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Animal Abuse Vs Animal Neglect

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There are two forms of animal cruelty, animal abuse and then animal neglect. Under animal abuse there is physical abuse which includes: inbreeding, assault, restriction of movement, trapping, burning, drowning, incorrect methods of training, poisoning, suffocation, crowded transportation, shooting, animal fighting, fireworking [trying to kill animals with fireworks (Maher & Pierpoint,2012)], mulitation [to deprive a limb], and bestialy [having sex with animals] (Patronek, 1997). Animal neglect is when animals are left without food, or water for a duration of time, lack of vet care when the animal is obviously hurt or sick, poor body condition, poor sanitation, lack of grooming, and animal hoarding is another form of animal neglect.
“Animal …show more content…
These shelters mean good, but it can be hard for them to help abused animals specifically. Most shelters try to reunite lost animals and their owners, provide shelter and care to the vulnerable. When the shelters get over crowded then that can add extra stress to animals. So shelters have this rule of thumb that every animal has 15 minutes with each animal, 6 minutes for feeding and 9 for cleaning. In Canada about 300,000 animals per year enter shelters compared to the 6-8 million animals per year that enter the USA. The amount of animals that end up getting euthanized is pretty high. 40-50% of animals are euthanized because they are either too sick of injured to be helped. (Turner, Berry, & MacDonald, 2012). The Edmonton Humane Society (EHS) can only handle certain types of concerns such as: Lack of food and water, lack of ventilation and animals living in dirty conditions, animals in distress, animals in injurious heat or cold, and animals who are on a short chains (Animal Protection, 2016). The re-homing process is long, animal shelters want to make sure that the animals are put in safe and caring environments. The EHS requires to come with the portfolio of the animal that you want to adopt. Then you take the application survey. After that is filled out you have time to look around until an adoption counselor …show more content…
It requires a lot of little steps: like giving them a safe place, letting them get used to you, showing them that they are loved, giving them food and water regularly and on a certain schedule, protecting them when they are scared, and clearly communicating commands. This will help build confidence. You also can not expect a change over night, it is a long process.
Animals have stereotypes that follow them. For example some dogs like Pit Bulls are more aggressive then others. These stereotypes start out from old sports such as bullfighting. Social media has not helped the view of aggressive animals. The movie Up demonstrates that Golden Retrievers are friendly and Rottweilers are mean and aggressive. This is not fair to the animals because it all depends on the dog that you get, not the breed, but the dog's personality. Some Golden Retrievers are aggressive and some Pit Bulls are nice.
When we treat animals how they are supposed to be treated they can be very helpful. Dogs can become service dogs. Service Dogs help people with disabilities function. They help people carry out simple everyday tasks such as: self care, chores, hearing the phone, alarms, and the doorbell, dogs can help with eating, retrieving the phone, dressing, and help people move around. Animals have a positive effects on autistic children, veterans, people who have alzheimer's, people who suffer with mental health, the elderly, the deaf, blind, and people who have troubles

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