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Becoming A Servant Leader

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Becoming a servant leader drives distinct momentum as well as creates an advantage to another team in an organization. One of the most important steps in becoming a great leader is being able to take the time to develop one’s team member. Jaramillo, Bande, and Varela state, “Servant leaders act in the best interest of the employee and prioritize their individual growth and development” (108, 2014). When a leader has the opportunity to cultivate a new way of thinking the reward is immense, since it has to do with the passing of one’s legacy. Developing and passing traits to team members is not easy, the task of making team members be well- rounded can be time-consuming and tedious. In spite of this, the accomplishment of a servant leader is to our development over the self-interest of one’s self (Jaramillo, Bande, & Varela, pg110, 2014). Once a leader grows other aptitudes and strengths true power is able to stand out in a team. …show more content…
When building the strength of any organization a leader has to be able to focus on the strong suit of the members. When building on a team member’s strengths Jennings and Stahl-Wert write, “To address your weaknesses, focus on your strengths” (pg76, 2003). It does not make sense to spend a lot of time and effort in working on a weakness that will only make a skill be mediocre. Being servant leaders and knowing one’s team members strengths. One will be able to build teams that will complement the group, for instance, if a team member is not good in logistics a leader will get a group associate that

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