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Arguments Against Abortion Research

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Imagine a mom playing with her child on a nice afternoon. Both of them are laughing, and having fun. Then the next day the mom contacts a serial killer, and pays him money to kill her baby. Now that might seem crazy, but it happens. While it might not happened at that age, moms do give money to serial killers, ones that kill unborn babies. That is what happens when a mom aborts, they use their money, sometimes their insurance’s money, and even worse sometimes they even use taxpayer’s money (Ganga)!
The U.S. protects endangered animals more than unborn baby humans. It shouldn’t be that way, the U.S. should protect both equally. Veterinarians don’t abort baby puppies, so why should doctors abort baby humans (Forslee)? It is just wrong. Abortion is a big problem in our community. In the U.S, there …show more content…
There are organizations out there that can help them take the right choice (Upton). They need to realize that if they choose to have sex, then they choose to take responsibility of their consequences. A baby should not be a consequence. A baby is a gift that God gives you. A baby should not be a curse, because a baby is a blessing. Women need to understand that they do have control of their body, but they also need to realize that their baby should also have control of their body (Willis).
Many women feel guilt and remorse after they have an abortion (Forslee). Some even try to stop a chemical abortion before it kills their baby (Duarte). Women need to know that God doesn’t make mistakes, that if he sent a baby to them it’s for a reason. They needs to realize that life starts at conception. Women need to remember that the baby is innocent, that it was brought into this world by his/her parents. All the baby wants is to be loved and cared for. Moms need to give their little angels a try, and if they really do not want them, then they can always put them up for

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