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No Knock Raid Research Paper

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By having stricter policies on when and how much deadly force is acceptable and ensuring that officers have the proper training in its application, unnecessary deaths could be prevented and tension between citizens and their police could be reduced, allowing for better communication between the two. In the incident of Tracy Ingle, a no-knock raid lead to him being horribly wounded. Assuming he was dealing with robbers due to the lack of communication, he waved an inactive pistol at what were actually officers. In retaliation officers immediately opened fire, “Ingle was shot five times, with one bullet destroying his femur and leaving his leg ‘dangling from his body connected only by a bloody mess of meat, skin, and tendon’” (Epstein). This situation contained two major flaws: the police did not allow for communication with the suspect and instead decided to perform a no-knock raid, and immediately opened fire on Ingle without attempting to talk to him first and understand his intentions. With proper training, the officers would have been less likely to make such a sudden and brash decision, and the conflict could have been resolved without any bloodshed.
This opinion is shared by Kurt Eichenwald, who was the recipient of the George Polk award for journalism twice and a writer for The New York Times for over twenty years. In reference to the death …show more content…
This conclusion is based on the Elaborated Social Identity Model (ESIM), which is the leading scientific theory on managing a boisterous horde of people. What the ESIM shows is that an angry crowd can be driven to riot if they believe they are being treated unfairly--for example, by being confronted by cops decked out with military weaponry. When police treat a crowd justly and humanely, the chance of an uproar decreases and participants trust law enforcement more, the research shows

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