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Single Motherhood: Can You Really Have It All?

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Single Motherhood: Can You Really Have it All? In the United States, mothers have been raising children alone either due to the loss of their spouse, pregnancies out of wedlock, or divorce; however, has anyone truly recognized the effects that the lack of even one parental figure has on a child? There are three major perspectives on the debate about the effects of single motherhood on childhood development: single motherhood can be beneficial to childhood development, single motherhood can have a negative effect on the child, and there can be both positive and negative effects on the child. A widely known perspective from the single motherhood debate would be that being raised in a home without a paternal role may be beneficial to a child’s …show more content…
Ribar states that single mothers provide a child with “more economic resources or greater economic flexibility in the form of a higher income; more assets or wealth; larger private or social assistance payments; better access to health insurance and child care; availability of employment; access to goods and services; and opportunities to save and borrow” (13). The author highlights specific economic opportunities for the child of a single mother, including more financial resources, an increased amount of wealth and federal payments, and accessibility to health care. Ultimately, Ribar contends that single motherhood benefits a child’s future by providing economic and financial opportunities. Secondly, Angie D. Wilson, a graduate from the department of psychology, counseling, and special education, provides actual success stories of a variety of single mothers who have raised prosperous men further proving Ribar’s claim. In the article, “The Lived Experiences of Resilient Single Mothers Who Raised Successful Black Men,” Angie D. Wilson mentions a man named Anthony who was raised by a lone mother. Anthony is a 28-year-old father and has a master’s degree. According to Wilson, “He …show more content…
Co-authors Hau Chyi, a graduate from Hanqing Advanced Institute of Economics and Finance, and Orgul Demet Ozturk, a graduate from the Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina wrote the article “The Effects of Single Mother’s Welfare Use and Employment Decisions on Children’s Cognitive Development”. According to Chyi and Ozturk, “mothers who work more, sacrifice more of the time that they could spend nurturing and caring for their children. This may hurt the cognitive development of their children, especially if quality child care is not an option” (Chyi and Ozturk 12). The authors claim that the children of single mothers are at a disadvantage because it results in the child being deprived of the love and nurturement the child would receive if the child had two parents. Furthermore, in the article, “The Family is Here to Stay”, Ron Haskins, a former White House and congressional advisor on welfare issues as well as an expert on foster care, preschool, and poverty, emphasizes the effects of corrupted families on a child’s cognitive development, and the idea that action should be taken against this uprising phenomenon. Ron Haskins states, “In 2013, about 28 percent of the nation’s children were living in single-parent families, and nearly 80 percent of those children, about 17.5 million, lived in female-headed families” (17). The

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