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Cultural Interview Paper

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The cultural heritage background family culture template tools are created with and aim to understand the different cultures conduct their daily activates or life. Using family cultural template is important in helping interviewer know the question to ask about family role/gender, family role on education, marriage etc., view on alternative lifestyle, spiritual belief on death and dying, cultural education and occupational status, communication, food. Outfit and what offend them most. I chose these two interviewees because I really want to know more about my culture through my family member because I must understand my culture to know other people cultures also, interview my neighbor because I want to know their culture to understand how to treat or care for the patient from Chinese cultural background. Our cultural background affects our insight of other. When interviewing my neighbor from China, I notice that their culture accentuates on a collective tactic compared to the Africa culture that do not promotes individualism. Below are details of the interview I conducted presenting some of the similarities and difference between …show more content…
During the interview, I use ten questions from family culture template to guide the process. Yang was the primary person during the interview. My neighbor was born and grew up in China, he embraced the cultural valves and norms of China because he presented a detailed account of customs and traditions of china. We discussed some of the similarity and difference that are seeming between the Chinese culture and my culture. Comparison and contrast of the finding between the two interviewees. When discussing with interviewee, many similarities were ostensible especially in family roles, according to the cultures man played assertive and dominating roles in the family. Man are the main decision makers in family and nobody question their authority. While Kate was the main person during my culture

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