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Holistic Assessment Research Paper

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Holistic assessment goal is to heal the person as whole. Holistic assessments deals with person’s social, psychological, physical and spiritual needs. Nurses should use therapeutic communication to do holistic assessment that helps create nurse patient relationship. If the nurse patient has trusting relationship then the nurse would be able to best assess patient as a whole and patient feels confident to share all confidential health information. Nurse patient relationship is very important for holistic assessment and care of patient, patient safety and for positive patient outcomes. The entire care, diagnosis and patient outcome are based on the information collected at the time of assessment. Patient’s beliefs and rituals also effect the compliance of treatment. Nurse should be aware of cultural beliefs and practices of patient.
Now a day we see more older population around us because of medical science advancements. Aging is natural process in life and it brings some irreversible changes. The problem begins when we associate chronic illnesses and other health problems to the aging process. For example incontinence, problems with eating or feeding, sleep disturbance, falls skin breakdown and. All these conditions are interconnected and plays vital role in overall patient outcome. We …show more content…
Hence the reason we see elderly with problems like malnutrition, medication mal absorption, fragility, fatigue and weakness. As nurses we need to educate our patients to eat as much they can tolerate but don’t skip the meal and keep hydrate, drink fluids to avoid constipation. They usually don’t drink because they are afraid of going to toilet so many times, but it's our job to guide them in reassuring

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