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Gender Stereotypes Research Paper

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Accepting Stereotypes

When looking at media today a lot of people may think it has come a long way in terms of its representation of the LGBTQ+ community. However, what many often fail to acknowledge is how they are being represented. Despite the growing acceptance and portrayal of LGBTQ+ characters in television and film, the main depictions we see are still stereotypes, negative images, and comic reliefs; all there for entertainment and/or to gain credit for diversity. Why is it that today, in the age of second generation human rights activists, the majority of people still seem to voluntarily swallow these stereotypes of the LGBTQ+ community?

Hollywood has during later years been criticized by its lack of diversity, and focus on white …show more content…
In “The Wedding Ringer” the main character Dough hires a flamboyant gay wedding planner, who later turns out to be playing flamboyant because it “helps business”. This could be seen as progressive for making fun of the most commonly used gay stereotype (the flamboyant gay man) and making the gay character actually have masculine characteristics. However, the reason it doesn’t work is because they do not address the issue of this stereotype, it is just there to serve as comic relief. Furthermore, it perpetuates the “Queer Eye for The Straight Guise” stereotype that there are certain skills and attributes that are attributed to gay men. This image was particularly sold in the TV show “Queer Eye for Straight Guise” where the “Fab Five” were 5 gay men who’s’ purpose was to serve and guide straight men on how to impress woman, which is interesting because gay men are interested in men, not women. However, because they are expected to have feminine traits they are also expected to understand what women want. It is a way to be inclusive of gay characters—because the gay and straight men are getting along—without subverting from stereotypes (Kearney). “Get Hard” shows a different example of using homosexuality as a punchline, where Will Farrell plays the character of a wealthy manager, James, who gets sentenced to prison and asks Kevin hearts character, Darnell, to teach him survival skills. The main joke of the movie plays off as James, a scrawny not very masculine man’s only way to survive in prison is by performing oral sex on the male inmates. This is problematic because it not only portrays sexual activity between two man as repulsive but it also paints the image that gayness primarily has to do with sex and the body. Another

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