Premium Essay

Animal Abuse


Submitted By TKDgal
Words 1371
Pages 6
Animal Abuse: Dogfighting
Where does the abuse stop? A lot of animals in our society are being abused, mistreated, and neglected. Some are used for sports, others for entertainment, and some for testing purposes. Out of these animals I would like to delve into the abuse of dogs, in particular dog fights. The reality of the cruel injustice these unwilling canines go through day in and day out should not go without punishment. These are living creatures, just like we are, and they deserve kindness and respect as well. Are we doing enough in our society to see that these dogs are brought to justice? When I first learned about dogfighting, I was horrified. I couldn’t believe that people would try and make a profit over two dogs fighting to the death or until one of the dogs couldn’t continue. I learned that dogfighting is a brutal and ruthless sport in which two dogs, or even more, are trained to fight. Most of the time the canine they choose for these fights are pit bulls because of their jaw power and unwillingness to let go. Both pit bulls are placed in a small enclosed area to fight each other for the on-lookers enjoyment and gambling purposes. The Humane Society says that the dogs used in these events often die of blood loss, shock, dehydration, exhaustion, or infection, hours or even days after the fight. Ed Faron says in his book ‘The complete gamedog: a guide to breeding & raising the american pit bull terrier’ that the injuries inflicted and sustained by dogs participating in dogfights are frequently severe, even fatal. The American pit bull terrier-type dogs used in 63% of all dogfights have been specifically bred and trained for fighting and are unrelenting in their attempts to overcome their opponents (Faron 16). Not only is dogfighting harmful to the animal itself, it also can have a negative effect on our children! Merz-Perez, Heide, and

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