...A young girl and her mother walked into a pet shelter to find an animal to adopt. The girl looks at one kitten and thinks it is really cute. But, it is huddled in the corner of the cage, the worker tells them that the kitten doesn’t like humans and was found on the side of the road. It was severely abused. I have two cats of my own, and it is terrible to think about other people that abuse their animals. I don’t want to know that so many animals are being abused and dying every day. I want to find a way to stop this from happening! While I have been researching about animal abuse, I had certain things that I wanted to find. How are animals being abused? Why do animals have to suffer, because of humans? How many animals are being abused each year? My question to help drive my research was: How can we as Damascus solve animal abuse? So, from all my research, I think that...
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...Animal abuse is a raging topic in this world most of them being dogs and horses. From not feeding your furry friend and having their collar too tight are examples of animal abuse. If you were to abuse an animal you will face either a fine of $250,000 or a 2-year sentence in prison depending on how bad the abuse was. The types of abuse one way of abuse is erotic abuse which includes ritual and sexual abuse, these are the two least common way of abuse in animals. Physical abuse is the most common way of abuse towards an animal. This type of abuse looks like a pet tied up on a lamp post, animal hoarding (too many animals in one area), violence, animal fighting which can lead to an animal being seriously injured, and lastly testing human products...
Words: 772 - Pages: 4
...People hear about animal abuse and do nothing about it, and it needs to stop soon. Parents need to teach the kid how to take care of an animal because the people that don't have an animal are most likely the ones not to take proper care of the animal. There are many problems in the world, but one of the biggest ones is animal abuse. Help!! Animals are dying and being abused right now, Such as your favorite animal like dogs, cats and even pigs and cattle. Dogs are the most common animal to abuse. 4 64.4 % dogs are abused and 25% of them were different kinds of pit bulls. 18% are cat abused and 25% other animals being abused. People kill animals for their fur. Such as chinchillas, minks , opossums, raccoons, rabbits, otters and many more animals. 5 It takes 30 to 300 chinchillas, 60 mink, 45 opossums, 40 raccoons to make a 40 inch fur coat. Australia loses 1,000 sheep die a year and in another state they chop off hooves while they are still...
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...Did you know that according to the Delaware Action For Animals, more than 40 million animals are killed each year for fun? That means that animal families, babies, and kids are killed each year. This is called animal abuse. To me this is wrong and animals deserve a life just like other people. Pretend you are in a jungle and you are with your family. It is peaceful. A guy pops out and starts trying to kill your family. Your whole family starts dying and then you get shot. Most people would be scared, sad, and worried. This is probably what animals feel like when they are being hunted. One reason why people abuse animals is to hunt for fun and to make money or decorations. For example, people cut off chimps hands and sell them for souvenirs. Imagine people killed you, sold your hands for money, and people bought them for souvenirs. When people go hunting after they also skin the animals or stuff them so they can have decorations on their wall. Many people do this so people think that they are cool. According to peta.org 40 percent of hunters slaughter millions of animals on public land every year. Hunters who make decorations out of dead animals are terribly cruel because they are taking away lives from innocent animals. Cutting off animal heads to hang on the wall is very weird and strange....
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...Alexcis Lenzi Mrs. Ford English 5-6 28 January 2015 Animal Abuse Before the 1990 only six states had felony provisions in their animal cruelty laws; now 46 do. I picked this topic because it is something that is really important to me. The way animals are treated on a daily basis is wrong on so many levels. Ever since I was a little girl I have cared about the welfare of animals around the world and reasons why these things happens to these creatures. Animal’s lives are incorporated into our lives; we need them for so many reasons. Yet we cease to understand the concept of working together with nature. “Animal cruelty has long been recognized as a signature pathology of the most serious violent offenders” (Sibbert 1). This topic is important...
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...penalty for the abandonment of an animal (HB 1607) should be raised to a felony. Too many animals are being abandoned without good cause, or before they can be spayed. Only 10% of dogs actually find a permanent home in their lives, while the rest are stuck on the streets or in the shelters. Each year, 2.7 million dogs and cats are killed due to maximized shelters. Adding on, around 70 million cats and dogs live in the U.S. on the streets. The support that you can give in legislation would be vital for raising the penalty of abandonment. There are 5 homeless animals for every homeless person, and as long as this ratio exists, there will never be a point where every animal is in a home. Only 10% of animals are spayed or neutered, leading to unnecessary breeding and more animals that die. One unspayed cat and her offspring can produce 2,072,514 cats in 8 years! One unspayed dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 dogs in 6 years! Impoundment, sheltering, euthanasia, and disposal of animals can cost U.S. taxpayers 1-2 billion dollars per year! Each day, 10,000 humans are born. 70,000 pets are born each day,...
Words: 463 - Pages: 2
...An animal is abused every ten seconds in the United States. Animal abuse is the either deliberate abuse or simply the failure to take care of an animal. There are many types of animal abuse but the two most common are physical and psychological abuse. Physical abuse is often beating the animal but psychological abuse ultimately ends up with the animal being extremely shy or aggressive. People often abuse animals for different reasons, whether they do it deliberately for a long or short time, or if they don’t even realize they’re abusing an animal. There are many organizations, such as the ASPCA, that are trying there best to stop this abuse but unfortunately there is too much of it to stop it completely. Animal abuse can be extremely harmful...
Words: 2069 - Pages: 9
...IV 20 April 2015 Animal Abuse Image a puppy with no clue in the world, a nice looking man takes the puppy home. He is nice at first, all trust is for him. Then beats, starves, and drags the puppy when it is grown. The dog is confused he don’t know why he is being treated that way, but yet still trust in his owner. Even when after time and time again he is beating to the point of broken bones. The dog can’t run away or cry for help: he is chained to a tree with about three feet of rope. Animals have been put on earth for joy but owners are abusing them and for that the punishment should equal the abuse. The law has improved from where it was when this problem first came about in the 19 century. It started...
Words: 1028 - Pages: 5
...new news report shows someone abusing an animal or an undercover investigation exposes a dog or cock fighting ring where animals are abused so they perform whichever way the owner wants. Whenever there is money to be made off of animals, wheather it be from gambeling, a road side zoo, a circus with animals performing tricks there is 100% animal abuse. It does not matter the level because the only way to get animals to do things that are not natural to them is to beat them into doing it. Animal abuse occurs with every hour of everyday in the United States. No species of animal seems to be immune from this cruelty: from companion animals to circus animals to farmed animals, animal abuse is an increasingly concerning issue....
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...Topic: Animal Rights Issue Research question: Has animal rights issue gone too far? Working thesis statement: Do animal rights organization take it too far, when it actively encourages a vegetarian diet as a way of life? Yes it’s taking it too far by ignoring the value of nutrients that meat can offer our bodies. Research plan: I plan to conduct my research on the issue if animal rights organizations have gone too far in promoting a vegetarian diet. But also on those who do not encourage this and the importance that meat has. Some of the sites I will be using are http://www.prairie.org/, http://digitalcommons.csbsju.edu, and other resources. Timetable for Research Project Assignments | Assignment related to the research paper | Description of and points for the assignment: | Due date as indicated in course syllabus: | Exact Date and time in MST: | Research Proposal and Outline | Four part proposal and six part outline (60 pts.). | Week 4 in Dropbox | 8/9/2012 at 3:00pm | Annotated Bibliography | List and summary of at least five sources (100 pts). | Week 5 in Dropbox | 8/16/2012 at 3:00pm | First Draft of Research Paper | Draft of first three sections of final paper, including introduction, thesis statement, and problem section (60 pts). | Week 6 in Dropbox | 8/22/2012 at 3:00pm | Second Draft of Research Paper | Draft of final three sections of final paper, including solution and call to action sections | Week Discussion topic 2 | 8/27/2012 at 5:00pm...
Words: 560 - Pages: 3
...A Research Proposal on Animal Cruelty and How A Childs Upbringing Is A Major Factor Introduction Previous research conducted on the topic of animal abuse that takes place during childhood has been grounded on the premise that animal abusers have the propensity to graduate in regards to the level of violence incorporated into harming others (Hensley & Tallichet, 2007). This concept is referred to as the violence graduation hypothesis which best explicates the association in which animal cruelty and abuse is one of many predicting factors related to the interpersonal violence demonstrated later in one’s life. Problem Statement The problem statement for this research proposal considers the concept that animal abuse has dominated discussions among factors predicting adolescent criminal behavior. However, further research is required to examine the elements associated to why individuals participate in childhood animal cruelty and what are the behavioral and social aspects related to this type of behavior. Hirschi’s social bonding theory is implemented into this study as a means to address social bonds during childhood and their overall importance in relation to developing antisocial behavioral characteristics. Social Bonding Theory Travis Hirschi’s (1969) social control theory is known as the social bonding theory in which a collaboration of elements interact with one another in consideration of one’s bond to society in relation to the participation of deviant...
Words: 1278 - Pages: 6
...Ethical Treatment of Animals I. Introduction Animals have played an important role in many aspects of this world; some look upon these roles with favoritism, some with disgust. Animals give live birth and are considered different from humans by some people because of their behavior. Some animals are consumed as food by humans and other animals or trapped for their furs. Many times people get animals as pets and neglect them. Some animals are pulled out of their habitat and are used as research yet; some humans think they don't deserve any rights because they are animals. A. Thesis Statement Throughout this paper I will examples of possibilities that can be used to change the life of an animal in the food industry, as a pet and as research, we need to help them have a better life even if we are going to use them as food and pets. II. Body paragraph #1 - Topic Sentence #1 On today's factory farms, animals are crammed by the thousands into filthy, windowless sheds and confined to wire cages, gestation crates, barren dirt lots, and other cruel confinement systems. A. Supporting Evidence PETA made a investigation at Agriprocessors in 2004 revealed almost 300 instances of inhumane slaughter, in which cows' sensitive faces were shocked with electric prods, fully conscious cattle had their tracheas and esophagi ripped from their throats with meat hooks or knives, and they writhed in pools of their own blood, trying desperately to stand up for up to three minutes as...
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...Study of Attitude, Empathy, and Human Uniqueness of Emotion in Animals Abstract This correlational study was conducted to determine and explore the relationships between empathy, attitudes towards animals, and beliefs about human uniqueness of emotion. This was a quasi- experimental because we studied man versus women and also pet owners versus non-pet owners. We expected to find a positive correlation between the empathy and AAS score. While also exploring the relationships between the HUES and empathy or AAS score. We predicted that women would have higher empathy and AAS scores than men as well as pet owners having higher AAS scores than non- pet owners. This study was conducted in New York, where 60 voluntary participants completed surveys. The results of the study illustrated and provided a statistically significant positive correlation between scores on the E-Scale and the AAS and a significant negative correlation between scores on the E-Scale and HUES and well as between the AAS and the HUES. There was also a significant gender difference in AAS scores with women having more positive attitudes toward animals compared to men. However, there was no significant gender difference in HUES scores. Similarly, there were significant effects of pet ownership on both E-Scale scores and on AAS scores. Specifically, pet owners had higher levels of empathy and also had more positive attitudes toward animals compared to non-pet owners. There was no significant effect of pet ownership...
Words: 2361 - Pages: 10
...Animal Rights Priscilla Peterman University of Phoenix Com/156 Instructor James Christianson This research paper is going to discuss a major concern with the issue of animal rights and how people view this critical issue. Animals deserve rights, and these rights should annihilate the many problems with animal abuse, abandonment, and animal experimentation. Animals deserve the same rights as humans. Animals, subsequently dating back to the days of Ancient Greece, have always held a place in the hearts of humans. And for so long as this animal human relation existed, so did the realism of taking care of the animals, whether it be in the form of love, care and equal rights. The idea that we are all born with essential rights, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, is important to our society, mainly to the ideas stated in the United States Constitution. Though, humanities inconsiderately demean this principle by denying that animals share these rights. Animals are just as titled to the rights of living, avoiding pain, and pursuing happiness as humans are. Yet still we exploit and abuse them cruelly, most often without a second thought. The use of animals in biomedical research, segmentation, testing and education, deprives animals of their natural rights and is a great injustice. We must believe that this is completely intolerable, and we should find more humane as well as...
Words: 2013 - Pages: 9
...Animal Cruelty ‘Humanity needs to respect all living things that we share this planet with, animals, the environment (WWF, 2012).’ However, animal cruelty has been reported in different parts of the world and has continued at a very fast rate. It is a growing problem that needs to stop. I have always loved animals, especially dogs. For this reason, I defend my belief that animals should be treated with dignity. One must ask, what goes on in people’s mind that leads to this type of heinous actions on animals? Where does the root of the problem begin? This paper will analyze the causes, signs and prevention of animal cruelty. There are two forms of animal cruelty. One is active cruelty that is deliberately inflicted to cause harm (CFAWR, 2010). The other one is passive cruelty which the harm inflicted through willful disregard, in turn generating into long-term suffering. Regardless of the kind of cruelty, the effects are pronounced in the animals. Those abusing animals are highly likely to perpetrate violent crimes against humans. Negative behaviors like animal cruelty emerge from traumatic past. Animal cruelty in this regard is presented as diagnostic criteria for determining conduct disorder. This disorder is found in people who abuse both animals and humans. Clinical evidence considers animal cruelty as one of the signs that are shown in the initial phases of conduct disorder, normally at age 8 (CFAWR, 2010). Most of the studies that have been carried out in the recent...
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