership and Authenticity meet 11 Transformational Leadership Behaviors 13 Recommended Reading 17 TL Publications list 19 © 2007 www.transformationalleadership.net 2 of 19 The Transformational Leadership Report What is Transformational Leadership? Leadership has been around for thousands of years, and yet we still are unable to contain it in a single definition we all agree on. Perhaps this is because leadership is continuously evolving, and more than what it seems to be, depending on how you look at it. It is a complex concept...
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...Google and apple Leadership styles There are a number of different approaches, or 'styles' to leadership and management that are based on different assumptions and theories. The style that individuals use will be based on a combination of their beliefs, values and preferences, as well as the organizational culture and norms which will encourage some styles and discourage others. * Charismatic Leadership * Participative Leadership * Situational Leadership * Transactional Leadership * Transformational Leadership * The Quiet Leader * Servant Leadership Charismatic Leadership Disciplines > Leadership > Leadership styles > Charismatic Leadership Assumptions | Style | Discussion | See also Assumptions Charm and grace are all that is needed to create followers. Self-belief is a fundamental need of leaders. People follow others that they personally admire. Style The Charismatic Leader gathers followers through dint of personality and charm, rather than any form of external power or authority. The searchlight of attention It is interesting to watch a Charismatic Leader 'working the room' as they move from person to person. They pay much attention to the person they are talking to at any one moment, making that person feel like they are, for that time, the most important person in the world. Charismatic Leaders pay a great deal of attention in scanning and reading their environment, and are good at picking up the moods and...
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...The Future of Nurse Leadership A paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the course MHST/NURS 604 Leadership Roles in Health XXXXX February 28, 2013 Abstract Canada’s healthcare environment faces dynamics of change and elements of uncertainly. However, change and uncertainty need not be met with prospects of a dismal future. The framework of healthcare faces distinct challenges, potentially providing the opportunity for nurse leadership to provide a pathway for the future. One concern is the capacity to prepare the next generation of nurse leaders, both formal and informal, to become effective leaders, contributing to the future health of the workplace. This study is an analysis pertaining to the development of future nurse leaders. The analysis seeks to uncover the challenges of developing nurse leaders, and the necessary requirements for the next generation of leaders within healthcare. The findings suggest that the development of nursing leadership is vital in relation to healthy workplace environments, and quality patient care. Furthermore, a new paradigm and set of competencies necessary to lead nursing into the future. Keywords: leadership, nursing, development...
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...Essay on Key Topic on Organizational Behavior MBA 545 People and Systemructor Essay on Key Topic on Organizational Behavior November 11, 2010 The topic I am going to analyze in my Essay on Key Topic on Organizational Behavior assignment is Leadership. Starting with its definition, leadership is the organization of a group of people, so as to achieve a number of specific goals that the group and mostly the leader set. More specifically, a leader is considered to be somebody, who creates and communicates a vision, provides his “followers” with guidance and motivation, in order to achieve certain targets, influences others through his use of power, establishes and maintains group culture, clarifies roles and empowers the members of his group, and of course, has the ability to make tough decisions with limited information. Being a leader is totally different comparing to being a manager of a group of people. Being a leader, as already mentioned, means giving motivation, influencing and changing the behavior of people, when necessary, inspiring and creating a vision for the group of people...
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