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Personal Narrative: My Interview With Javier Villegas

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“We are farmers! Bum bad um bum bum bum bum!” I went to interview Javier Villegas from Farmers Insurance. Javier Villegas is thirty-six years old from Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico. Lives in Wichita with his wife and daughter, also another child on the way. Javier graduated from college in Mexico and went on to move to the United States and begin a new journey to his life.
Javier’s motivation is knowing that he has people behind him helping push so that he can achieve his dreams. When I asked if his family was his motivation to work he replied, “Always, my wife supports me with everything that I do. Now that I have a daughter I work hard just to show her what needs to me done to make it here in America.” (Villegas, 2017) Javier also mentioned that …show more content…
Javier and I went to the Wichita Hispanic Chambers of Commerce Gala, and it was a nice event where they recognized those in the community who have done something to recognize the Hispanic culture. Javier is one of the Board Members of the Chamber and he introduced a young man, Ulises Moreno, who began a business that helps with janitorial services. Javier also helped Ulises by motivating and supporting him with everything Ulises has been doing. Something that caught my attention was at the end of Ulises speech where he said “I’m only 22 years old” Another speaker before Ulises also came up and also said something that stuck with me. I did not catch the speakers name, but the man was talking to the bilingual people about how they need to work hard to be able to be recognized, “You have to be more American than the Americans, also to be more Latino than the Latinos” This motivated me to know more about where I came from and to influence those who might follow the same …show more content…
Javier replies saying “I do not care what they call me. Like if the call me wet-back or whatever, it won’t bother me. Why? Because I work hard, pay my taxes, do my duties and everything better than other people just to show those in the Hispanic community.” (Villegas, 2017) I then asked, “Do you think that diversity is a good thing?” His response was “Yes and no. It’s great to have diversity but I do not like how they use it here in the United States.” (Villegas, 2017)Javier is meaning to say that this is a problem because people everywhere should be treated equally. He said “Back when I went to school, there was no ‘African-Americans, Caucasian, Hispanics, or other stuff people checkmark to tell them what race you are. Everyone was treated as human beings rather than here, in the United States, where people are treated like what the media portrays of these people.” (Villegas, 2017) I ask if this is a problem in the workforce, and his response was a yes. “There may be a time where you work with someone that is racist and does not want to put in the work but you have to work twice as hard just to show that you can be a proficient worker.” (Villegas, 2017)Javier just wants to present Hispanics as ambitious and determine

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