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Mount Li Tomb

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Mausoleum- a monument enclosing the burial chamber of a deceased person- has a long history in China, with the largest historical site being the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, Qin Shi Huang- constructed for over 38 years during the Qin Dynasty (221-206 B.C.). The mausoleum has both spectacular structures above the ground and rich funeral items buried beneath the ground, to protect and entertain the emperor in the afterlife, ranging from a complex of offices, stables, an armoury, sacrificial pits, and even an imperial zoo containing rare birds and animals. One of the most impressive feature of the tomb is, however, the gigantic scale of the terracotta warrior and horse figures, discovered in 1974. The discovery is regarded as one of the most …show more content…
In consideration of desiring to move all that he enjoyed in his life time to his underground kingdom, he decided to build the largest cemetery for himself. There were several reasons for him to choose the northern foothills of Mount Li as his final decision. Firstly, he wanted to be buried near his father in Dong Ling. Since Mount Li is located near Dong Ling District of Qin State and it is in the west of Shanxi, it makes it a suitable site to place his tomb. Secondly, it is related to the matter of feng shui. It is believed that Mount Li has the best feng shui as the topography of Mount Li is high, faces the water and is filled with evergreen pines and cypresses, creating a spectacular scenery. What’s more, it is located near local hot springs, so together it is said to bring good fortune, rich resources and treasures of gold and jade to the afterlife of the emperor. Lastly, Mount Li covers a huge amount of land, providing the space needed for building such a large-scale tomb, because after all he wished to maintain his majesty and glory in the “netherworld”, with a view of being the emperor generation after

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