...Ancient Greek Theater Architecture Many aspects of ancient Greek theaters have long been studied and debated. Much of the information about these theaters is based on speculation due to the fact that so little of them still exist today. This lack of remnants especially applies to the architecture of the early Greek Theaters. However, through archeological finds and years of studying the people, the plays, and the architecture of the time, we are able to make many conclusions about these early structures. Greek Theaters are classified into three categories: The early Athenian Theaters, Hellenistic Theaters, and Graeco-Roman Theaters. Like most new inventions or creations, the initial theaters built by the Athenians were very simple. In the fifth century B.C., it became popular to build theaters on the slope of a large hill, or an acropolis, the most famous, being in Athens. These early theaters could be divided into three parts. The theater consisted of the theatron (or auditorium), the orchestra, and the skene (or scene building) (Betancourt). The Greeks would eventually perfect a technique that would fit as many spectators into the theatron as possible. At first the spectators sat on the ground until wooden bleachers were installed. After it was discovered that the wooden bleachers were prone to collapsing, permanent stone seating was built. The architects created concentric tiers of seats that followed the circular shape of the orchestra and hugged the rising ground of a hillside...
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...In ancient Greek architecture, there were three main "orders" that guided ancient architects. They were the Doric order, the Ionic order and the Corinthian order. There were also a couple lesser used orders called the Tuscan order and the Composite order. Each Order had a wide variety of rules that could be used in the design and construction of the temples. Shape, details, proportions all had to follow the rules of each separate Order. For example, the Doric order stated that the height of a column should be five and a half times more than its diameter. And the Ionic order stated it should be a smaller ratio, nine to one. Greek architects took the appearance of a building or a temple as basic guide line to the way they constructed it....
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...Greek Architecture Katisha Baker ART/101 Shahara Godfrey, Ph.D. March 10, 2013 Greek Architecture Greek architecture began to be revitalized during the 7th century. Initially, Greek architecture was constructed from wood and mud. The buildings we see today are made largely of limestone. The three periods expressed in these later building are Classical, Hellenistic and Roman. Limestone was quarried and cut into large blocks dressed to fit the need of the builders. Some buildings were constructed from marble. However, this material was prohibitively expensive. Marble was used for sculpture. The main styles of Greek architecture are Ionic and Doric. The Doric style dominated in most of Greece and in Italy. The Doric style is the more formal of the two, with the Ionic style being more decorative and relaxed. A shining example of Greek architecture in the Doric style is the Parthenon. Roman architecture, which is considered to be more advanced in its design and engineering, uses three types of columns. Their most common type is made in the Doric style. It is plain and was used when very heavy structures required support. The Ionic style was, again, employed when more decorative ends were being met. The third type is the Corinthian style column. It has finer details and is considered superior in many ways to the other two types. Roman architecture also employed the use of arches. These were stunning and baffling in their day. The use of arches led to the development of the...
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...Modern Greek Culture Name: Institution: Impact of Greek culture to our modern culture The ancient Greek culture impacted a lot and will forever influence our today society with its different cultural traits. Common Greek Cultural traits such as politics, religion, architecture, mathematics and science discoveries have lasted even in our today culture (Whitman & Cavarnos, 2010). Ancient Greek philosophers contributed to the formation of democratic government which even today is practiced in many countries as government of the people, for the people and by the people. Also the religious belief and practices of the ancient Greeks are practiced today and are considered moral in our society. Philosophers believed that human beings must live in a good life so that their soul will go to heaven after death. Therefore, Greek culture has influenced our culture’s religion since we also believe that if we do good then good will come to us and if we do wrong then wrong will come to us (Whitman & Cavarnos, 2010). Another Greek culture trait that is used today is their architecture. Some of their architectural designs that were used many years ago are still used in many important buildings today. For example in USA, famous buildings such as the white house and the Lincoln Memorial were designed from ancient Greek architectures (Tzonis, & Giannisē, 2011). Other Greek cultural traits that still exist up to today are science and mathematics discoveries. For example, the oath...
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...Renaissance Humanism encompasses the philosophy that people are capable of truth and goodness. Much of this ideology and philosophy representing art and literature, whose roots are deeply planted in classic Latin, came to the forefront in the Fifteenth Century. Art and literature in the Fifteenth Century were a revival of “Greek and Roman studies, which emphasized the value of the classics for their own sake, rather than for their relevance to Christianity” (Hunter & Payne, 2003). Humanists believed that through the study of “…the classical study of text of ancient Greece and Rome” (Humanism, 2007) one would be able to improve on society as a whole. During previous periods, this type of teaching was kept mostly to theologians, authors and philosophers. During the Renaissance though, the people who had the means and desire to study classical art and literature were from a broad spectrum of royalty to merchants. The students were not studying for professional reasons but more so for pleasure. The interest in art broadened from works Classical Greece to what, at the time of the Renaissance, were referred to as contemporary works and existed as objects of learning or ideal beauty Literature had its foundation deep in classical roots and there are many similarities and contrasting points of view in their themes. One of the most significant documents of literature, during this period, was the theses (“intellectual propositions”) written by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola...
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...Plato and Play Taking Education Seriously in Ancient Greece Armand D’Angour In this article, the author outlines Plato’s notions of play in ancient Greek culture and shows how the philosopher’s views on play can be best appreciated against the background of shifting meanings and evaluations of play in classical Greece. Play—in various forms such as word play, ritual, and music—proved central to the development of Hellenic culture. In ancient Greece, play (paidia) was intrinsically associated with children (paides). However, both children and play assumed a greater cultural significance as literacy—and, consequently, education (paideia)— developed during the classical age of 500–300 BCE. Uniquely among ancient thinkers, Plato recognized that play influenced the way children developed as adults, and he proposed to regulate play for social ends. But Plato’s attitude toward play was ambivalent. Inclined to consider play an unworthy activity for adults, he seemed to suggest that intellectual play in some form, as demonstrated in the dialectical banter of Socrates, could provide a stimulus to understanding. Key words: education in ancient Greece; play and child development; play and education; play and Plato; Socratic dialectic Among various plausible misquotations that surface from time to time is a piece of popular wisdom attributed to Plato to the effect that “you can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” It was quoted by Alaska Governor...
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...question is “How has the Greek language influenced the English language?”. We chose language as our subject because we were interested in how people developed a way in which we can communicate orally as well as express and comprehend written thoughts. We think that this topic is worth of study because we will investigate and understand how several English words have been influenced by the Greek language. Numerous words in English have Greek roots. The relevance of the question is to find out how the Greek language influenced and affected the English language. Main Ancient Greek Dialects Different variants of the early Greek alphabet suited to local dialects. There were three major dialects in ancient Greece: Aeolic, Doric and Ionic (of which Attic was a branch). Each of these were from different tribes, the Aeolians lived in the islands of the Aegean, the Dorians, from the Greek coast of Peloponnese, including Crete, Sparta and other parts of West Coast Asia Minor. The Ionians settled in the West coast of Asia Minor including the Smyma. Ancient Greek Language The first Europeans to read and write with an Alphabet were the Ancient Greeks. The Ancient Greek language eventually led to all modern European languages.(In text ) The Greek language has a very long and rich history stretching all the way from the thirteenth century B.C. to the present. Linear B (13th century B.C.) is the earliest form of the language. The first surviving script for Greek writing was the Linear...
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...The Farewell Speech The farewell dinner was on. The vice president was being given a farewell by the employees with whom he had worked for more than 25 years. Camaraderie, reflections, sharing of thoughts and memories, lots of wine, and plenty of food could sum up the mood of the party. The CEO walked in to join the party and he was soon requested to deliver a short speech looking at the mood and the spirit of the occasion. The CEO, an eloquent speaker, stood up and delivered a great speech, marked with touches of gentle humour, about life after retirement, what the vice president meant to the company and to him personally, how he had reached such heights and yet never compromised his values, and that his exit would be a difficult space to fill in. As the CEO spoke, all eyes were fixed on him. Most employees were serious, watchful, and paying full attention. Some were clearly indifferent. A few proactive listeners, however, enjoyed every bit of what the CEO said which was quite evident from their body language. Their smiling faces, twinkling eyes, and occasional head nods, in agreement with what the speaker said, were indicative of their level of involvement and enjoyment. In other words, they had tuned themselves to whatever the CEO was saying. However, midway through his speech, the CEO sensed that his speech was becoming a little too stretched; he cut short his speech and wished the vice president all the good health and peace. 1. What has happened here? Explain. 2. Did everybody...
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...Book Review of Hoplites: The Classical Greek Battle Experience Kyle Bonds History 3300, Dr. Kicklighter 09 October 2013 Kyle Bonds Dr. Joseph Kicklighter 9 October 2013 History 3300 Hoplites: The Classical Greek Battle Experience Review Collected and edited by Victor Davis Hanson, Hoplites: The Classical Greek Battle Experience is a collection of nine scholarly essays specifically about the Hoplite warrior: describing the weapons used, how the identification and retrieval of casualties was conducted, the style of phalanx battle from the perspective of the actual soldier fighting as well as sacrifices and battle rituals. He reveals a new experience to the reader using these works, one that sheds new light on the hoplite warrior. Born on September 5th, 1953, Victor Hanson is a military historian and columnist specializing in the study of the classics and ancient warfare. Most notably known for his contributions on modern warfare and contemporary politics for the National Review he has published a number of books on ancient warfare and the classics most on Greek warfare and the Peloponnesian Wars. Keeping his love for the classics intact he received his Ph.D in that field from Stanford University in 1980. Hanson recently relinquished his position and California State University where he began teaching in 1984 where his solely responsible for the creation of the classics program. He currently writes two articles per week for the National Review. Although...
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...Ancient Greeks coins are gold and silver and got the king and queen and the coins have got a crab on the coin. Ancient Greeks do not numbers on There coins like we have coins with numbers on them .On some of the coins have some writing on them and some don’t have writing on the coins. One of the coins have a crab on the coins have got lots pictures on the coins some of them have the king and queen on the coins and some have animals on them on the coins have writing on them but we do not und stand the writing because it is in ancient Greeks writing but some of the writing is in English. All the coins THE COIN DO NOT HAVE WRITING ON Them AND THEY DO NOT ALL HAVE ANIMAL AND SOME HAVE NOT HAVE THE KING AND QUEEN not all coins are the same and all the coins are different All the pottery are not the same some are big and small and not all pottery have handles AND THEY ALL HAVE PICTURE THEY ALL HAVE DIFFERENT COLUERS THEY ALL ARE NOT THE SAME PICTURE THEY ARE VERY BREAK A BULL BECAUSE IT IS MADE OUT OF GLASS AT THE TOP SOME OF THEM ARE VERY LONG AT THE TOP AND SOME ARE VERY SMALL THEY ALL ARE NOT THE DIFFERENT. PEOPLE DIZEN THESE ARE VERY GOOD people some of them are flat at the BOTTOM ON THE POTTERY THE THING I LIKE THE POTTERIT IS DIZEND LIKE THE ANCIENT GREEK POTTERY REMBER THEY ARE...
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...respect for one's guests, providing for their needs, and treating them as equals. Cultures and subcultures vary in the extent to which one is expected to show hospitality to strangers, as opposed to personal friends or members of one's in-group. Hospitality ethics is a discipline that studies this usage of hospitality. Global concepts Pakhtuns The Pakhtun people of South-Central Asia, predominant in the all provinces of Afghanistan have a strong code of hospitality. They are a people characterized by their use of an ancient set of ethics, the first principle of which is milmastiya or "hospitality". The general area of Pakhtunistan is also nicknamed The Land of Hospitality. Classical ethic'' world To the ancient Greeks, hospitality was a divine right. The host was expected to make sure the needs of his guests were seen to. The ancient Greek term xenia, or theoxenia when a god was involved, expressed this ritualized guest-friendship relation. In Greek society a person's ability to abide the laws to hospitality determined nobility and social standing. Celtic cultures Celtic societies also valued the concept of hospitality, especially in terms of protection. A host who granted a person's request for refuge was expected not only to provide food and shelter to his/her guest, but to make sure they did not come to harm...
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...Loyalty in The Odyssey Many human cultures assign values as well as worthiness to the existence of loyalty. As a Classical culture known for its emphasis of loyalty at home as well as abroad, the faithfulness of ancient Greeks in their relationships is exemplified in many Classical texts, such as Homer’s The Odyssey. In both ancient Greece as well as in The Odyssey, loyalty was the social norm because of the egalitarian nature of the city-state as well as because of the typical ancient Greek family structure. Not only because of social expectations as well as traditions was loyalty expected, but there was also an added pressure by one’s religious conviction such that it was believed that if the guests were in any way or manner mistreated, then the ancient Greek deities would punish the offender(s). There are several passages in Homer’s Classical text The Odyssey which illustrate these aspects of ancient Greek loyalty. In illustration of the faithfulness between Odysseus as well as his crew, there is a passage that notes loyalty in the crew-leader relationship: He saw the town as well as learned the minds of many distant men, as well as weathered many bitter nights as well as days his deep heart at sea, while he fought only to save his life, to bring his shipmates home. But not by will or valor could he save them, for their own recklessness destroyed them all- children as well as fools they killed as well as feasted on the cattle of Lord Helios, the Sun… (651). It would initially...
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...Ancient practices such as crying while grieving are still used to this very day. In the epic poem “The Odyssey” by Homer, Odysseus is trying to return to his kingdom and his family. During the time that he is away, his wife Penelope is left to worry about her husband's whereabouts, fend off desperate suitors, and stay true all at the same time. The poet Edna St. Vincent Millay in her poem “An Ancient Gesture” sheds light on something that is often overlooked: Penelope's grief and tears. In doing this, Millay reveals that Penelope was the embodiment of ancient Greek values and that she was sincere. Millay does this so subtly by using poetic and literary devices such as imagery, metaphors, and repetition. To cry in front of a crowd is often times insincere, but to cry in private and then pull yourself together is an example of the utmost sincerity. Millay writes...
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...Greek Revival The Greek Revival started in Europe in the 1750’s when James Stuart and Nicolas Revett visited Greece. They published the Antiquities of Athens which was the first accurate survey of ancient Greek architecture. The most distinguishing feature of Greek Revival are the columns giving the appearance of Greek temples. In Greece, the temples were built of marble painted in primary colors. When they were discovered by Europeans in the eighteenth century, the paint was gone. Therefore, people associate the Greek Revival with white. William Strickland (1788-1854) was instrumental in the growth of the Greek Revival style in America. He was the son of a carpenter who worked constructing the Bank of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Benjamin Latrobe, the designer of the bank, took Strickland on as an assistant for three years. In 1818, William Strickland submitted a design for the Second Bank of the United States, in Philadelphia. Nicholas Biddle, the president of the bank, more than likely chose Strickland’s design because it was based on a Greek temple. William Strickland relied heavily on the information in Stuart and Revett’s Antiquities of Athens, for inspiration for his designs. After the success of the Second Bank, Strickland received a series of commissions in the 1820s and 1830s for public buildings in Philadelphia one of which was the Merchants’ Exchange. Ammi Burnham Young (1798-1874) was one of the first American-born professional architects to work...
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...Jeremy Martinez English 1B-24013 R. S. Guglielmino 3/17/15 “Antigone” In ancient Greek civilization, the Greeks believed that loyalty is the most influential value one could have in society. They believed that loyalty is important to family, community and the gods (Ancient Greek Values). In the play “Antigone”, Antigone’s loyalty is exemplifying one’s perseverance to clear her family’s name of slander due to the mistakes of her ancestors. When her brother, Polynices, is refused a burial after dying in war, Antigone fearlessly challenges Creon to salvage her brother’s honor knowing the consequences that will follow for defying the Ruler of Thebes. In the Greek tragedy, “Antigone”, by Sophocles, the protagonist must overcome the challenges that lie ahead in order to give the proper respect her brother deserves. When the play begins, Antigone is talking to her sister, Ismene about the death of their brothers and how they are still suffering from the curse of Oedipus. This is the first indication of the family’s sorrow and the degree to which Oedipus’s curse still exist to this day. The two sisters are the only surviving children of Oedipus and Jocasta after their two brothers, Polynices and Eteocles, fought each other to the death to become King of Thebes. When they fought over this, Polynices decided to attack Thebes, making him a traitor. At the end of the war and both brothers’ deaths, Creon was the only person left to rule Thebes. Since Polynices was considered...
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