...Life at the beginning of the twenty-first century is very different from what life was like at the beginning of the twentieth century. Significant changes have occurred in almost every area of life; including space travel, medicine, world politics, communication, and many everyday things we take for granted. Write an essay describing one significant change that has occurred in the world between 1900 and 2005. Explain the impact this change has made on our lives and why it is an important change. One significant change that has occurred in the world between 1900 and 2005 would be the way our method of communication has evolved. There are many types and forms of communication. We have the internet, cell phones, mail, television, radio, social networks etc. The impact this change has made in our lives has been a tremendous one. At one point, by the time we received news on the television or by mail, it was already a few days old, now we can get it live or almost instantaneously. We can now hold conferences and meetings at the same but in different places due to the change in the way we can now communicate. This change has allowed responding to emergencies in a timely matter possible With the world evolving at a rapid pace, a faster way of communication is essential. The lack of communication can cause loss of lives and loss of money, whereas, an over abundance of communication, whether it’s true or false, can cause broken...
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...Life at the beginning of the twenty-first century is very different from what life was like at the beginning of the twentieth century. Significant changes have occurred in almost every area of life; including space travel, medicine, world politics, communication, and many everyday things we take for granted. Write an essay describing one significant change that has occurred in the world between 1900 and 2005. Explain the impact this change has made on our lives and why it is an important change. One significant change that has occurred in the world between 1900 and 2005 would be the way our method of communication has evolved. There are many types and forms of communication. We have the internet, cell phones, mail, television, radio, social networks etc. The impact this change has made in our lives has been a tremendous one. At one point, by the time we received news on the television or by mail, it was already a few days old, now we can get it live or almost instantaneously. We can now hold conferences and meetings at the same but in different places due to the change in the way we can now communicate. This change has allowed responding to emergencies in a timely matter possible With the world evolving at a rapid pace, a faster way of communication is essential. The lack of communication can cause loss of lives and loss of money, whereas, an over abundance of communication, whether it’s true or false, can cause broken...
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...co1 Introduction: The Sixteen-Page Economic History of the World He may therefore be justly numbered among the benefactors of mankind, who contracts the great rules of life into short sentences, that may be easily impressed on the memory, and taught by frequent recollection to recur habitually to the mind. —Samuel Johnson, Rambler No. 175 (November 19, 1751) The basic outline of world economic history is surprisingly simple. Indeed it can be summarized in one diagram: figure 1.1. Before 1800 income per person—the food, clothing, heat, light, and housing available per head—varied across societies and epochs. But there was no upward trend. A simple but powerful mechanism explained in this book, the Malthusian Trap, ensured that short term gains in income through technological advances were inevitably lost through population growth. Thus the average person in the world of 1800 was no better off than the average person of 100,000 BC. Indeed in 1800 the bulk of the world population was poorer than their remote ancestors. The lucky denizens of wealthy societies such as eighteenth-century England or the Netherlands managed a material lifestyle equivalent to that of the Stone Age. But the vast swath of humanity in East and South Asia, particularly in China and Japan, eked out a living under conditions probably significantly poorer than those of cavemen. The quality of life also failed to improve on any other observable dimension. Life expectancy was no higher in 1800 than for hunter-gatherers:...
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...PSYCHOLOGY and your life chapter 1 introduction to ps ychology 2 chapter outline A Gift of Life It was every subway rider’s nightmare, times two. Who has ridden along New York’s 656 miles of subway lines and not wondered: “What if I fell to the tracks as a train came in? What would I do?” And who has not thought: “What if someone else fell? Would I jump to the rescue?” Wesley Autrey, a 50-year-old construction worker and navy veteran, faced both those questions in a flashing instant yesterday and got his answers almost as quickly. Mr. Autrey was waiting for the downtown local at 137th Street and Broadway in Manhattan around 12:45 p.m. He was taking his two daughters, Syshe, 4, and Shuqui, 6, home before work. Nearby, a man collapsed, his body convulsing. Mr. Autrey and two women rushed to help, he said. The man, Cameron Hollopeter, 20, managed to get up, but then stumbled to the platform edge and fell to the tracks, between the two rails. The headlights of the No. 1 train appeared. “I had to make a split decision,” Mr. Autrey said. So he made one, and leapt. Mr. Autrey lay on Mr. Hollopeter, his heart pounding, pressing him down in a space roughly a foot deep. The train’s brakes screeched, but it could not stop in time. Five cars rolled overhead before the train stopped, the cars passing inches from his head, smudging his blue knit cap with grease. Mr. Autrey heard onlookers’ screams. “We’re O.K. down here,” he yelled, “but I’ve got two daughters up there...
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...over the world. Now it is considered that ‘information is power’ and so the widely used term ‘information’ is combined with ‘technology’ that encompasses the term ‘information technology’. Information technology generally means processing and distribution of data using computer hardware and software, telecommunications and digital electronics. So the common medium of information technology is computer, internet, and mostly used cellular phone. This system helps us take the optimum benefit from this ‘Global Ocean of knowledge’ that much our every day needs. The strength of internet in which everybody’s knowledge is open for use by everybody within a global village for better living standards. On the other hand crime is a social and economic phenomenon and is as old as the human society has become a legal concept and has the sanction of the law. So in combination the term of information technology and crime if positive relation then makes a definition that information technological crime is those facts which is made by digital way getting economical and social benefit illegally and legally prohibited by law, on the other hand if opposite relation then make definition is a method if reducing crime by digital way in the digital era. From the view of positive technology stimulates not only a free trade and economic activity but also delinquent one. Modernization and integration of various means of communication and telecommunication made it easy to establish contacts between criminal...
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...Management c. The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000: A Shift to Pre-Disaster Mitigation 3. Additional Sources of Information 4. Glossary of Terms 5. Acronyms 6. Discussion Questions a. General b. NEHRP c. Homeland Security Act of 2002 d. DMA 2000 7. Suggested Out of Class Exercises Introduction No emergency management system anywhere in the world can properly function without statutory authority and consistent budget appropriations. Statutory authority defines disasters programs, determines who is eligible for these programs, provides the legal support needed to implement disaster programs and establishes the legal foundation for funding the programs and activities of the disaster agency. Without such authority, a government agency is powerless. Legal Basis of Modern Emergency Management in the United States The first recorded emergency management legislation in the United States occurred in 1803 when a Congressional Act was passed to provide financial assistance to a New Hampshire town devastated by fire. This is the first example of the Federal government becoming involved in a local disaster. During the 1930’s the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and the Bureau of Public Roads were both given authority to make disaster loans available for repair and reconstruction of certain public facilities after disasters. The Tennessee...
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...UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME DECOUPLING NATURAL RESOURCE USE AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS FROM ECONOMIC GROWTH Acknowledgements Editor: International Resource Panel Working Group on Decoupling Lead authors: Marina Fischer-Kowalski, Institute of Social Ecology Vienna, Alpen-Adria University, Austria, with the support of the Lebensministerium, Austria and Mark Swilling, Sustainability Institute, School of Public Leadership, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa Contributing authors: Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker (Chairperson of the Decoupling Working Group), Yong Ren, Yuichi Moriguchi, Wendy Crane, Fridolin Krausmann, Nina Eisenmenger, Stefan Giljum, Peter Hennicke, Rene Kemp, Paty Romero Lankao, Anna Bella Siriban Manalang, Sebastian Sewerin Jeff McNeely provided editorial support for the full report and summary brochure. The report went through several rounds of peer-review coordinated in an efficient and constructive way by Jeff McNeely together with the International Resource Panel Secretariat. Valuable comments were received from several anonymous reviewers in this process. The preparation of this report also benefited from discussions with many colleagues at various meetings. Special thanks go to Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker and Ashok Khosla as Co-Chairs of the International Resource Panel, the members of the International Resource Panel and its Steering Committee for their dedication and commitment. Janet...
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...feL82809_ch01_002-047.indd Page 2 8/2/10 9:46 PM user-f465 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Psychology /Users/user-f465/Desktop feL82809_ch01_002-047.indd Page 3 8/2/10 9:46 PM user-f465 /Users/user-f465/Desktop Key Concepts for Chapter 1 MODULE 1 What is the science of psychology? ● What Psychologists at Work are the major specialties in the field of The Subfields of Psychology: Psychology’s Family Tree psychology? ● Where do psychologists Working at Psychology PsychWork: Licensed Social Worker work? MODULE 2 What are the origins of psychology? ● What are the major approaches in contemporary psychology? ● What are psychology’s key issues and controversies? ● What is the future of psychology likely to hold? A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future The Roots of Psychology Today’s Perspectives Applying Psychology in the 21st Century: Psychology Matters Psychology’s Key Issues and Controversies Psychology’s Future MODULE 3 What is the scientific method? ● What role Research in Psychology do theories and hypotheses play in The Scientific Method psychological research? ● What research Descriptive Research methods do psychologists use? ● How do Experimental Research Psychological Research psychologists establish cause-and-effect relationships using experiments? MODULE 4 What major issues confront psychologists conducting research? Research Challenges: ...
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...Theories a) Materialism & Conflict theory Marx & Engles -changes in family lives reflect material change (ex, the mode of production, industrialization) macro-micro focus -power differences characterize society at all levels (ex, capitalism creates: exploitation of men in the workforce; oppression of women b) Political Economy -assumes the power of the one class over another (social control), capitalist relations of production -a more concentrated focus on how economic and political processes shape society and history and therefore family, families c) Structural Functionalism Parsons & Bales -the social institution of the family - family is seen as a function, and different parts of society helps it move along -the nuclear family performs functions -they saw the families as a main faction, economic support, these functions that happen in nuclear families include economic support -equilibrium, all parts help it work as a whole -hierarchical generations and role specialization within families produces harmony -the different roles that men and women take on, allows the family be a harmony -parsons and bales, gendered perspective on families, families having instrumental roles such as achieving income, feed the family, cloth the family, this would be men 2. Symbolic Interactionism Mead & Cooley - individuals create their own family realities through micro level interactions -from this perspective families are created and understood and practiced through...
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...McGraw−Hill Companies, 2005 Kerin−Hartley−Berkowitz−Rudelius: Marketing, Eighth Edition I. Initiating the Marketing Process 3. Scanning the Marketing Environment © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2005 CHAPTER 3 SCANNING THE MARKETING ENVIRONMENT IT’S SHOW TIME! Don’t blink, because the world of entertainment is changing faster than anyone imagined possible. Online music, high-definition televisions, digital photography, computer-based media centers, and software for making movies are just some of the many products new to the entertainment industry. The revolution began with the combination of Apple’s iPod music player, which can store 10,000 songs in a device smaller than a deck of cards, and its iTunes Music Store, which sells more than 10,000,000 songs each month for just $.99 each. Other new forms of digital entertainment products include digital video recorders (DVRs), which record TV shows on hard drives instead of tape, and home entertainment “hubs,” which utilize wireless networks to link digital devices from around the home. Some experts even predict that there will probably be a version of iPod and iTunes for movies in the near future. Suddenly the music, television, photography, movie, and computer industries are converging. Musicians, recording companies, television networks, camera companies, movie studios, computer companies, retail stores, and consumers like you are part of a completely different entertainment marketplace. How did this happen? The marketing...
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...reading this chapter you should be able to: LO1 Scanning the Marketing Environment WEB 2.0 IS ALL ABOUT YOU! The Web is changing at an extraordinary pace and each new change provides more customization and convenience for you. If you use Myspace. com, Del.icio.us, Secondlife, or any one of hundreds of new products on the Web you are already part of the new world of the Web! Not long ago the Web simply provided a modern channel for traditional businesses. Music led the way with file-sharing services such as Napster and eventually online stores such as iTunes. The entire entertainment industry followed by offering books, movies, television, radio, and photography on the Web. The digital revolution allowed all of these businesses to benefit from the technical aspects of the Web. Now the term Web 2.0 is used to describe the changes in the World Wide Web that reflect the growing interest in collaboration, open sharing of information, and customer control. Many products and services such as podcasts, weblogs, videologs, social networking, bookmarking, wikis, folksonomy, and RSS feeds are already available, and many more are in development. As the focus moves from providing a new channel for existing businesses to empowering individual consumers with customized products, suddenly the Web is all about you! You can create your own video and post it on YouTube, sell your photos on iStockphoto, build a social networking site on Ning, and publish your ideas at Blogger. How did this happen...
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...Massachusetts Institute of Technology Daron Acemoglu Harvard University and Weatherhead Center for International Affairs James Robinson Abstract: In this paper we argue that the main determinant of differences in prosperity across countries are differences in economic institutions. To solve the problem of development will entail reforming these institutions. Unfortunately, this is difficult because economic institutions are collective choices that are the outcome of a political process. The economic institutions of a society depend on the nature of political institutions and the distribution of political power in society. As yet, we only have a highly preliminary understanding of the factors that lead a society into a political equilibrium which supports good economic institutions. However, it is clear that it is the political nature of an institutional equilibrium that makes it very difficult to reform economic institutions. We illustrate this with a series of pitfalls of institutional reforms. Our analysis reveals challenges for those who would wish to solve the problem of development and poverty. That such challenges exist is hardly surprising and we believe that the main reason for such challenges is the forces we have outlined in this paper. Better development policy will only come when we recognize this and understand these forces better. Nevertheless, some countries do undergo political transitions, reform their institutions, and move onto more successful paths...
Words: 14840 - Pages: 60
...1 CHAPTER OUTLINE Ranking Groups Types of Groups Listen to Our Voices Problem of the Color Line Does Race Matter? Biracial and Multiracial Identity: Who Am I? Research Focus Multiracial Identity Sociology and the Study of Race and Ethnicity The Creation of Subordinate-Group Status The Consequences of Subordinate-Group Status Resistance and Change WHAT WILL YOU LEARN? How Does Society Rank Different Groups? What Are the Four Types of Groups? Does Race Still Matter? How is Biracial and Multiracial Identity Defined? How Is Sociology Applied to the Study of Race and Ethnicity? What Leads to the Creation of Subordinate-Group Status? What Are the Consequences of Subordinate-Group Status? How Does Change Occur in Race Relations? ISBN 1-256-48952-2 2 Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. Exploring Race and Ethnicity Minority groups are subordinated in terms of power and privilege to the majority, or dominant group. A minority is defined not by being outnumbered but by five characteristics: unequal treatment, distinguishing physical or cultural traits, involuntary membership, awareness of subordination, and ingroup marriage. Subordinate groups are classified in terms of race, ethnicity, religion, and gender. The social importance of race is derived from a process of racial formation; any biological significance is relatively unimportant to society...
Words: 17357 - Pages: 70
...AP World History Survival Guide Name ________________________________ Teacher __________________________ Block _________________ Table of Contents | Pages | AP World History Overview | 3 – 7 | The AP Exam | 3 | World Regions | 4 – 5 | Five Course Themes | 6 | Four Historical Thinking Skills | 7 | Essays Overview | 8 - 15 | Document-based Question (DBQ) | 8 – 12 | Change and Continuity over Time (CCOT) | 13 – 15 | Comparative Essay | 16 – 18 | Released Free Response Questions | 19 – 20 | AP Curriculum Framework | 21 – 38 | Period 1 (Up to 600 B.C.E.)—5% | 21 – 22 | Period 2 (600 B.C.E. to 600 C.E.)—15% | 23 – 25 | Period 3 (600 to 1450)—20% | 26 – 28 | Period 4 (1450 to 1750)—20% | 29 – 31 | Period 5 (1750 to 1900)—20% | 32 – 35 | Period 6 (1900 to the present)—20% | 36 – 38 | Help with Some Confusing Subjects | 39 – 43 | Chinese Dynasties | 39 | Political, Economic, and Social Systems | 40 | Religions | 41 | Primary Sources | 42 | “Must Know” Years | 43 | * Many of the guidelines in this study packet are adapted from the AP World History Course Description, developed by College Board. The AP Exam Purchasing and taking the AP World History exam are requirements of the course. This year, the AP World History exam will be administered on: ___________________________________________ Format I. Multiple...
Words: 16161 - Pages: 65
...AP World History Survival Guide Name ________________________________ Teacher __________________________ Block _________________ Table of Contents | Pages | AP World History Overview | 3 – 7 | The AP Exam | 3 | World Regions | 4 – 5 | Five Course Themes | 6 | Four Historical Thinking Skills | 7 | Essays Overview | 8 - 15 | Document-based Question (DBQ) | 8 – 12 | Change and Continuity over Time (CCOT) | 13 – 15 | Comparative Essay | 16 – 18 | Released Free Response Questions | 19 – 20 | AP Curriculum Framework | 21 – 38 | Period 1 (Up to 600 B.C.E.)—5% | 21 – 22 | Period 2 (600 B.C.E. to 600 C.E.)—15% | 23 – 25 | Period 3 (600 to 1450)—20% | 26 – 28 | Period 4 (1450 to 1750)—20% | 29 – 31 | Period 5 (1750 to 1900)—20% | 32 – 35 | Period 6 (1900 to the present)—20% | 36 – 38 | Help with Some Confusing Subjects | 39 – 43 | Chinese Dynasties | 39 | Political, Economic, and Social Systems | 40 | Religions | 41 | Primary Sources | 42 | “Must Know” Years | 43 | * Many of the guidelines in this study packet are adapted from the AP World History Course Description, developed by College Board. The AP Exam Purchasing and taking the AP World History exam are requirements of the course. This year, the AP World History exam will be administered on: ___________________________________________ Format I. Multiple...
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