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Anesthesiologist Career Paper

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If you are having pain before or after a procedure, what kind of doctor would help you? An Anesthesiologist is a medical doctor who specializes in anesthesia care, pain management, and critical care medicine. To become an anesthesiologist, a person needs to have an undergraduate education, medical degree, residency, fellowship, licensure, and certification. The process would take about 12-14 years to complete and to become a specialized anesthesiologist.

The first step in becoming an anesthesiologist is to get a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree. A bachelor of science degree is a degree that focuses on science-related courses. Some of those science-related courses can be biology, business, chemistry, computer science, engineering, mathematics, nursing, and physics. The courses that are needed for the B.S. are biology, calculus, chemistry, and physics. while a bachelor of arts degree is designed for students who are interested in following a program in the liberal arts. Some of the common courses for BA are Anthropology, biology, communication, criminal …show more content…
An Anesthesiology Residency program is a training program for Fundamental Clinical Skills and Clinical Anesthesia years. All the applications must be made through ERA. The ERAS is a centralized application service that delivers an application along with supporting documents to the residency programs. The application must include three current letters of recommendation : official medical school transcript, Medical Student Performance Evaluation, USMLE score, and COMPLEX score. After entering the residency program, it provides in-depth and hands-on learning in clinical and research settings. After residency, the graduates may apply for pursuing licensing to begin practicing. Many graduates choose fellowship after residency. Fellowships typically last 1 to 2 years and allow future anesthesiologists to

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