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Flight Mh370 Research Paper

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Where is Flight MH370? By: Brett Dillinger
“Passenger Jet vanishes, leaving 162 feared dead.”, “162 missing after jet lost at sea.”, “Where is flight 370?”. News Headlines across the globe blow up with questions about a Malaysian Airliner that went off of the radar on March 8, 2014. Flight MH370, en route to Beijing, China mysteriously lost contact with air traffic control at 1:21 a.m. This communication error happened one hour after liftoff from the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Many believe that the plane, after running out of gas, crashed into the South China Sea because the plane was headed out over the sea when contact was lost. Even after being picked up by Malaysian Military Radar for a few minutes, scientists can only guess about what happened in this mysterious occurrence. Scientists, engineers, and mathematicians from across the world are developing many …show more content…
So far, unmanned subs have searched 23,000 square miles. Experts had expected that the search would be finished by May of 2015. But since they have not found anything yet, they have expanded the search area to 60,000 square miles. Due to the subs’ lack of intelligence, complex programming must be used to navigate the it. Trigonometry along with Geometry have to be used in the search for this missing aircraft. The most well known submarine is called the Bluefin 21. The Bluefin 21 (made by Bluefin Robotics) was released in the Indian Ocean on April 14, 2014 in search for the plane. As of today it has made much progress. Its torpedo shaped body and variety of sensors make it perfect for a deep sea dive. Powered by nine lithium­polymer batteries, the Bluefin 21 typically travels at 3 knots (3.45 mph) and can remain submerged for up 21 hours. This can be broken down to 2 hours to reach the seafloor, 16 hours of scanning, and lastly 2 hours back up to the surface. The math portion of the search has

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