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Anglo American Migration Research Paper

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The Anglo American migration brought prosperity and trade to the west but it also brought change to the areas, as the natives were overtaken by the Anglo Americans and became a minority some of the kept their culture others willingly embraced the change. I will talk about how some Mexicans wanted change and embraced the Anglo Culture but found themselves betrayed by them, as they took everything and left forgotten.

The term Accommodation is defined as the process of adapting to another culture rather than adopting it entirely. (p.209) there were several Mexican Americans that tried to embrace the Anglo culture however, as they trusted Anglos in the name of progress they found themselves alienated. For example, the video talks about how …show more content…
For example Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo son of a Spanish military officer, an upper class Californio who became a rancher in Monterey, received a rancho when the missions were broken up, he was given 65,000 acres, 4000 horses, and 10,000 heads of cattle (p.46). Vallejo was fascinated to modernized California so he welcome Anglo Americans only to find himself arrested as the war between Mexico and the United states began near Texas. Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo was released only to find his state ransacked and his land occupied by Anglo American squatters, Moreover his views changed and although he tried to blend in with the Anglos he was treated as a foreigner unable to maintain his political power. Moreover, Rosalia Vallejo was a great example of Accommodation as

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