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We Walk The Line Analysis

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Butryn, T. M., LaVoi, N. M., Kauer, K. J., Semerjian, T. Z., & Waldron, J. J. (2014). We Walk the Line: An Analysis of the Problems and Possibilities of Work at the Sport Psychology-Sport Sociology Nexus. Sociology Of Sport Journal, 31(2), 162-184. This is an attempt to join two fields of psychology by the use of an integrated experiment where the uses of sports psychology and sports sociology come together, thus bringing to light the dividing lines between academic departments in the two respective fields of sports social science. Thus, we might be wise to work more closely to carve out a space that is both professionally viable and socially relevant (Butryn, LaVoi, Kauer, Semerjian & Waldron, 2014) This journal will not only aid in my attempt to show the correlation between real world application and the need for commingling between forces. But, also showing how the future of this field can not only take sports psychology to a new respected …show more content…
The goal is to show how to build higher levels of performance by exemplifying the need to have a high level of mental toughness
Graddy, J. T. (2007). The future of sport psychology: A delphi poll. (Order No. 3271091, University of Florida). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 97-n/a. Retrieved from (304869537). Graddy talks about the future of sports psychology and its reflection on four factors that may become an issue, which include core identity, training, research, and credentialing. Grady believes that with an ever growing field that one day multi-disciplines will form and thus creating overlapping with-in the field. While this aspect may lead to a commingling within the fields, credentials and certifications are thus to follow, allowing for a bit of

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Gait Recognition

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Sonnet 130

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