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Andrew Wardle: The Man With No Penis

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A man from Manchester, born without a penis claims he has sex with more than 100 women while keeping the secret from most of them.

On the TLC channel called the 'Man with no Penis', Andrew Wardle is the subject of an hour-long documentary.

He, 40-year-old, was born with a rare condition called bladder exstrophy which caused his bladder to grow outside his body. Although, doctors treated him but Wardle never developed a penis.

In the show, he confesses his problem to unsuspecting ex-lovers and even his current girlfriend, 24-year-old Fedra Fabian from Hungary.

In the documentary, Mr Wardle explains how he kept the secret from his partners, He said, he became an expert lover in other departments to cover up his lack of genitals.

He said

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