...Poetry essay Both William Shakespeare and Cristiana Rossetti present love as a hard felt, powerful emotion. Both poets also refer to the theme of death in both their both poems ‘Remember’ and ‘Sonnet 116’. However Shakespeare presents love in a much more positive way where as Rossetti presents the theme of loss throughout. William Shakespeare presents the Theme of love as eternal despite the impediments that may be faced over time such as the loss of a partner and the fading of external beauty through aging; the emotion remains robust. This is implied when Shakespeare personifies death through referencing the Grim reaper’s “Bending sickle” Connoting that beauty is fading upon the upcoming of death however “love alters not” implying love’s strength through time as resolute. Whereas Rossetti refers more to the theme of grief and presents the idea of love when faced with loss and change as transitory. This is connoted when the Persona says that it is “better to forget” when what appears to be directing her partner. Suggesting that the inevitability of death and the change it brings will break the ties of love despite its strength. Both poets use personification when referencing death. Shakespeare personifies death twice within the third quatrain using fairly harsh, frightening imagery: “the edge of doom”. This suggests the persona views death’s inevitability as negative, which juxtaposes the poems theme throughout being love’s continuous strength despite unavoidable...
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...Literature is a term that does not have a universally accepted definition, but which has variably included all written work; writing that possesses literary merit; and language that foregrounds literariness, as opposed to ordinary language. Etymologically the term derives from Latin literatura/litteratura "writing formed with letters", although some definitions include spoken or sung texts. Literature can be classified according to whether it is fiction or non-fiction, and whether it is poetry or prose; it can be further distinguished according to major forms such as the novel, short story or drama; and works are often categorised according to historical periods, or according to their adherence to certain aesthetic features or expectations . Literature may consist of texts based on factual information, a category that may also include polemical works, biographies, and reflective essays, or it may consist of texts based on imagination . Literature written in poetry emphasizes the aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language—such as sound, symbolism, and metre—to evoke meanings in addition to, or in place of, ordinary meanings, while literature written in prose applies ordinary grammatical structure and the natural flow of speech. Literature can also be classified according to historical periods, genres, and political influences. While the concept of genre has broadened over the centuries, in general, a genre consists of artistic works that fall within a certain central theme;...
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... Presbyterian Boys Secondary School (Accra), before pursuing his Bachelor’s Degree in Management studies at the University of Cape Coast. He holds a Graduate Diploma in Business Management and Commercial Management from the Institute of Commercial Management-UK. Michael’s poems have been translated into other languages, including Greek, Croatian, Polish and have appeared in anthologies and several prominent international journals such as The World Poetry Anthology 2011, Larissa Greece, Collage- The best of poetry space 2010 Anthology (UK), The Enchanting Verses Poetry Journal Issue IX (India), Malawian Journals, The New Crusading Guide Volumes 3 and 8 (Ghana),Poems of the World Quarterly Magazine (USA), OW NEWS Monthly Newsletter (Canada), Face language, Poetry Space Magazine (UK), and have been the featured poet for May/June 2010 on an online poetry magazine Bristol-UK, forthcoming Anthologies, and blogs on www.mkksomuah@wordpress.com Michael was honored with the Kostis Palamas Poetry Prize award of Peace and an Honorary Diploma in Poetry for appreciation, and exceptional excellence in Poetry, Greece, July 2011 and have been the celebrated and profiled Featured poet for August/September 2011 on Poetryspace-(UK). Michael made Africa and Ghana proud as the only participant, and read at the Municipal Art Gallery in Larissa. He is currently working on his first Novel, “Mofrado”, which literary means Love for Children (In dedication to all SOS Kinderdoff’s the world over)...
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...hints about old men and mothers, and the offspring taken soon/out of their laps” (Norton Anthology 1028). This thought is expressed over three lines of his poem. This style contributes to the descriptive and eloquent nature of Whitman’s poetry. The reader absorbs much from his writing. In contrast to Whitman, Dickinson writes in an incredibly choppy style. For example, she states, “Flow plain – and foreign /On my homesick eye -/Except that You than He/Shone closer by-…”(Norton Anthology 1210). This style is evident in all of her works. It evokes a haunted feeling from the reader....
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...when Christian religious dogma was primarily hagiography, “the telling of the life of virtuous men and women that represents what it means to be a good Christian.” These stories are used as a form of reflections on one’s life as to make it better in the future. Religious dogma needed to be made more accessible to the congregation which was widely illiterate, so the stories were written with easy points and then acted out so that the congregation would not only be awake and attentive, but so that these stories of morality and faith would really sink in. “Caedmon” is probably the earliest extant of Old English poetry, Bede tells about Caedmon, an illiterate cowherd, is employed by the Monastery of Whitby, and one days receives a miraculous gift from God, the gift of song, which allows him to enter the church as a peer who becomes the founder of a school of Christian poetry.”, the abbess who cherished the grace of God in this man, instructed him to give up secular life and to take monastic vows.” Although it is stated that Caedmon...
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...Reflection While doing my poetry anthology I learned a lot about how people interpret poetry. I also learned what kinds of poetry people like and why they like it. I think that the role of poetry in today has gotten smaller throughout time and that it is not as important as it was in the olden days. Poetry was used as entertainment and for people to watch and enjoy, for example how people would go to watch Shakespeare's plays. Today the role of poetry is for some entertainment but mainly people use it to express themselves. Even though people still use poetry as a way of expression I believe that people are replacing poetry with music. More people use and listen to music to express themselves today. People feel that they can relate to music easier and it is much easier to understand so that is why they have replaced poetry with music. I believe that poetry still has a place in our society and that it is used when people want to express feelings and emotions through words. It gives people a sense of creativity. The perception of poetry has changed a lot over time. Today poetry is much more modern and easier to understand. Olden day poetry is much harder for to people today because we don't use the language they used so it made it hard to understand. The people I selected to be in my anthology picked more modern and recent poets. Many of the poems were picked more for entertainment and to learn something from. Some of the poems such as Messy Room, Whatif, and I Want were selected...
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...Professor Richard Dooner August 4th, 2014 Edgar Allan Poe’ Secrets Edgar Allan Poe’ Secret Considered as part of the American Romantic Movement, Edgar Allan Poe was an American poet, author, and literary critic in the 1800’s. In the textbook “Anthology of American Literature,” George McMichael and James Leonard included a literary criticism from Edgar Poe in “Twice-Told Tales” written by Hawthorne. In his review, Edgar Allan Poe set the rules of short stories. Also, the authors included Poe’ theory of poetry in “The Poetic Principle" and "The Philosophy of Composition" which contained the unified core and basis of Poe's critical theories and these two essays alone suffice to give one a full understanding of Poe's critical views. Edgar Allan Poe is considered to be America's first significant literary critic or, at least, the first major writer in America to write seriously about criticism, about the theory of composition, and about the principles of creative art. He was also the first to set down consistent set of principles about what he thought was acceptable in art and what should be essentially rejected in art. Poe's major theories can be found in the many reviews he wrote analyzing the writings of other authors; in this genre, his most famous review is entitled "Twice-Told Tales," a review of Nathaniel Hawthorne's short stories. Among Poe's greatnesses was his ability as an editor to recognize great literature and to dismiss insignificant works. Poe was the first...
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...University of the Philippines (UP) High School and enrolled at at the UP College of Medicine in 1925. Villa first tried painting, but then turned into writing after reading Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson. His poetry first gained fame—or notoriety—in 1929, when he was suspended for one year by the UP administration for the publication of “Man Song.” His penmame Doveglion (derived from “Dove, Eagle, Lion”) is based on the characters he derived from himself. These animals were also explored by another poet in Doveglion, Adventures in Value, a poem dedicated to Villa. Villa never finished his medical studies. In 1930 he won the Philippines Free Press literary contest for “Mir-i-nisa” and used the prize money to go to the United States. He enrolled at the University of New Mexico and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree and pursued post-graduate work at Columbia University. He taught poetry for a while at the City College of New York, 1964- 1973. He also worked in the Philippine Mission to the U.N., 1954- 1963, and became the vice consul in 1965. After he retired in 1973, he continued to teach professionals in his Greenwich Village residence. Villa started out as a fictionist, with “Footnote to Youth” and “Mir-I-nisa.” In 1932, “Untitled Story” appeared in anthology by Edward J. O’Brien, who culled from different publications his annual Best American Short Stories and Best British Short Stories. The following year, Footnote to Youth, a collection of Villa’s stories, was published...
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...General Certificate of Secondary Education Higher Tier June 2014 English Literature Unit 2 Poetry across time Thursday 22 May 2014 1.30 pm to 2.45 pm 97102H H For this paper you must have: • an AQA 16-page answer book • an unannotated copy of the Anthology Moon on the Tides. Time allowed • 1 hour 15 minutes Instructions • Use black ink or black ball-point pen. • Write the information required on the front of your answer book. The paper reference is 97102H. • Answer two questions. • Answer one question from Section A and the question in Section B. • For Section A, you must have a copy of the AQA Poetry Anthology Moon on the Tides in the examination room. The text must not be annotated and must not contain additional notes or materials. • Write your answers in the answer book provided. • Do all rough work in your answer book. Cross through any work you do not want to be marked. • You must not use a dictionary. Information • The marks for questions are shown in brackets. • The maximum mark for this paper is 54. • You should: – use good English – organise information clearly – use specialist vocabulary where appropriate. Advice • You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on Section A and about 30 minutes on Section B. • You are reminded that there are 36 marks for Section A and 18 marks for Section B. IB/M/Jun14/E2 97102H 2 Section A: Anthology – Moon on the Tides Answer one question from this section. You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this...
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...Wilfred Owen letter: My own dearest Mother, Immediately after I sent my last letter, more than a fortnight ago, we were rushed up into the Line. Twice in one day we went over the top, gaining both our objectives. Our A Company led the Attack, and of course lost a certain number of men. I had some extraordinary escapes from shells & bullets. Fortunately there was no bayonet work, since the Hun ran before we got up to his trench. You will find mention of our fight in the Communiqué; the place happens to be the very village which Father named in his last letter! Never before has the Battalion encountered such intense shelling as rained on us as we advanced in the open. The Colonel sent round this message the next day: 'I was filled with admiration at the conduct of the Battalion under the heavy shell-fire.... The leadership of officers was excellent, and the conduct of the men beyond praise.' The reward we got for all this was to remain in the Line 12 days. For twelve days I did not wash my face, nor take off my boots, nor sleep a deep sleep. For twelve days we lay in holes, where at any moment a shell might put us out. I think the worst incident was one wet night when we lay up against a railwav embankment. A big shell lit on the top of the bank, just 2 yards from my head. Before I awoke, I was blown in the air right away from the bank! I passed most of the following days in a railway Cutting, in a hole just big enough to lie in, and covered with corrugated iron. My brother...
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...August 4th, 2014 Edgar Allan Poe’ Secrets Edgar Allan Poe’ Secret Considered as part of the American Romantic Movement, Edgar Allan Poe was an American poet, author, and literary critic in the 1800’s. In the textbook “Anthology of American Literature,” George McMichael and James Leonard included a literary criticism from Edgar Poe in “Twice-Told Tales” written by Hawthorne. In his review, Edgar Allan Poe set the rules of short stories. Also, the authors included Poe’ theory of poetry in “The Poetic Principle" and "The Philosophy of Composition" which contained the unified core and basis of Poe's critical theories and these two essays alone suffice to give one a full understanding of Poe's critical views. Edgar Allan Poe is considered to be America's first significant literary critic or, at least, the first major writer in America to write seriously about criticism, about the theory of composition, and about the principles of creative art. He was also the first to set down consistent set of principles about what he thought was acceptable in art and what should be essentially rejected in art. Poe's major theories can be found in the many reviews he wrote analyzing the writings of other authors; in this genre, his most famous review is entitled "Twice-Told Tales," a review of Nathaniel Hawthorne's short stories. Among Poe's greatnesses was his ability as an editor to recognize great literature and to dismiss insignificant works. Poe was the first major, or influential, writer...
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...Modern Indian poetry in English is a relatively new entrant in India’s poetic traditions, which have existed for more than 4000 years. However, in a span of 65 years, modern Indian poetry has carved a space of its own, with voices that are strong, exploratory and revealing, often emblematic of the challenges independent India has faced. Whether it’s the self-scrutinizing verse of Jewish Indian poet Nissim Ezekiel leading to greater insights, the paradoxical beauty of street life captured photographically in Arun Kolatkar’s poems, or the explosive feminist poetry of Kamala Das, Indian poetry in English has inspired and enlightened many, revealing an ethos that is their own. Modern Indian poetry in English can be defined as poetry written/published from 1947 onwards (the year India gained Independence from British rule), by poets of Indian origin, writing in the English language. This includes poetry from the Indian Diaspora, written by poets of Indian origin/ancestry, born or settled outside of India. With India having over 1500 languages, modern Indian poetry in English carries with it the weight of being written in the language of those who once ruled India, and along with that, the accusation of not being ‘true’ or ‘authentic’ to the Indian experience. Tags such as Indian Anglophone, Indo-English, Indo-Anglian, Indian English, post-colonial, make matters even more complicated and at the same time remind us that modern Indian poetry is not so easy to label. While scholars...
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...Ashley Wilson Brown English 152 OM3 6 November 2016 Read Between the Lines The anthology The New Census: An Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry captures a wide range of contemporary poems covering formal, social, and creative concerns. Although The New Census includes multiple poems from forty poets, there were two poems that both employ aesthetic traits and were the most engaging. The most intriguing literary piece presented in The New Census is “Coon Songs Must Go! Coon Songs Must Go on” by Tyehimba Jess. The second poem that wasn’t as engaging as “Coon Songs Must Go! Coon Songs Must Go on” but still possess interesting elements is “Tin Man” by Jericho Brown. Unlike “Tin Man,” the speaker of “Coon Songs Must Go! Coon Songs Must Go...
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...poem, through questioning God on his creations. The last two lines of the poem ‘Yet do I marvel at this curious thing: To make a poet black, and bid him sing’ (13-14) through which the title of the poem is repeated, suggests that the speaker is not able to understand why God would make him a Black poet and make him write poetry, when at the time the poem was published, the speaker would not have been able to voice his opinions and ideas due to his race. Within The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain chapter of Venetria K. Patton’s and Maureen Honey’s Double Take: A Revisionist Harlem Renaissance anthology, Cullen’s own views on being a Black poet in the 1920s become apparent through Hughes’ description of Cullen. Making reference to Cullen, Hughes tells the reader that “One of the most promising of the young Negro poets said to me once, ‘I want to be a poet – not a Negro poet’’ (Patton and Honey, 2001, 40) which he concludes means that Cullen ‘would like to be white’, and this suggests that Cullen is perhaps ashamed of his race and would rather be a White poet, to be able to voice his ideas, without being discriminated against. The connection between poetry and race are evident within ‘Yet Do I Marvel’ and Cullen’s own views on not wanting to be a ‘Negro poet’, suggesting the reason behind the speaker questioning God for making him a ‘Black poet’ as it reflects Cullen’s own personal life. Cullen’s speaker also questions God on ‘why the little buried mole continues blind’ (2-3)...
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...Once Upon A Time Once Upon a Time by Gabriel Okara Once upon a time, son, they used to laugh with their hearts and laugh with their eyes: but now they only laugh with their teeth, while their ice-block-cold eyes search behind my shadow. There was a time indeed they used to shake hands with their hearts: but that’s gone, son. Now they shake hands without hearts while their left hands search my empty pockets. ‘Feel at home!’ ‘Come again’: they say, and when I come again and feel at home, once, twice, there will be no thrice- for then I find doors shut on me. So I have learned many things, son. I have learned to wear many faces like dresses – homeface, officeface, streetface, hostface, cocktailface, with all their conforming smiles like a fixed portrait smile. And I have learned too to laugh with only my teeth and shake hands without my heart. I have also learned to say,’Goodbye’, when I mean ‘Good-riddance’: to say ‘Glad to meet you’, without being glad; and to say ‘It’s been nice talking to you’, after being bored. But believe me, son. I want to be what I used to be when I was like you. I want to unlearn all these muting things. Most of all, I want to relearn how to laugh, for my laugh in the mirror shows only my teeth like a snake’s bare fangs! So show me, son, how to laugh; show me how I used to laugh and smile once upon a time when I was like you. BIOGRAPHY- Gabriel Imomtimi Gbaingbain Okara, the son of an Ijọ chief...
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