...ANTH 2001: Gender and Development. Department of Anthropology University of Witwatersrand ESSAY TWO – DUE 21st OCTOBER 2011 Write an essay on one of the following questions, using the reading material in your reading pack and, where possible, other research and readings that you discover independently. The essays should be typed and between 2,000 - 2,500 words long, at 1.5 spacing and margins of at least 2.5 cm all around. Please number pages and ensure that your NAME and STUDENT NUMBER are on the upper right corner of the first/front page. Choose one of the following topics/questions: 1) With reference to at least two ethnographic examples discuss the relationship between motherhood, militarization and resistance. 2) Batliwala and Ahanraj (2007:21) argue that it is a “gender myth” to assume that giving poor women access to economic resources - such as credit –will ensure their overall empowerment. Discuss what they mean by this idea of “gender myth” with reference to the shifts from Women in Development (WID) to Gender and Development (GAD). 3) With reference to at least two ethnographic studies explain and discuss the significance of heterosexual masculinities and femininities in shaping experiences of vulnerability to HIV/AIDS infection, treatment, and care. 4) With reference to Robert Morrell’s work on the shifting notions of masculinity (2001) as well as other relevant ethnographic examples discuss the role of...
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...Nature vs. Nurture in Gender Development The interest in the Interaction between hormones and behavior is not new there has long been a question of whether an individual is born with a specific identity or whether they are nurtured or pushed into a certain role, and how well they can adapt to and assimilate into a specific gender. First it is important to understand that gender is complicated and consists primarily of of three elements. The Gender role, this is the assumption of behavioral traits which are either masculine or feminine and considered to be correct or characteristic of a specific sex. The second element of gender is gender identity; this is a individuals private and personal sense of their sex. Third is an individual’s sexual orientation, which encompasses is individual’s desire for other individuals of similar or different genders from themselves. Sex is a biological term and it is used to distinguish the gender referring to the actual functional differences between males and females, an individual’s sex is the genetic difference an individual’s sex is encoded their chromosomes. Gender is a psychological term encompassing several different elements, this is a person’s psychological, biological, and sociological factors and the individuals feelings about sex. Gender role is the assumption of behavioral traits that are markedly masculine or feminine, and typically the traits are what are socially deemed to be appropriate or characteristic of a certain sex...
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...The Gender and Development approach is a method of determining how best to organize development projects and programs based on analysis of gender relationships. This approach was developed in the 1980s as an alternative to the Women in Development approach that was commonly in use (http://en.wikipedia.org). This approach acknowledges that to address women’s concerns and needs, development assistance must take account of both women’s and men’s roles and responsibilities within the community and their relationship to each other. It requires the active participation of men as well as women in order to raise the status of women and bring about sustainable development (Development bulletin, January 1996). Gender is defined according to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 1997) as the relations between men and women, both perceptual and material. Gender is not determined biologically, as a result of sexual characteristics of either women or men, but is constructed socially. These are learned, Change overtime, and vary within and between countries and cultures according to social, religious, historical and economic factors. Although gender is often misunderstood as being the promotion of women only, looking at the definition of gender by the (FAO) it is seen that gender issues focus on women and on the relationship between men and women, their roles, access to and control over resources, division of labor, interests and needs. Development on the other hand is an elusive concept...
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...noon, headache in the afternoon, angry in the evening.” (Chinese woman quoted by Wolf, 1985) “Human development, if not gendered, is endangered” (United Nations Human Development Report, 1995) “The undervaluation of women’s work lowers the real value of the national product, undermines women’s purchasing power, curtails their rights to own property and land and to acquire credit from financial institutions, and reduces their already low status” (Ngan-Ling Chow & Lyter, 2002) “The invisibility of masculinity reproduces gender inequality, both materially and ideologically. Thus, any initiative to improve the condition of women must include efforts to involve men” (Kimmel in Cleaver, 2002) Time: Monday 9.00-10.50am Place: Seminar Room 1, Chrystal MacMillan Building Course Convenor: Jeevan Sharma (email: jeevan.sharma@ed.ac.uk) Office hours: Tuesday 10.00-12.00 My office is Room 4.30 in the Chrystal MacMillan Building. Tel: 0131 6511760 This document contains important information about the course, please read through it carefully. Copies are available on Learn at: http://www.sps.ed.ac.uk/undergrad/honours/subjects_and_centres/sociology Key dates: Short essay (25 February 2013); Long Essay (29 April 2013) Gender and Development Spring Semester 2013 2 **THIS HANDBOOK IS AVAILABLE IN LARGER PRINT IF REQUIRED** BACKGROUND Gender studies and development studies are both interdisciplinary in orientation, and touch on issues as diverse as work & family...
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...Gender equality and equity are useful aspects in the development of communities. The importance of gender equality is underscored by its inclusion and recognised globally as one of the eight Millennium Development Goals. In this writing the writer would first define terms gender equality and equity. The writer is going to dwell much on issues like income generating projects, education, health services, politics, family issues, and religion which are some of the useful aspects that promotes community development. Gender equality is, first and foremost, a human right. According to Momsen (2004), gender equality means equal valuation of men and women and sameness in the enjoyment of rights, power, opportunities, treatment, and control of resources between male and females in the society. P (2007) congruently agrees with Momsen when depict Gender equality, as that men and women should receive equal treatment, unless there is a sound biological reason for different treatment. This concept is a key factor in the development of communities, where the ultimate aim is to provide equality in law and equality in social situations, especially in democratic activities and securing equal pay for equal work. Momsen (2004) went on to define gender equity as a process of achieving fairness and justice among men and women in distribution of opportunities, responsibilities and resources as well as accessing and controlling benefits from these resources. Kaiser (2005) as well defines gender...
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...Report No 55 Gender and Development: Concepts and Definitions Prepared for the Department for International Development (DFID) for its gender mainstreaming intranet resource by Hazel Reeves and Sally Baden February 2000 BRIDGE (development - gender) Institute of Development Studies University of Sussex Brighton BN1 9RE, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1273 606261 Fax: +44 (0) 1273 621202 Email: bridge@ids.ac.uk Website: http://www.ids.ac.uk/bridge/ © Institute of Development Studies ISBN 1 85864 381 3 Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1 2. Quick Definitions ................................................................................................... 2 3. Detailed Explanations and Further Reading ....................................................... 4 Culture ..................................................................................................................... 4 Gender Analysis ...................................................................................................... 6 Gender Discrimination ............................................................................................. 7 Gender Division of Labour....................................................................................... 8 Gender Equality and Equity................................................................................... 10 Gender Mainstreaming ................
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...Theories of Gender Development Sam Mathews Freud’s Work: 1. Psychoanalytic perspective has viewed gender, sex, and sexuality in an essentialist light 2. Freud’s psychoanalytic perspective has been “popularized” and has become part of our social consciousness 3. Structuralist—mind has an inherent structure (id, ego, superego; unconscious, preconscious, conscious) 4. “Instincts” drive our personalities—life/sexual and death/aggressive 5. Psychosexual stages “track” our development a. Oral b. Anal c. Phallic d. Latent e. Genital 6. Phallic stage is critical in that a “psychoanalytic dimorphism” occurs a. Oedipal/Electra b. Resolution of these stages is key to healthy maturation 7. Freud’s views of women were conflicted—saw them as inherently pathological yet also saw women as intellectual equals a. Pushed to admit women to the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society when no women had been admitted (Dr. Margaret Hilferding, 1910) b. Disagreed on admitting women to the “common” workforce • “it is really a stillborn thought to send women into the struggle for existence exactly as men. If for instance I imagined my gentle sweet girl as a competitor, it would only end in my telling her as I did 17 months ago, that I am fond of her and that I implore her to withdraw from the strife into the calm uncompetitive activity of my home…Nature has determined women’s destiny...
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...ATHROPOLOGY OF GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT [HANTH 107] INTRODUCTION Defining Key Concepts Gender is not about women as most people think. Gender is about both men and women. Gender is a set of characteristics distinguishing between male and female, and is a result socio – cultural construction, it describes the characteristics that a society or culture delineates as masculine or feminine. Thus the term gender has social, cultural and attitudinal connotations. Gender is a set of characteristics distinguishing between male and female, and is a result socio – cultural construction, it describes the characteristics that a society or culture delineates as masculine or feminine. Thus the term gender has social, cultural and attitudinal connotations. Sex on the other hand refers to the biological differences in chromosomes, hormonal profiles as well as internal and external sexual organs or genitalia.The term sex since classical times has been used to designate matters related to biological and anatomical makeup of a person. Thus while ones’ sex as male or female is a biological and universal fact that is however not the same with gender since sex is tends to be similar across all cultures while gender varies one society to another. Sex relates to the biological characteristics that categorise someone as either female or male; whereas gender refers to the socially determined ideas and practices of what it is to be female or male. Patriarchy - Systemic societal structures that institutionalise...
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...Explain what workers compensation is and its benefits Workers compensation is a system where the employer is obliged to pay medical expenses or and lost wages in their line of duty, usually through an insurance cover. It is a law normally governed by statutes in every state in the globe. Among the key similarities in all the laws guiding the same, the worker is automatically entitled to some compensation in cases where they get sick in their line of duty or even lose wages in the same line. These includes occupational disease, and injuries incurred in and out of in the line of dissipating duty by an employer (Meg, 2006). The employee is entitled to some payment which include wage loss and cash loss benefits and also include medical and career rehabilitation benefits to the employee. In cases where the employees dies, those who directly depend on the employee are compensated. Some of the immaterial things include employer or the employees’ negligence in most countries. Some of the organizations and bodies not entitled to workers compensation are the independent contractors and in some states, agricultural workers and the domestic workers are only partially covered (Commisioner, 2005). The sole goal of the employer compensation to the employee is to ensure the employee is reinstated to their former state if possible using the quickest method without harming the employers’ organization or business. In cases where an employee incur an injury from a third party, it is the obligation...
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...Home | Contacts | Feedback About DEI * Background * Staff Organisation * Permament Secrerary's Office * Legal Department * Ethics Education * Finance and Administration IAF Resource Center Legal Department The Legal Department is the policy arm of the Directorate for Ethics and Integrity. Its main objective is to strengthen the Legal and Policy framework to fight corruption and rebuild ethics and integrity in Uganda. With regard to the coordination role, the Legal department is responsible for tracking the enforcement of anti- corruption policy and laws. This exercise is expected to ensure compliance and to enable the identification of challenges that law enforcement agencies face during enforcement and, also a mechanism to identify lacuna in the existing law and, new and emerging issues in the fight against corruption that would require new legislation. Functions of the Department * To Provide legal counsel to the directorate on matters related to the fight against corruption and ensuring ethical governance * To review existing anti- corruption legislation and policy, with a view to proposing ammendments * To identify new and emerging issues in the fight against corruption and develop new legislation or measures to address the same * To ensure compliance with anti- corruption laws and policy by monitoring their implementation * Ensuring that Uganda's legal and policy frame work is in harmony...
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...Explanation Cognitive Development Theory was founded by one of the most influential researchers of the 20th century, Jean Paiget (A&M p. 3). Piaget was concerned with how we come to know and how children thought. Due to Piaget’s biology background, Piaget “was interested in how an organism adapts to its environment” (A&M p.3). Paget’s main hypothesis was that infants were born with reflex schemes and then as they aged, constructed schemes took place of the reflex. Piaget also noted, “Children are born with a very basic mental structure (genetically inherited and evolved) on which all subsequent learning and knowledge is based” (McLeod). Piaget claimed individuals use two process throughout life to adapt, assimilation and accommodation. “Assimilation is the process of using of transforming the environment so that it can be placed in preexisting cognitive structures. Accommodation is the process of changing cognitive structures in order to accept something from the environment” (A&M p.3). As one ages, behaviors become more complex forcing schemes to morph into structures. Piaget based much of his research on case studies. During his work, Piaget identified four stages of development; * Sensorimotor Stage (Infancy): “Intelligence is demonstrated through motor activity without the use of symbols (A&M p. 4). * Pre-operational Stage (Toddler): “Intelligence is demonstrated through the use of symbols, language use matures, and memory and imagination...
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...19 Home Analytics Upload Papers S65 no pic Shailaja Gender and Development Essay Yelden Sarybay Uploaded by Yelden Sarybay top 2%416 Info Bookmark Download DOCX Report Work that may take a diversity of pathways, but for which there are rarely the kind of short-cuts envisaged by the proponents of empowerment- lite.” (Harcourt, 2009) Conclusion Effective of not, Kazakhstan‟s most marginalized are simply not affected by the discussion. “This is a debate about gender and power, about body politics and political bodies, about norms and hierarchies, about intimate and institutional violence, and about liberation and justice.” (Cornwall et al., 2002) Before the population as a whole risks an identity crisis, it makes sense to formulate a familial, non-intrusive policy on gender so that it may pursue development. “For instance, writing of events in Serb ia in the 1990s, Blagojevic (1999) notes that „[t]he political and economic changes endangered the male identity much more than the female‟. Consequently: New prophets appeared on the scene offering various socio -biological arguments in support of the claim that men are inherently superior. One such was Tosevski, who proclaims Serbian masculinity to be superior to the western variety and advocates open promiscuity for males....” (Alan et al. , 2000) Such absurd views can only be taken seriously by those who lack ideological grounding. The Serbian example also “ warns us that masculinity...
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...2011). The country comprises of 29 states and 7 UTs with diverse social and cultural contexts. Various national development programs are being planned and implemented under a federal structure whereby both the Centre and the State share the responsibility and the resources. One amongst them is the Education, which was not always a shared responsibility rather was a State subject where the Centre played only the role of advisor. When India got independence in 1947, the literacy rates at that time were very low, with only 27% male and 9% female population as literates (Census of India, 1951). The reason for this was the education system followed by...
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... TRENDS IN RESEARCH AND PRACTICE Eva M. Rathgeber* International Development Research Centre Ottawa * The views expressed here are those of the author and This paper was do not necessarily reflect those of IDRC. originally presented at the meetings of the Canadian Institute for the Advancement of Women held in Quebec City, November 1988. 2 During the past few years, the term "women in development" has become common currency both inside and outside academic settings. But while "women in development" or "WID", is understood integration of women into global processes the of to mean economic, political and social growth and change, there often is confusion about the meaning of two more recent acronyms, This paper will begin with assumptions embedded look at the in an "WID," "WAD" and "dAD". examination of meanings and "WAD" and "GAD" and then will extent to which differing views of the relationship between gender and development have influenced research, policymaking and international agency thinking since the mid1960s. it is suggested that each term has been associated with a varying set of assumptions and has led to the formulation of different strategies for the participation of women in development strategies. ORIGINS 1. women in Development The term "women in development" came into use in the early 1970s, after the publication of Ester Boserup's Economic Development (1970). Boserup was Women's Role in the first to systematically...
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...Ziding Wang The development of gender equality 1. Introduction Over the past decades, the relationships between women and men and their lives have dramatically changed. In many parts of the world, women still have fewer rights including poor level of education, less income that men and less power of decision making. Unfortunately, this is true, despite the fact that women’s role in children upbringing, food producing and family income is inestimable. Gender equality is not only about being fair to both women and men, but is also means that they should have the same status in society. It also means that they have equal rights and opportunities on the way to their success and can equally contribute to all spheres of live: political and economic. With the promoting of scientific advancement, Japan seems to fall behind with gender equality. Only about 14 percent of female professionals has been trained in mathematics, science and engineering. According to data obtained, most of female scientists merely underestimate themselves when competing with their male colleagues (sciencemag.org). Unequal pay and unequal respect towards working women dispel the myth about gender equality (shriverreport.org). In general, the level of women’s wage is 2/3 of that of the men. Gender inequality in payment is a direct violation of the principle of equal pay for equal work. Almost in all sectors of the economy women take low-paying positions. During all these year we another...
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