...three year period observing the organizational objectives and leadership practices of Ajax Corporation. I will describe the organization outlining its goals and objectives. I will describe three leadership practices of the primary leader of the organization along with how the current leadership has affected the organizational structure. Upon completion of describing the organizational objectives and leadership practices I will conduct a SWOT analysis showing the strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities and threats to the organization. In conclusion I will outline my evaluation of the primary leader of Ajax Corporation describing three strengths using a scholarly leadership theory as well as three weaknesses. With a final recommendation of three theory- based practices to maximize the future success of the primary leader and Ajax Corporation. Organization Description and Objectives Ajax Corporation is a medical device manufacturer with facilities located in forty eight countries with gross revenues of eight hundred million dollars. The organization I have experience with is located within the United States and is the largest manufacturing facility of a specific type medical device controlling sixty five percent of the market share for this type of device. This manufacturing facilities organizational structure is a plant manager with a leadership team in support. The leadership team is comprised of a Plant Manager, Engineering Manager, Manufacturing...
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...International Leadership: Am I the Right Fit? Jeffrey A. Bolton University of Maryland University College Abstract Being selected for this new leadership opportunity was a great honor for me. This was truly a step above opportunity for me and the demands of the position would be a challenge to me and my family. I have never really worked outside the continental United States and this opportunity required me to manage multiple offices of this corporation and some were abroad. I had to ask myself if I truly was the right candidate for this opportunity. Being noticed because of my knack of being a proven leader with positive results with my current employer was great but was I ready to take on a new challenge that had more of a multicultural twist? That was the question I had to find the answers. I was informed that I was to meet with the CEO of the company at 3:00 PM and I was nervous. If you had a meeting at that time of a day, it usually was not good. I was a nervous wreck as I sat in his office expecting the worse. To my relief, I found out that not only was I not losing my job, I was being offered an amazing opportunity. I was selected as a candidate for a leadership position in an international corporation and I was being heavily recruited by that company based on what they heard about me. Of course, this opportunity brought on additional challenges for me as well as my family because it would require a lot of traveling both here in the United States and abroad...
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...Pentecostalism as a denomination is historically African American and is commonly known as being Holiness. Today, with its many members, women continue to face challenges in obtaining official pastoral roles in the 21st century, Other denominations e.g. , Southern Baptist, Presbyterian, and African Methodist Episcopal churches are overcoming this challenge by preventing women from becoming pastors. Although there are several sects within the Baptist and Presbyterian churches that are divided on the acceptance of women pastors, through an election process, the Southern Baptist Church and the Southern Presbyterian Church USA conquered challenges that prevented women from attaining the top position of the church (Van Biema et al., 2004). Qualified...
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...Education 2013 Virtual teams: opportunities and challenges for e-leaders Snellman Carita Liliana* a Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Business, Leiritie 1, Vantaa 01600, Finland Abstract In the globalized world with crucial technological changes, leaders are facing unforeseen opportunities as well as challenges while striving to reach their objectives. Such changes have led to organizational restructurings and implied rethinking of leadership functions and practices. Changing organizational structures, from traditional hierarchical towards lower and more flexible ones, have made leaders organize work in new ways. Teams account for one new way of organizing work and reaching organizational goals. Likewise, globalized markets have made leaders search for new solutions to meet the needs of customers. In consequence, organizations strive for competitive advantages through downsizing, subcontracting, joint ventures, strategic alliances, and other collaborative and network-based alternatives which are typically facilitated by virtual teams. Virtual teams are geographically and organizationally dispersed teams that function over time zones. Due to such dispersion, physical contact in virtual teams is reduced or lacking altogether which means that collaboration is enabled by IT-solutions such as computerbased communication. This kind of electronically facilitated team work is known to imply opportunities as well as challenges for today’s global e-leaders. Research...
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...Entrepreneurial Leadership Bridgett Miller Dr. Gary Shelton BUS 508 July 15, 2011 Entrepreneurial Leadership Question One Entrepreneurship is the leadership style needed for a dynamic market. The market today describes a dynamic market because of its nature to change consistently. The term dynamic means motion, energy, fluidity, and constancy of change in the market. These changes occur in various aspects including technologies, market, global situations, complementary goods and services, networks and alliances, customer groupings, demographic patterns, and financial systems. With all these changes witnessed, it only takes leadership combined with entrepreneurial spirit for there to be success in business. The big role for entrepreneurial leaders is to develop strategies that manage these changes and at the same time exploits the available opportunities. There are several common elements shared among the theories of Case, Kouzes, and Drucker. Steve Case’s philosophy identifies three Ps that would make any entrepreneur successful. These Ps include: people, passion, and perseverance. Kouzes talks of five exemplary practices of leadership. In all these theories, the idea of enabling others to act comes out clearly. A leader is not a leader until everyone under that leadership is inspired to act toward the common goal and vision...
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...World of Entrepreneurial Leadership Shanteka Glover T. A. Swinney, MS The Business Enterprise BUS 508 October 24, 2010 Abstract Leadership is a set of skills and practices that are available to everyone and is found everywhere. Leaders foster relationships that are built on trust and confidence and allow people to take risks, be creative, and become leaders themselves. They also hold to personal values that drive commitment, make an impact, and allow for high hopes to be set, which can lead to high performance. Typically, leadership revolves around one big concept, which is either doing things different or doing existing things better. In getting task completed, leaders may posses one or more leadership styles depending on the function of the leader, employees, and the situation. However, there is no single leadership style that is considered as being the best strategy. Leaders must simply rely on the task at hand, the vision, and type of employees in order to choose a leadership style that best suits the needs of the business. Keywords: leadership, entrepreneur, leadership principles, leadership styles Entrepreneurial Leadership Have you ever entertained the thought of becoming an entrepreneur? Do you know what it takes to become an entrepreneur and establish a successful and thriving business? Entrepreneurs are risk takers in the private business system that seek after a profitable opportunity and takes the necessary risks to set up and operate a business. Although...
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...| Leadership and Strategic Thinking | Assignment 1 | | Name: Ramya Gopalakrishnan | Student ID: 12663642 | Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 3 2. Overview of the UK Oil and Gas Industry 4 2.1 Discussion on the current state of the industry 4 3. UK Oil and Gas Industry Leadership Outlook 5 3.1 Current Leadership Issues and Practices 5 4. Current Global and National Crises Issues 8 4.1 Issues and Impact on the Industry and Practices 8 5. Future Leadership Outlook 10 5.1 Leadership Aims for the Future 10 5.2 Leadership practice: Challenges, Impacts and Recommendations 10 Works Cited 13 1. Executive Summary This report is focused on the current leadership and development in the United Kingdom’s (UK) Oil and Gas industry. The first section highlights and describes the current external and internal environment, along with the challenges posed to the industry. The second section describes the issues faced by the industry in the short-term and long-term process and the measures taken by leaders to curb these issues and minimize the potential of risks and high costs to the industry. The third section gives an analysis of the global issues and problems posed to the UK oil and gas industry, their effects and practices undertaken to resolves these issues. The last section gives an analysis of the future outlook of the industry and its leadership capabilities. It also focuses on recommendations for the leaders to face the challenges that...
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...5 DAY LEADERSHIP TRAINING PROGRAMME Date: 1st - 5th feb 2011 Time: 9 am- 12 pm Venue- S.A.I.M College Participants: MBA students Participants : 30 Innovative leadership development programme to help you manage the range of leadership challenges that arise at different stages in your career. This five-day programme is designed to help participants become leaders with impact. Whilst providing inspiration and guidance for established leaders, those looking to be better prepared when the opportunity arises will also benefit. Each programme is designed to help you gain personal insights into your own leadership style and learn the tools and techniques required to become an inspiring leader. Day 1: leadership orientation * Programme introduction * Programme overview * Introduction of all participants and their view on leadership * The Leadership Challenge—Which Leader are You? * Initiate Small Group Leadership Project Objective of day 1: to give brief idea about whole programme. Understanding the view of participants and their expectation from this programme. Interaction among the participants and with lecturer. Day 2: * Lecture on different styles of leadership * Participants will divide into 6 group , 5 members in each group * The Art of Collaboration—Team Building * Group Discussion based on different leadership style through film * Group presentation based on the film Day 2 objectives: Introduces...
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...The Future of Nurse Leadership A paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the course MHST/NURS 604 Leadership Roles in Health XXXXX February 28, 2013 Abstract Canada’s healthcare environment faces dynamics of change and elements of uncertainly. However, change and uncertainty need not be met with prospects of a dismal future. The framework of healthcare faces distinct challenges, potentially providing the opportunity for nurse leadership to provide a pathway for the future. One concern is the capacity to prepare the next generation of nurse leaders, both formal and informal, to become effective leaders, contributing to the future health of the workplace. This study is an analysis pertaining to the development of future nurse leaders. The analysis seeks to uncover the challenges of developing nurse leaders, and the necessary requirements for the next generation of leaders within healthcare. The findings suggest that the development of nursing leadership is vital in relation to healthy workplace environments, and quality patient care. Furthermore, a new paradigm and set of competencies necessary to lead nursing into the future. Keywords: leadership, nursing, development...
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...will see opportunity in good and bad times and as such will be able to lead organisations resiliently through crisis and prosperity. Prepared by: Mervyn J Fraser (78043808) Due Date: May 2, 2014 0 MBL925R Individual Assignment No. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 3 PROPOSED METHODOLOGY 4 KEY QUESTIONS / CONCEPTS 5 STUDY LIMITATIONS 6 STUDY VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY ISSUES 7 ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS 8 STUDY SIGNIFICANCE / BENEFITS 9 REFERENCES 10 ANNEXURES PAGE NO. 2 3 8 9 11 11 12 l3 l4 15 1 MBL925R Individual Assignment No. 1 1. Introduction (Center for Creative Leadership, 2009) said that not long ago, strategy was king. Forecasting, planning and making smart bets created the power sources within organizations. The future of a business could fit into an established framework or system. If managed well then success would be the end result. In today’s business world uncertainty is palpable. Planning for next quarter is a challenge. Even more difficult is committing to decisions that will play out in one to five years. What is the new process, the innovative product, the game-changing service or the compelling vision? Most senior executives are claiming that they have lost the crystal ball. Because of the dynamic nature of business today problems come up daily that requires the right leadership and behaviours to steer organizations through these challenging times. In every challenge there is opportunity. This is...
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...macro leadership? * Who the leader is * Scope of responsibility * Focus * Effectiveness criteria In macro leadership, "the leader’s role in creating a successful organization is fulfilled in two ways, path-finding and culture-building, Macro leadership activity can influence individuals by linking them to the entity. Micro leadership "focuses on the choice of leadership style to create an efficient working atmosphere and obtain willing cooperation in getting the job done by adjusting one’s style on the twin dimensions of task and relationship behavior.</para></question></general-problem> <general-problem maxpoints="1"><question label="2."><inst> 2. </inst><para>What are the strategic forces that affect strategic leadership in organizations? * Environment * Technology * Strategy * Culture * Structure * Leadership </ins3. What are the factors that determine the use of participation and what are the potential benefits and disadvantages of participation? Criteria for Use of Participation * When the task is complex and quality is important * When follower commitment is needed * When there is time * When the leader and follower are ready * When the leader and followers can easily interact Benefits of Participation * Development of followers * Better decision on complex tasks * Increase in follower motivation and commitment * Opportunity to...
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...“THE CHALLENGES OF LEADERSHIP IN POST- CONFLICT AFRICA: THE CASE OF LIBERIA.” BY HER EXCELLENCY ELLEN JOHNSON SIRLEAF PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA AT THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES, LONDON, MAY 31, 2006 Mr. Chairman Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen: Let me begin by thanking the distinguished Governing Board, the membership and the staff of your Institute for this invitation to dialogue with you and, by so doing, join the array of other world leaders who have addressed this body. I will also use this opportunity to express thanks and appreciation to the British public for keeping faith with us as a people by way of the immutable public broadcasting body, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), which over the past several years played no small role in bringing the plight of our people and country to the attention of a global audience. Today, I invite you and the rest of the good people of this great country to join us in savoring the dawn of a new dispensation in my country – one that embodies the hopes and aspirations of the majority of Liberians. I am confident that my Government can also count on the support of the Government and people of this country to see us through our journey toward achieving national renewal after decades of conflict. Academic studies on the evolution of leadership in Africa take note of the fact that the liberation leaders of the continent were nationalistic, selfless and visionary—leaders who put...
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...Global Leadership Concerns for the Future It is my belief that the powerful driving forces that will impact my future business will be online and mobile communication, globalization, attitudes to the environment generational change, rising customer expectations, technologically savvy and many more issues will raise vital challenges for the company. In the world of business, increasing globalization of commerce and trade has created new challenges for business leaders throughout the marketplace (Goldsmith et al, 2003). As a leader my concerns for the future will be first to, understand how both foreign and domestic trade policy will affect a particular business structure. For instance, a Limited Liability Company (LLC) will have different guidelines to follow under Federal Law than a C-corporation, which also will have varied guidelines to follow if conducting business outside the U.S. or with other countries. Look at trends in emerging economies. Many developing countries such as India and China are becoming some of the largest and fastest-growing economies in the world (Ernst & Chrobot-Mason, p. 2011). A leader must be aware of the company's exposure to other cultural concerns. The international relations between a company's country of origin and the other nations we conduct business with are important to the livelihood of the business. Second, my global leadership concerns for the future are diversity training and development; there is not enough. According to Goldsmith...
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...Leadership philosophy serves as a basis on how we act as leaders. It is personal; something we choose that defines our expectations, values and acts. My leadership philosophy began to take shape earlier in my career, where I had the opportunity to meet and work for outstanding leaders. Leaders that had the inner drive to always improve and not be afraid of making mistakes. Leaders that taught me not to be satisfied with the “status quo”, especially in times of change and unexpected challenges. They were visionaries that inspired me and set the leadership foundation for my upcoming professional years. I will always remember their attributes, competencies and power to motivate others. Becoming an effective leader is not something...
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...CORPORATE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL® DECEMBER 2005 www.corporateleadershipcouncil.com LITERATURE KEY FINDINGS Developing Asian Leaders Finding 1: Many Western companies believe they will gain competitive advantage by developing senior Asian leaders due to decreased staffing costs and better navigation of local culture compared to that of expatriates. That said, significant challenges exist for developing local talent, such as a lack of formal extensive education, Western management skills, and language skills. Advantages of Developing Asian Leaders Asian Trend: Sourcing Locally A Hudson Recruitment survey of 500 multinational companies indicates that 87% of companies do not plan to bring in new expatriate employees in the near future. This strategy is expected to avoid the increasing salary costs and lack of local market knowledge common 2 among expatriate new hires. Trend: Developing talent locally—According to a Deloitte Touche Tomatsu study (n=680), local employees will significantly outweigh expatriate talent in senior management positions in China in the coming years. Leaders at multinational firms expect expatriates to only hold 26% of senior positions that they currently hold. Therefore, to compete with other companies in the future, companies should invest now 1 in developing their local leaders. 2 Expatriates are expensive—The primary driver behind localization of the senior leadership in China is cost savings. Costs of expatriates include...
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