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Rape On College Campus

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As you read this sentence, someone is being raped on an American college campus. Imagine for a moment if you weren’t reading this sentence, and instead being a victim of rape? The question makes anyone’s body shiver, yet it doesn’t cross our mind when our parents drop us to college that we are entering a world as wild as one can imagine. Our excitement and hope at this new stage in life is unexplainable, but while we are glooming with happiness our parents are entering an alarming state of unease, because we are not immune to the hidden danger of rape, and other sexual crimes that happen in our new found “comfort zone.” Every new day is an example of a college potentially mishandling the sexual assault of one of its students. While sex crimes are on the rise in America’s higher-education system, so does the institutions negligence. The purpose of this paper is to try and unravel the injustices and misconceptions of what …show more content…
MIT became one of the first schools to release wide-ranging data on sex crimes on campus, also expanding prevention and education efforts, which should be adopted by all institutions, as well as planning follow-up surveys to measure changes. Officials also noted a sense of confussion about what constitutes sexual assault, as mentioned previously. According to the poll, nearly two-thirds of respondendts who had encountered an unwanted sexual experience said they had told someone about it, but less than 5 percent reported the incident to an official. However, recently advocates say that the increased number of assaults may reflect increased reporting, rather than increased attacks. As stated by the Rape Abuse and Incest National Network, about 60% of sexual assaults go unreported. Meanwhile, sexual assault continues to be a major issue on American

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