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Assisted Suicide Argument Analysis

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In this essay, I will argue in agreement and disagreement with the statement. I partially agree with the statement, but not extensively because I will argue that English judges aren’t the solitary problem for the slow development of the law in relation to assisted suicide cases like Nicklinson, Bland, Pretty, Purdy, and Conway. The essay will be constructed of relevant domestic legislation, parliamentary involvement in the law and supranational authority over the Courts. Throughout the essay, I will include relevant judge’s judgments and academic commentary to provide interesting perspectives on why I am agreeing or disagreeing with the statement.
Agreeing with the statement
In agreement to the statement, English judges are too willing to impose artificial limits on their own power to change the law …show more content…
In Nicklinson not, all judges stood by the undesirable judgment of Lord Neuberger. Deputy Judge Lady Hale and Lord Kerr argued that Article 8 clearly confers an individual right to freely reach a decision at what point his or her life will end. Lord Kerr also argued that there was no connection between the intervention with Article 8 and the aim of s.2(1) of The Human Rights Act. Suggesting some English judges preferably reached conflicting judgments to Lord Neuberger in Nicklinson, and want to develop the law so that the law benefits defendants wishing to end their own lives, rather than working against them. Following Nicklinson, English judges helped introduce a new Assisted Dying Act 2015-2016 in hope to benefit future cases with similar circumstances to Nicklinson, like the Conway

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